Star Wars Slave Leia Photoshoot

Depending on how long you’ve been following, you may or may not remember that we raised money to get me into a bikini like the one Princess Leia wore in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

The donations came in and the costume was purchased.  It took a while to line up the photo shoot but it happened this past Sunday. Consider this a late Valentine’s Day Present from your favorite Hot Nerd Girl.  A big thanks to my friend Jessica for doing my hair and taking the pictures and an even bigger thanks to everyone who donated!!

If you have any suggestions on what the next costume/photo shoot should be, let me know.




21 responses to “Star Wars Slave Leia Photoshoot”

  1. Justin Avatar

    Finally! My life is complete.

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      LOL, you’re too sweet my dear 🙂

  2. Hayden Avatar

    I’m assuming Christian does know he is the luckiest man on the planet, right?

  3. Brian Avatar


    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Thanks Brian! 🙂

  4. Mike Leon Avatar

    Great photo set Tracy! What’s Next? I think you would look great in a predator costume. LOL!

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Predator?? LOL. If you can find the cotume I’ll consider it…maybe… 😉

  5. Matt Avatar


    MOST impressive…

  6. roger kea Avatar
    roger kea

    If I went to my bunk for a minute, would you get the wrong idea? I just need to get something. It’s waaay in the back so it’ll take a sec. BRB……..

    So I was reading a post from a fellow fan who said she showed Firefly to her daughter as soon as she could understand. I wrote back ” is it wrong that i’m picturing a brown suede diaper with a low slung holster” Thought you’d laugh at that.

  7. PicardpwnsKirk Avatar

    I recently just discovered your site….it’s epic!!!!

    PS… rock the shit out of the slave leia costume!!!!

  8. Jen Avatar

    is it padded? 🙂

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Nope. I don’t do padding.

  9. Bill P Avatar
    Bill P

    O.M.G. Thank you. Thank you.

  10. skeefdawg Avatar


  11. Joe Bellanger Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful and definitely one Hot Nerd Girl!

  12. Ryan G Avatar
    Ryan G

    The first picture is thee most beautiful picture of any human that’s ever existed.

  13. Thomas Everett Haynes Avatar

    So I just spent a few minutes trying to estimate the weight that the bikini would have if it was made of gold… then I remembered: “Oh yeah, beautiful girl.”
    Nerd for life yo.

  14. Barry Burch Avatar

    Wow. Seriously yummy….

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