Star Trek Podcast (Ten Forward)

I’m sick for the second time in a week and I have a gopher that is destroying my yard and my life.  So lame.  Just before I got sick the first time I participated in a Star Trek discussion with Isaac and Mark over at World’s Best Podcast for a new section of the podcast they are calling “Ten Forward.”

If this all rings a bell it’s because I participated in a Daredevil discussion with them about a month ago.

For the first episode of Ten Forward we discussed our favorite episodes from Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise.  I LOVE talking about Star Trek so this was a really fun one for me.  Hope you like it!


Just like before, WordPress has issues with the above audio player and it can take a while to buffer.  If you’re having problems just click here to listen to the podcast.  Sorry about that, I’m trying to figure out how to fix it.

Look for more stimulating Star Trek conversations in the future!


5 responses to “Star Trek Podcast (Ten Forward)”

  1. Damian Trasler Avatar

    Sorry to hear you’re under the weather: I was hoping you’d got to Vancouver Fan Expo. I made it there, but hadn’t bought tickets in advance, and couldn’t get inside, which is where I hear the interesting stuff is…..

  2. Jamie Armstrong Avatar

    I enjoyed it, reminded me of a lot of episodes I’d forgotten. Needs to be more conflict in the podcast though. Nobodies opinion is wrong, but certain opinions are less right :p …
    … its sometimes good to hear some back and forth.

    Enterprise is my favourite series, I can’t understand why so many Star Trek veterans can’t get into it. Some truly remarkable episodes and great storylines.

    I was disappointed that the Mirror episodes weren’t really discussed as well. ‘Mirror Mirror’ is one of the Iconic TOS episodes and the DS9 episodes also are fantastic episodes. When you talked about ‘Best of Both Worlds’ it also reminded me of just how few Borg episodes TNG had, which was a shame because TNG had the best mix of characters in the franchise but often its storylines were either too eccentric or uninteresting to properly make use of them, and the Borg episodes are where TNG was at its best (First Contact as well obviously)

    Disagree with the you on Voyager episode where they found Amelia Earheart, sometimes certain ST episodes of all the series’ would engage in too much whimsy and result in a ‘omfg wat?’. Q/Tribbles are okay but’ Gangster World’/’Pickup trucks floating in space’ are not okay.

  3. alexanderfilmworks Avatar

    Sorry to hear you’re not up to nominal. Get better.
    I have to say ST:Enterprise is not my favorite… they tried hard, but the tech they showed in ST:E was too far ahead to work into the tech in TOS. I probably would’ve liked it better if they didn’t call it Star Trek…
    DS9 lost me after the second season or so… it didn’t help that the local outlet that broadcast it as part of the UPN fiasco had the crappiest signal in the Detroit market.
    I gotta go with TOS, followed by selected episodes of TNG.

  4. Ian Cano Avatar
    Ian Cano

    Great website, photos, podcast and general sci-fi discussion! I really liked TNGs Conspiracy too. That was so creepy, interesting change of pace for the series. Thanks!

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