San Diego Comic Con 2012 (Friday Highlights)

It’s 2:00am on Friday night…I mean, Saturday morning…and I’m running on about 2 hours of sleep but before I hit the hay I wanted to put together a few of the highlights from today’s…I mean, yesterday’s….Comic Con.  I’ll put together a more comprehensive post after the weekend is over.

I just realized it’s 13 pics for Friday the 13th. Boo yah!

Holy crap I’m exhausted!

I can’t wait to spend another fabulous day at Comic Con!  I’ll post some more highlights tomorrow night.

Ok, I gotta go to bed now…


9 responses to “San Diego Comic Con 2012 (Friday Highlights)”

  1. Steve Derry Avatar

    A W E S O M E ! ! ! So jealous!!!

  2. dpminnerly Avatar

    Way to go, Your Nerdiness!

  3. procrastin8or Avatar

    I am very jealous right now!

  4. Ipodman Avatar

    Wow, is that Brent Spiner?? o.O

  5. Tae Johnson Avatar

    Man…Wish I was there.

  6. John Avatar

    would’ve loved to have been there. seems like fun had alround…

  7. Aaron S. Avatar
    Aaron S.

    I am not a fan of Thor.

  8. Tiffany Allen Avatar

    Colin Ferguson, and Data, and Jordy!!! I’m so jealous!

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