San Diego Comic Con 2012 (Saturday Highlights)

It’s 2:00am again and I’m still sleep deprived.

Yesterday was a BFD day for me. It was my first time cosplaying at a convention. I chose to dress up as my favorite comic book superhero/Norse God, Thor (I’m such a good little Norwegian). I put this costume together myself and even did some light sewing and scissor work to make it all happen. Aside from the fact that I couldn’t breath (this also marked my first time ever wearing a corset), I had fun dressing up. My sister-in-law is a makeup artist so she did the dramatic Thor makeup on me. I got a lot of compliments on my costume so I must have done something right πŸ™‚

Just like yesterday this is just some preview pictures. I’ll do a full wrap up post after this weekend. I also have a fantastic interview with Rod Roddenberry to be uploaded/posted (thanks to those who submitted questions for him!) I apologize for not posting more pictures during the actual convention, the cell reception/internet is horrible and even trying to log on drains massive amounts of battery power. Β I did try!

Today is the last day…booo πŸ™

But at least I’ll be able to sleep again πŸ˜‰


8 responses to “San Diego Comic Con 2012 (Saturday Highlights)”

  1. dpminnerly Avatar

    Popi and puppy think you’re all having WAY too much fun…………………

  2. Greg Scott Neuman Avatar

    Great pictures, great costume! You are so making me look forward to DragonCon in Atlanta (just a month and a half away now). Looks like you guys are having a great time – keep it up!

  3. Larry Fellin Avatar
    Larry Fellin

    Great costume and you look great in it. Looks like your having a blast and can’t wait for your dull write up on it. Makes me more excited for NY Comic Con in October.

    1. Larry Fellin Avatar
      Larry Fellin

      Full write up* not dull…stupid phone

  4. Arod Avatar

    I am now a fan of Thor.

  5. Damian Trasler Avatar

    Love it! So jealous, it looks like a bundle of fun. I was hoping to work my way up to San Diego Comic Con by trying Vancouver FanExpo and then Emerald City, but I failed at both this year. Working on the Mandalorian armour for next year….

  6. Lama Jigme Gyatso Avatar

    I love that shirt that read, “Nerd Harder!”

  7. Mark Frost Avatar
    Mark Frost

    This is awesome. Love the sense of life portrayed. And yeah, I hear corsets can fight hard against the natural urge to breathe πŸ™‚

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