San Diego Comic Con, Part 3 – Saturday Shenanigans

Saturday was cosplay day. My first time ever cosplaying in public (I’m uber shy, remember?) so it was kind of a big deal for me. I’d spent a lot of time and energy putting together a few costumes, the pièce de résistance of which was my Thor costume.

Then I woke up with hives.


Everything kept going downhill from there so it ended up taking forever for hair and makeup (shout out to my sister-in-law for the fun Thor eye makeup!) By the time we walked out the door the hives had mostly gone away. But, much to my dismay, we didn’t get to Comic Con until about 1:30pm.

Uff da.

For some bizarre reason that I can’t fathom, there were Bible-thumpers protesting Comic Con, claiming it was evil. Now, I may not be super religious or anything but I consider myself a good little 1/2 Catholic-1/2 Methodist and I’ve wracked my brain trying to figure out why they protest at Comic Con but not other, more questionable conventions. All I can come up with is they are attention whores. At any rate, there were a few snarky folks who took it upon themselves to protest the protesters. I was a fan of them.

As soon as I got there I pretty much made a beeline for the Roddenberry panel so I didn’t get to hang out for very long. I did get stopped for pictures though which was a pretty surreal experience. I suck at modeling so I kind of did the same pose over and over again. I also hadn’t had any liquid courage yet.

After sitting in on his panel I interviewed Rod Roddenberry (coming soon!)

By that point it was almost time to leave for the Superhero Pub Crawl so I raced around the Floor really fast to see as much as possible before I had to go. One of my first stops was The Devil Inside booth for my missing Dennis Calero signature and to show Todd Stashwick my Thor costume as promised the day before.

Love them!

Todd put a picture of me holding up the book on his Twitter.

Some other randomly awesome stuff from the Floor:

Darcy got to meet fellow super tall dude Peter Mayhew aka Chewbacca.

Geek Outlaw got to meet one of his idols, Peter Cullen aka Optimus Prime.

AND Bruce Campbell (which I’m insanely jealous about).

Eddie McClintock from Warehouse 13! Eating a sandwich!

The cast of Fringe!

There was a pretty epic Iron Man display featuring several suits. That is, if you could get close enough to see it. They were constantly doing some kind of activity so the crowd around it was always enormous.

J. August Richards from Angel!

Avenger bunnies!

On to costumes!

Ridiculously adorkable Optimus Prime.

Joy and The Batman.

Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse! BETELGEUSE!

Who ya gonna call?

Maybe Joy can hitch a ride.


Those Clone Troopers are looking confused.

Geek Outlaw on the prowl.

Some Gamers hanging out just outside. That chick was badass.

Dammit Hayden, she’s a Doctor, not a clubber!


Even Kato takes the trolley to Comic Con.

Justice League!

Avengers Assemble!

Then we were off to the Superhero Pub Crawl. We met up with Hayden’s BFF Jerry who came dressed as Indie. A decision that proved very popular with the ladies.

The rest of the night was just madness really.

Stay tuned for “Part 4 – Sunday Shenanigans” and the Roddenberry interview – coming soon!


6 responses to “San Diego Comic Con, Part 3 – Saturday Shenanigans”

  1. Scott Avatar

    They weren’t protesting the convention they were sharing the word. Though some of them did a piss poor job of NOT offending people. Then again several of the con attendees spent way too much time taunting them. Overall I didn’t have any problem with them being there as MOST of them were just there telling people that Jesus died for their sins.

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      A couple of them got in my face and told me I was a sinner which I really didn’t appreciate. I think that Caleb is right, it’s fine if they are there, they just need to figure out a better way of going about it. Ah well, freedom of speech is one of the things that makes America so awesome 🙂

      1. Scott Avatar

        I agree that one in ten of them were overly aggressive. But I think we should chalk that up to the individual and not the group. Several of the ones I passed barely said anything and were doing a great job ignoring the insults being hurled their way.

  2. Caleb Avatar

    If you want to offend people stand around holding signs. It looks like a protest. If you want to talk to people put out a small booth with a tasteful display and place a cute girl that’s always smiling behind it. It works a whole lot better.

    1. Scott Avatar

      I like my wife’s idea. They should just go to the con and see all the Christian groups that are already working within the Convention and doing a far better job reaching people.

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