San Diego Comic Con, Part 4 – Sunday Shenanigans

Geek Outlaw and Hot Nerd Girl aka Nerd Best Friends Forever

This has been my craziest Summer ever. I feel like I’m never home and I pretty much haven’t been since the beginning of June. Some of the reasons have been great (weddings, visiting new family members, hiking through Yosemite) and some of them have been sad (Grandma’s funeral) but all of them have been very time consuming. So I apologize for being so behind in answering emails and messages. Hopefully things start to calm down a bit.

In the meantime, here is my last SDCC 2012-related post! (Don’t forget to check out my interview with Rod Roddenberry in the very near future. It was conducted at SDCC but is a beast all its own).

Even though I had a couple more costumes to choose from I opted not to cosplay on Sunday. Not gonna lie, it was kind of a pain in the ass and one day of it was enough for me. I will definitely cosplay at future conventions though. It was a lot of fun despite the hassle.

The first half of the day was consumed by the Fringe, Supernatural, and Doctor Who panels in Hall H. In case you missed it, I wrote about all of the Comic Con panels here.

The second half I spent wandering around the Exhibition Hall. I didn’t see as many celebs on Sunday but Convention regular Thomas Jane was there.

A bunch of people requested that I check out the Suicide Girls booth. Ask and you shall receive. They really liked my buttons.

My buttons turned out to be pretty popular actually.

Which is awesome cause I’m pretty much obsessed with my new button machine.

I really wanted an awesome souvenir from the Con, and y’all know I’m a huge Trekkie, so when Geek Outlaw found Brian Rood’s booth I got really excited. I bought that lovely Kirk-Spock print you see in the pic.

Some other randomly awesome stuff from the Floor:

I’m actually pretty bummed that they remade Total Recall (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it mmmkay?) but I’ll wait until I see it to pass final judgement. I gotta admit though, this hover car was pretty badass.

Geek Outlaw disappeared on me so I took this picture to make him feel guilty for ditching me 😉

We ran into fan Andrew while roaming around.

Michonne forgot to cut my arms and jaw off. Bad Michonne.

My friend Eddy was sad that he was a zombie.

We heard that there were Batmobiles across the way at the Hilton so we made our way over there.

On to costumes!

It took this badass chica about 1000 hours to make this armor out of aluminum.

Where was this uber hot Cap when I needed her?? We were bummed that we didn’t run into each other when I was dressed as Thor the day before.

Orcs! and Trolls!

And Gollum! Oh my!

I think he’s a little scared of me.

This Bane was very friendly.

As was this Darth Vader. All he wanted was a hug and everyone was just walking by. He looked very surprised and happy when I hugged him. What can I say? I’m a lover.

Dark Helmet was not as friendly.

Shit! I hate it when I get my Schartz twisted.

I know who I’m gonna call. The World’s Tallest Ghostbuster standing next to me.

It’s a Starfleet officer who has been assimilated by the Borg and has an Alien busting out of his chest WHO HAS ALSO BEEN ASSIMILATED BY THE BORG!! *le sigh* … I think I’m in love.

Exterminate! Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!!!

While taking the picture with the Dalek I heard someone yell “Hey Hot Nerd Girl! Show us your tits!” I turned around and my friend Leia was standing there! She’s a fellow HNG and sexy beast. Sorry guys, I did not show her my tits.

And so ended my 2012 Comic Con experience. It was a great first crack and I can’t wait to go next year. I’m going to try to make it to APE Con in San Francisco in October but with all this traveling I’ve been doing I may not make it. We’ll see. In the meantime, thanks to Mama Jedi, Troi, Darcy, Joy, Christian, Eddy, and especially Geek Outlaw for hanging out with me at SDCC. Thanks again to Daniel and Morgan for the great panel seats. Thanks to everyone I met and chatted with. And thanks to you for patiently waiting for this SDCC coverage while I was off gallivanting around the country.

I leave you with this totally awesome picture I took of Geek Outlaw.

You’re welcome.


5 responses to “San Diego Comic Con, Part 4 – Sunday Shenanigans”

  1. thefitzgeraldtimes Avatar

    I’m sorry about your grandmother. It’s good to see that you are recovering.

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Thank you so much 🙂 She was an amazing lady

  2. Ipodman Avatar

    Aww cute pic with Leia 😀

    1. hotnerdgirl Avatar

      Thanks 🙂 She’s pretty amazing

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