Author: Hot Nerd Girl

  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – OH MY!

    Wanna make out?

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a nerd in possession of an illness must go on a Jane Austen bender.

    At least it does for this nerd.

    For someone who fancies themselves a writer (or an aspiring one at least) I don’t write nearly enough about books. Which is strange considering the rate in which I devour them.

    I don’t know what it is but whenever I get sick (I’m just about recovered from the second illness in a row) I become obsessed with something and hunt down every form of it that I can. About half the time it’s Jane Austen.

    What can I say? I’m a chick.

    So it was this last time around. I watched every version of Pride and Prejudice I own (1980, 1995, and 2005 twice), Sense & Sensibility, Emma, Becoming Jane, Lost in Austen…I even watched Vanity Fair hoping it would be Austen-esque (it wasn’t, it was awful in spite of all the great actors in it). And I finally got around to reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

    Girls! The Pentagram of Death!

    I don’t know about you but I always have a stack of books as tall as I am that I need to read.  I go through them pretty quickly but I’m constantly adding to it so the pile never really shrinks. And I just can’t bring myself to use the Kindle. I love the smell and the look and the feel of books too much. I have a BookMate and that’s good enough for me. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has been in that pile for years now. Probably longer than any other book. I didn’t pick it up for two reasons. The first being that when I got it I was on another Austen bender and had just reread the OG P&P, Darcy’s Story and Mr. Darcy, Vampyre and I was kind of Austened out. The second reason is that it has zombies. And y’all know that my biggest fear is zombies.

    And the Violator.

    And Fire Marshall Bill.

    But mostly zombies.

    But every time I went to the pile my eyes would inevitably land on the Seth Grahame-Smith redux. I knew it would be good; I’d read and fell in love with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (which I HIGHLY recommend). So on a (totally inevitable) whim I grabbed it from the pile last week.

    To my very pleasant surprise I not only loved it but it didn’t scare me. No nightmares, no heart palpitations, no slamming it shut. I even studied the pictures with glee! Though I’ll probably never look at cauliflower the same way again… but mostly I laughed. A lot.

    Mmmmmm….cauliflower brains……

    Of all Jane Austen’s characters, I’ve always related the most to Elizabeth Bennet. She’s stubborn, witty, and says things that are borderline inappropriate. I would really like to believe that, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, I would rise to the occasion as a zombie slayer like the Lizzy in this version (albeit without the slow zombification of my BFF). Imagining her kicking Darcy in the face had me in stitches for a good 5 minutes at least. Seeing Lady Catherine de Bourgh make her do one-fingered handstands and fight ninjas was epic. Even the detail of modifying the questions printed at the end was hysterical.

    Take that you woeful wooer!

    And now the truth. I feel like I’m going to end up in literary hell for saying this, but I actually enjoyed it more than the original.

    There. I said it.

    Now please excuse me while I go and administer the seven cuts of shame.


    “And to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”

    I do, Mr. Darcy! I do!

    On to Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters!

  • Star Trek Podcast (Ten Forward)

    I’m sick for the second time in a week and I have a gopher that is destroying my yard and my life.  So lame.  Just before I got sick the first time I participated in a Star Trek discussion with Isaac and Mark over at World’s Best Podcast for a new section of the podcast they are calling “Ten Forward.”

    If this all rings a bell it’s because I participated in a Daredevil discussion with them about a month ago.

    For the first episode of Ten Forward we discussed our favorite episodes from Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise.  I LOVE talking about Star Trek so this was a really fun one for me.  Hope you like it!


    Just like before, WordPress has issues with the above audio player and it can take a while to buffer.  If you’re having problems just click here to listen to the podcast.  Sorry about that, I’m trying to figure out how to fix it.

    Look for more stimulating Star Trek conversations in the future!

  • 100th HNG POST!! “Ask a Nerd Girl”

    Wow.  This is my 100th blog post.  It kinda crept up on me.  I wasn’t sure what to do to mark this momentous (for me, at least) occasion.  Then I thought, hey! I’ll make it about the fans! They can ask whatever questions they want and I’ll give them advice or whatever.  People are always asking me for advice.  Heck, I could moonlight as a therapist for a few of my friends.

    The response was way bigger than I thought it would be and the questions very different then I thought they would be (I didn’t think there would be so many personal questions!)  Because I was pulling the questions from multiple areas I apologize if I missed any.  I tried to answer all of them.

    But mostly, I just want to say thank you.  For supporting me, for sticking by me, and for being such a wonderful community of fellows nerds and nerdettes.


    Jamie A: A Star Trek mirror universe based TV series would be awesome (but incredibly unlikely), which time period in the franchise would be best to see in the mirror universe and why?

    I’d actually love to see a TV show based on Sela.  About a week ago I participated in a podcast discussion with the World’s Best Podcast guys about how that character was sorely underutilized during the TNG years.  It would be a great opportunity to see more of the elusive Romulans and get to know Tasha Yar a bit better as her mirror universe daughter discovers more about her roots.

    Rob W: How do you feel about Star Wars: The Old Republic and the new 1.2 Legacy patch?

    I don’t play SW:TOR.  *GASP!*  I know.  Blasphemy, right?  It’s actually pretty rare for me to play video games in general these days.  It’s not that I don’t love them, I do.  I used to play them all the time and I’ll sit and watch other people play them for hours.  But I’ve developed bad wrist problems and combine that with the fact that I have ridiculously tiny hands and it’s physically painful for me to use the controllers for more than a few minutes at a time.  I know, it sucks.

    Troi D: I hear your sister in law is pretty cool can you tell us more about her?

    Well, the sci-fi gods were definitely smiling down on my brother when they handed him a girl named “Troi.”  And yo- I mean SHE is as awesome as her name.  Plus, she gave me an adorable nephew to dote on and warp into a mini nerd.  I’m super lucky in that my whole family is super cool and super supportive.

    Ian F : With the upcoming Geek Fest Film known as The Avengers coming in little over 2 weeks to North America (rest of the world gets it sooner, curse them . .) How are you preparing to come down from the AWESOME HIGH that will be experiencing that movie? or are you prepared at all?

    I’m 99.99% sure that I will have multiple nerdgasms in the movie theatre.  I kind of feel sorry for the people who will be sitting around me because there will be lots of squealing and clapping coming from my direction.  My plan is to have a Marvel Movie Marathon at my house along with Geek Outlaw and some other friends before we go see The Avengers.  I think we calculated the total running time of the 5 previously released Marvel movies at 10 hours and 1 minute.  That includes The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Thor. It’s going to be an epic day.

    José H: If Captains Kirk (circa 1968) and Reynolds (circa 2003) get into an argument and end up in fisticuffs, who would win?

    Oh man, that’s a really tough question Jose.  They’re both known for their bare knuckle brawling skills.  I’m going to say Kirk and here’s why.  Yes, Mal is a badass but he only ever fights humans (for the sake of argument I’m going to consider Reavers human) whereas Kirk has fought and defeated multiple types of alien species.  If I were to witness Mal kicking Gorn’s ass I might have to rectify this logic but for now I’m sticking to my guns.

    Justin R: will you go out with me?

    Kevin H: will you marry me? 🙂

    Y’all are so sweet and I’m very flattered but I’m spoken for.

    Geek Outlaw: If you could have ANY character written for yourself to play in the entire Star Trek universe, what would they be like? Name? Race? Background? Association? Personality? Level of Bad-Ass-ness?

    This question was answered about 13 years ago back when I was really into RPGing.  Geek Outlaw, I’m not sure you even know this about me (?) but I was a crew member on three different Starfleet ships at one point.  I even have a monstrously huge binder full of everything I ever wrote for all three ships as well as a print out of every page of for reference.  My mom shudders when she looks at all the paper I used back then.  I was always a Trill and I always somehow ended up with a symbiont.  I remember being a Stellar Cartographer nicknamed “Mo” on one ship when I was at SFSU.  In High School I was Tra’cia Ru’maro and eventually Tra’cia Dax (I know, super original, right?), XO of the USS Redemption, a new class of warship that had recovered Borg technology incorporated into its systems.  Personality was always pretty much on par with the real me….with maybe just slightly more badassery 😉

    Cyric C: Nerd girl, I am a Geek in a relationship with a nonintellectual type. We have a number of things in common because I also enjoy a wide range of more physically oriented pursuits, but lately it’s just been a real drag because as I learn and discover new things that I am in awe of, she couldn’t care less. Should I leave or is there perhaps an alternative route to go?

    If by “nonintellectual-type” you’re calling her dumb then I wouldn’t worry about whether or not you should leave her cause chances are she’ll be leaving you first for being a jerk.  But if you mean to say that you’re in a mixed marriage with a muggle then I can sympathize.  Opposites attract so many of us date/marry non-nerds.  My advice is to enjoy the activities you can do together and find a group of friends that you can do nerdy stuff with.  There are plenty of guilds, groups, and reenacting clubs out there.  If that’s just not enough and she’s not willing to at least try getting into something you love then it probably isn’t meant to be.

    Kyle S: I’m a nerd guy and always dreamed of dating a Hot Nerd Girl. How does one go about finding a HNG and how would one approach said HNG? Being an HNG yourself, I’m sure you have much unique insight that could help all Nerd Guys everywhere.

    Having the confidence to approach and ask is more than half the battle.  I have yet to meet an HNG (and I’ve met a lot of them) that isn’t a sweetheart.  If an HNG catches your eye at a convention or your local comic book store and you don’t see a ring on her finger, go for it.  If she’s taken chances are she’ll let you down nicely.  If she’s not nice about it then consider yourself lucky that she’s saving you the trouble of having to deal with a mean girl.  Same thing goes for the ladies.  Nasty people aren’t worth your time or energy.

    Steve L: Well until recently people would and have been bullied for being who they are. Whether that’s being a general otaku/nerd/fan-person or just being dorky, a bit strange and weird, there are people out there that have been terrorized by being bullied, and I hate to say this but not just in school in your younger years. Oh if it were that easy, but at work and now especially on the net.  There are people scared to post up and speak out because of the ramifications that can happen, and if you speak up you’re opening yourself to being ostracized from your fellow workers for fear they might get in trouble by talking to you. I’d like to ask you what your opinion on the subject and what you can offer those out there to stop being scared, be strong, and be able to confront those bullying them and others. That’s my question for your 100th post and congrats on that by the way as well.

    Steve, this is such an important topic of conversation and one that I feel very passionately about.  I cannot stand seeing people get picked on and have gotten into a few altercations myself trying to defend people.  I feel like bullying in school is starting to get a bit better. It’s far from solved but at least we’re on the right track.  No one wants to come to school the next day and find out a kid killed themselves.  The slogan can be a bit cheesy but the “it gets better” and No H8 campaigns are making a dent and are applicable to anyone who feels they are an outsider.

    Workplace bullying is so very different. These are people who should really know better and are throwing any modicum of professionalism out the window.  A few years back I worked for a very small company that didn’t have any kind of HR department.  I’ve got a great sense of humor and love to joke around but there was blatant sexual harassment from an individual that I couldn’t continue to ignore.  In the end I left the company.  Sometimes you just have to do that.  I went on to work for another company that likewise didn’t have an HR department but who were excellent at solving people’s issues.  I never had one complaint the entire time I worked there.  It’s tough to leave an abusive situation in this economy but if you’re emotional well-being is a stake and there is no one who can help you, it’s worth it to leave.

    I feel like this topic needs its own blog because I have so much more to say about this.

    Brandon K: Tracy, Congratz on the 100th post!!!  You are making me look bad w/ my lack of writing lately – BUT, the redesign of my site is live as of this afternoon and I’m feeling inspired!!!  Background:  I am the proud Nerdy father of three Nerdy daughters (two 17yr olds and an 11yr old) and between the four of us we cover just about everything from Firefly and Doctor Who to Zombies and the apocalypse.  But enough about me – on to YOU!  (wait, that sounded bad . . . . don’t tell my wife . . . . ) Anywho – my question to you is:  If nerds across the known verse could only remember one thing about you and what you’re passionate about – what would you want your legacy to be? Can’t wait to read your answer!

    Wow, great question!  Tough though….there are so many different ways to answer this!  I’m constantly striving to remind people that there are real heroes in this world.  Men and women who would never admit that they are heroes but who are.  These are not professional athletes, they are not actors, they are not carpet cleaners.  They are the people who put their lives on the line every single day so that we don’t have to worry about our safety on a daily basis.  I think everyone here knows that I come from a military family and they are certainly my main focus.  I volunteer for Operation Gratitude, crochet scarves and write letters to include in care packages.  But I extend that out to cops, firefighters, intelligence agencies, etc.  The people who makes such huge sacrifices for complete strangers.  Thor and Superman are fantastic, I love them and I obsess over them.  But my personal superheroes are my Dad and my Brother.

    Steven K: I love this question, I was just asked it in an interview, and since I only love it sarcastically, I’d like to share the pain: How would your friends describe you?

    I tend to be very shy so I don’t make friends easily but when I do I’m extremely loyal.  I’m also very awkward much of the time, even around people I’ve been friends with for years, which is totally weird and lame.  My guy friends would tell you that I’m naïve and fit into that “little sister” niche but my girl friends would tell you that I’m an overprotective mama hen (no one gets roofied on my watch). But what people most often tell me is that I’m a sweetheart. I hate gossip and back stabbing so I don’t participate in it and I avoid people who do.  Life’s too short to put up with all that crap.  My friend Brian just called me a “closet super freak.”  I’m going to take that as a compliment… And I hope they would all say that I have a great sense of humor 😉

    Nishi D: What advice do you have for aspiring Nerd Girls struggling to make it in a Nerd Boys’ and Non-Nerd Girls’ world?

    Lisann Z: Do you have some words of wisdom for other hot nerd girls?

    Just be yourself.  That’s all I’ve ever done.  It has never been my goal to fit in anywhere and I’ve always been a bit of an outsider everywhere.  Which is just fine with me.

    Shawn H: Bang Marry Kill: Picard, Kirk, and Sisko. Go.

    Aww shit!  Torture me why don’t you! LOL.  Ugh.  Questions like this are really tough for me but here goes.  I’m gonna kill Sisko because (and only because!) he’s sort of in weird Prophet limbo-land anyways and that makes it mighty convenient for me.  I’m most attracted physically to Picard and if I have to wake up next to one of them everyday (uhh, yes please) I guess it would be him.  Kirk’s a total manwhore but the flip side of that is he’s gotta know all kinds of crazy awesome tricks, right? So as long as he’s cleared by medical I’ll bang Kirk.

    Chad E: Definition of hump day. Go.

    Wednesday, you dirty-minded man you!

    Kenneth W: What is the moment in your life that you feel pride for being a nerd?

    When I see other nerds coming out of their shells and being proud of who they are.

    Troi D: Why is Bill Murray so awesome?

    I think his awesomeness defies explanation.  It’s a gift that God bestows on but a few.

    Kevin L: Create your own super-hero (the world certainly needs one). What would your super-hero name be? What would your super-powers be, and your weakness? What would you believe in, and why?

    Wow, y’all are really putting me to work with these questions!  I’m actually in the process of creating my own unique HNG superhero costume for Comic Con so it’s funny that you asked this.  Princess Trek has been a nickname of mine for about, ohh…15 years….so I’ll go with that as my name in lieu of HNG.  I’d LOVE to be able to fly.  I dream a lot and at least half the time I have the ability to fly.  Super healing would be great too. I’m thinking I’d like a couple of badass Katanas as well.  My weakness would be the sun.  I have sensitive eyes and the sun gives me headaches so I’d need to have an awesome VISOR as part of my outfit.  It’d be cool to work for the government, like GI Joe or SHIELD and defend the US (and World) against supervillians and terrorists.

    Michael H: i don’t have a question, but I would like to request more and sexier photo shoots.

    I’ll work on that.  Though I tend to be a bit of a prude so it may require copious amounts of alcohol to accomplish.

    Ray N: Why aren’t there any HNG tees and other assorted SWAG, Tracy? 😀

    I’ve thought about it a bit but I’m not sure many people would buy it LOL.  Correct me if I’m wrong!  Maybe I should have a t-shirt designing contest.  Thoughts?

    Kenneth W: How has been a hot nerd girl made your life better? How has it made it worse?

    I’ve always been a nerd so I really can’t imagine what my life would be like without sci-fi, fantasy, etc.  I get so unbelievably happy when I discover a new book or tv show, I literally light up like a firecracker.  I am passionate about my nerdy pursuits so I feel like it makes my life better on a daily basis.  Being a girl in the nerd world hasn’t really affected me other than the curious looks I get when I walk into a convention…although…that is much less the case today.  It used to be that I was one of only a few girls in the whole place, now conventions are overrun with hot, nerdy ladies which is fantastic.

    I really can’t think of any way in which it’s made my life worse.  My look isn’t for everyone but it certainly never hurts to be considered attractive.  I mentioned before that I tend to be socially awkward.  If anything, being nerdy has helped with that.  I may not be the best at contributing to a conversation but the second Star Trek or Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter comes up I’m the liveliest person in the group.

    Helen D: When do you most wish you had the power of the Force? For example, last night after my shower I pulled back the shower curtain only to realize I had forgotten my towel on the back of the door…

    I hate it when I do that!  So annoying.  I wish I could use the Force to make meals since I’m such a terrible cook.  Either that or I need a replicator.  Either will do.

    Robbie B: What are your thoughts on Stargate SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe? I havn’t seen blog posts about them, please tell me that you have watched them! Also, have you watched any of the Warehouse 13 series? If so, what are your thoughts?

    Wow, you’re right, I haven’t written about them!  I actually just put all of the Stargate shows in my Netflix queue the other day so I could revisit them.  I’ll try to write a whole post about it soon.  But the short answer is that I loved SG-1.  I watched Atlantis in waves (har har) and that’s why I’m planning to go back and watch it from start to finish.  I need to catch up on Universe and I’ve watched Warehouse 13 only sporadically.  I wish I could skip sleeping because I always have so much going on, it’s really hard to fit everything in.

    James V: Do you like my new haircut???

    Send me a picture and I’ll let you know.

    Kenneth W: What would you personally like to change about nerd culture?

    Just that nerds be proud of who they are.  It’s easier now than ever. Being a nerd/geek has become much more socially acceptable so why deny your inner nerd?  Let your geek flag fly!

    Phil K: If you could be half human, half sausage, which half of your body would you want to be sausage and why?

    My bottom half cause then I could eat myself out.  That’s vulgar.  I can’t believe I just said that.

    Tidus J: when did you know you were a nerd?

    I don’t remember ever not being a nerd.  Star Trek has been on the family TV since I was a baby and I fell in love with comics not long after I learned to read.

    Brett W: when did you know you were hot?

    When my guy friends started telling me I was.  Probably around age 14.

    Nick J: When did you know you were a hot nerd?

    When a friend told me I needed to call my blog Hot Nerd Girl.

    Jesse L: If a gun was put to your head, which would you choose? Star Trek or Star Wars?

    Star Trek will always be my first love.  Plus, there’s more of it to watch so if I was marooned on a desert island with only one franchise I’d be entertained for a longer period of time if I picked Star Trek.

    Rick S: If you could recreate one of your favorite movies which one would it be and what actors currently still in the biz would be in it? Unlimited budget…

    Oh wow, good question.  Hmmm….I’m actually not a big fan of remakes and I would probably cry if anyone tried to remake something like Princess Bride or Legend.  Can I pick a movie that I would like to see remade because I DIDN’T like it?  Like Catwoman or FF Silver Surfer?

    Kim C: when is Shatner cooler than Kirk ?

    5 years ago I would have said “never, Shatner is a douche, viva la Kirk!” but Shatner has actually gotten pretty awesome and less douchy in the past few years.  So I’m going to say when he’s “singing.”

    Kenneth W: What instance made you feel shame over nerd culture in general?

    There are certain websites that shall remain nameless in which people log on anonymously and say very demeaning things about women and each other.  I wouldn’t say that I feel shame but I’m really not a big fan of those.  Or of people being mean in general.

    Chris T: You aren’t just nerd girl, you are hot nerd girl. With that established, my question is about your hotness. What is your favorite cut of undergarment?

    As a guy do you know the various cuts of women’s undergarments?  If so, I’m not sure if that’s cool or creepy LOL.  For underwear, bikini cut. For bras, demi.

    Brian T: What is your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?

    There’s this as well as a rendezvous point with my family members.  Let’s just say that I’m grateful I come from a family that’s full of active and retired military personnel.

    Ricky D: If they were to make Firefly season 2 (gawd I wish), would you rather it be pre-Serenity with Wash and Book still alive, or post-Serenity with River as the new pilot and a widowed and possibly pregnant Zoe?

    I’m all about moving forward, not looking back.  It wouldn’t be the same without Wash and Book, and just the thought of it makes me horribly depressed, but I don’t think you could go back in time without making it weird.

    Dan M: what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

    Talking nerdy to you.

    David F: What’s your favorite Nerd candy flavor?


    Jake S: Goku vs. Superman?

    What this guy said…

    Rob G: ok iknow its not a question for me but i would like to weigh in on goku vs superman. yes superman is fast and can shoot heat rays out of his xray eyes, and is powered by the sun thus making him one OP motha…. this being said just about every character in DBZ seems to shoot lazers out of something and can fly and are ridiculously fast. the biggest difference is in power source. superman has sun, goku has getting pissed and sensu beans. by this logic goku wins because he could just blow up the sun and instant transmission out this bitch with the rest of the planet while superman could be left scratching his ass wondering what happened. one spirit bomb, all im saying.

    Actually, I never really got into Dragon Ball Z.  That was more my brother’s thing.  So I’ll go with Superman just because I like him more.

    Mike W: How do I score an invitation to your birthday party next year?

    Hmmm….maybe I’ll have a contest or something.

    Alvaro A: Would you be open to an interview?


    Rick S: If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

    No, I’d say thank ya kindly.

    Jin R: X-Men vs Avengers?

    Can I have both?  Thor is my favorite but the X-Men are my second favorite.

    Jin R: sex or wow?


    Steven H: Batman vs. Wolverine?

    Geez, y’all ask some tough questions.  I’m terrible at choosing between two things that I love.  This came up on the facebook page a while back and I went with Wolverine then.

    Jin R: money or gold?

    Gold-pressed latinum.

    Mike C: oh man, I really want to take advantage of this opportunity. but I really have no questions in mind… and only an hour to think of one…. cuz most of the ones I’d come up with I know the answer to. Lol. Oooh ooh I got one. Of any character in the Star Trek universe….. who would you want to get absolutely plastered drunk with?

    I can see why you would have trouble considering you’ve known me for more than a decade LOL.  Easy.  Jadzia Dax. That girl knows how to party.

    Kevin L: Why do you host the HNG community? What does it mean to you?

    It all started with the blog. The community has been the best, most deliciously awesome cherry on top ever.  Honestly, it means the world to me and I’ll tell you why.  Because there are soooo many places on the internet where people go and are hyper critical and downright mean to each other (usually anonymously) and I have a real problem with that.  It’s my humble opinion that the world is mean enough to nerds and outsiders, the least we can do is be nice to each other.  The vast majority of the time everyone on the HNG page is friendly and supportive of both me and the other people participating.  I feel like it’s a safe place to congregate.  I can’t tell you how much that positive energy means to me.  Y’all make me smile and laugh every day and I love ya for it.

    Jesse V: Which Final Fantasy character out of all the series would you consider to be the best of all?

    Cid. LOL.

    Brian L: How old are you? What is your occupation? Where did you go to college? What did you study? When did you graduate?

    Old enough to do everything I want legally. Writer (an aspiring one at least). San Francisco State University. Theatre. A while ago.

    Robert H: Where can I get my very own Hot Nerd Girl? 😛

    Frequent the places they frequent.  Best place is always at conventions, they have the highest concentrations.

    Mark E: ontogeny recapitulates ??? (Milk and Cookies if you get the right answer…)

    Haeckel was a lying liar who lies.

    I can haz cookies?

    John G: Jedi or Sith?

    I’m a sucker for the good guys.  I’ll go with Jedi.  From an acting standpoint though, it’d be more fun to play a Sith.

    Shauna H: how do you choose your outfits/costumes/cosplay? Do you do period garb? Have you created any of your own stuff? What made you choose this name for this page? (thanks for answering)

    I usually do surveys.  Give a list of 5 or 6 options and tally up the votes.  Batgirl I did because I saw the costume at Halloween and I liked it.  I’ve done period garb in the past but not in several years.  I love it though and I’m dying to put together my own Valkyrie costume.  I’m just now starting to create my own costumes.  I created a Pris (Blade Runner) costume for a friend’s birthday party this past weekend and I’m starting to work on two more for Comic Con.  We’ll see how that goes.  I’m a very crafty person but that creativity doesn’t seem to extend to clothing (I’m really NOT into fashion, like, at all).  I didn’t choose the name HNG, a friend did. It took him a while to sell me on it and it still embarrasses me but I’m tying really hard to get over that and just own it.

    Jeff P: is Urkel a superhero?

    I think that Urkel started out as a great role model.  He was smart and confident.  Same with Screech from Saved by the Bell.  Then at some point both characters underwent a weird transformation and became bumbling idiots who spent half their time running into walls and falling over chairs.  I’d like to have a heated discussion with whoever made those creative decisions because I think they did a disservice to nerds everywhere.  For me the real life superheroes are the armed forces.  I was raised by military personnel and my brother is currently serving so I may be a bit biased in that regard.

    Edward W: Is there a Hot Nerd Girl boot camp my girlfriend can attend?

    Ha!  No, but that sounds like a lot of fun!  We could put each other’s hair in side buns and talk about the dreamiest Captains and have Tribble fights!


    So what do y’all think?  Is “Ask a Nerd Girl” something I should do more often?  Or was it totally lame and should be jettisoned into space?  Should it be a permanent fixture with its own page on the blog? Let me know in the comments.

  • A collection of random thoughts about A Song of Ice and Fire

    I mean seriously, I could totally be a Stark! Right?!

    I finally finished reading Book 5 of the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin (which took me an abnormally long time compared to books 1-4).  As I read and finished each book in the series I wrote down my thoughts.  Sometimes they are snippets, sometimes they are discussions I’m having with myself, and sometimes it’s just me rehashing something that happened so that I can work it all out in my head.  Writing crap like this down is just something I’ve always done.  I’m not really sure why.

    I did not edit these random thought nuggets so BE WARNED THAT THERE ARE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SPOILERS AHEAD and if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read those sections.  As a bonus I wrote down my brain farts while watching the first season of the HBO Game of Thrones TV show.  I’m not including any of my thoughts on the second season because it’s still in progress and some folks wait for the DVD’s to come out, etc etc.

    So here you go, a glimpse into the way my brain works 😉


    Game of Thrones

    Having descended from Nordic peoples, I have a feeling I would totally dig living at Winterfell.

    I want a direwolf.  Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?

    George, I’m not gonna lie, I’m more than a little pissed that you killed off my favorite Lord.  I’m sure his death is going to play a huge part in the books to come but I really thought he was going to get out of there and live to fight another day.

    I will comfort myself with Ned Stark cake pops

    I love Arya. Probably because she reminds me of me at that age, a scraggly, scrawny tomboy running around with all the boys having adventures.  I had no use for Barbies except when I needed someone for GI Joe to rescue from the dinosaurs. I would have loved nothing more than to have had a private “dance” instructor back then…actually, that still holds true today.

    Dance monkey, dance!

    Yeesh Lysa.  Somebody get this girl some heavy medication.

    Poor Bran.

    This Littlefinger dude is more trouble than he seems.

    “No Ser Jorah, it’s totally cool.  I’m just gonna walk into this burning funeral pyre, mmmkay?  It’s all good.”  I can see why Ser Jorah would have his doubts.

    Way to find your girl power Daenerys!

    So wait, what’s the difference between an “Other” and a “Wight”?  Ok, got it.

    Wow. Joffrey is an asshat.

    Thank gods my brother isn’t like Viserys, I’d probably kill him too.  Khal Drogo wins the “most creative way to kill a douchebag” award.

    Incest is the best, put your sister to the test. Now please excuse me while I vomit profusely.

    Theon, you sound like a sexy beast.  I kind of dig it how you smirk all the time as your way of sticking it to the man.  You might be my crush in this series.

    Clash of Kings

    GDit Theon Greyjoy, you little shit.  I used to have a sort of crush on my mental image of you with your cocky little smile and your bad boy attitude, but now I just want to go bloody mummer on your ass.  How dare you sir!  How dare you hurt Old Nan!

    Sansa is my least favorite of all the Starks…so why do I cry the ugly cry during her parts?!? I love Arya and she’s going through way more crap than Sansa is but I don’t even get verklempt during Arya’s parts.  I think it must be because Sansa is so helpless and defenseless.  Arya’s got skillz and can take care of herself but Sansa can only whimper while Joffrey is abusing her.  I will say that Sansa has grown on me though.  I wanted to strangle her myself while reading Game of Thrones.

    Poor poor Bran…oh wait, nevermind.

    So wait, Melisandre gives birth to murderous shadow babies?  WTF??

    Hodor.  Hodor?  HODOOOOOOORRR!!!!

    It’s true. Cause he’s huge. You’d probably get knocked down. Yeah.

    Sucks to be Ser Seaworth.  Say that 5 times fast.

    Valar Morghulis?  Duh.  Way to state the obvious.

    Craster is fucked up.  How do you look at the toddler running around and think, yeah, I’ll bang her in a few more years.  I mean WTF?!??  I can’t say I blame Gilly for wanting to get the hell out of Dodge.

    The dwarf gets all the best sex.  That’s awesome.  But for some reason I can’t get the image of Willow banging Sorsha out of my head.

    I think I know who Arstan Whitebeard is….I think.  But I don’t want to say yet in case it’s BS (see what I did there?)  I love a good double entendre.


    A Storm of Swords

    1000 pages of awesomesauce.

    Hell yeah!  I was right about Selmy! Self sci-five!

    Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks that Gendry has a fat crush on Arya.

    Geez George, is there anyone you won’t kill??  Is nothing and no one sacred???

    Huh.  Well Catelyn, I honestly didn’t see that coming.  I’d hang all the Frey’s too.

    Still not sure what to think of Jojen but Meera is awesome.  I’d have a crush on her too, Bran.  Why are psychic kids always so creepy?

    Valar Dohaeris. Unless you fancy yourself royal.

    Always listen to your direwolf.

    So are all of the Stark children wargs?

    I wonder if House Tyrell is a GRRM nod to the Tyrell Corporation? Either way, the Tyrell women are fantastic.  I love the Queen of Thorns.  She reminds me of my grandma.  Except for the scheming and murdering.

    Wow Sansa, you get a lot done in this book.  I’m impressed.

    Jaime – loses a hand and becomes a man.

    Ygritte – I’m glad that Jon won’t die a virgin.

    Sam – you fucktard.  Making Jon Lord Commander was the worst thing you could have done for him.  Although I think you’re right that he was the best man for the job out of the people who were available.  Thank God Janos Slynt is dead.  I hated that asshole.

    Tywin Lannister = biggest hypocrite ever.  That kind of surprised me actually. Tyrion wins the “best way to commit patricide” award.

    Holy shit Littlefinger.  So you’re the puppet master.  I knew I needed to keep a close eye on you.  I kind of love to hate you.  You need to lay off Sansa though, it’s creeping me out.

    I’m pretty much convinced that Coldhands is Benjen Stark.

    A Feast for Crows

    George, I wish that you had stuck with using chronological order.  Just sayin’.

    So who’s the new Pate?  Jaqen H’ghar is my guess.  I can’t wait to find out what he’s up to now.

    Brienne is my hero.

    Oh Cersei.  Cersei, Cersei, Cersei.  You can talk the talk but you can’t walk the walk.  It’s about time karma bit you in the butt.

    Damn, Zombie Catelyn, you’re kinda batshit.

    Ok, so Littlefinger is a bit of an enigma to me.  I’m thinking that he transferred his Catelyn obsession over to Sansa and some warped part of him feels like he can screw over every other person in Westeros so long as he takes care of her.  He obviously wants to be king and he’s obviously the master puppeteer in the game of thrones. …. Right?

    I don’t have anything nice to say about the Greyjoy’s.  Even Asha has lost her appeal.

    I do; however, like Dornish women.

    I hope this whole Arya storyline goes somewhere super cool because I’m ready for her to move on.  Which is weird because I actually really look forward to these chapters.  It’s like a different book within the book.  I need the kindly man to teach me some patience.  And I love how Sam keeps running into all the “dead” Stark kids.

    A Dance with Dragons

    Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, George, stop killing everyone I love GDit!!!

    Ok Asha, I kind of like you again.

    And the recipient of the “character who went through the most crap” award goes to….Tyrion Lannister!  Holy shit dude.  You had, like, 9 lives in this book.

    It’s a relief to finally know where Varys stands in this whole thing.

    Poor, poor Quentyn.  Yeesh, I feel bad for that kid.  All he wanted was to make his daddy proud and instead he ended up a crispy critter.

    It’s about damn time Dany rode Drogon!  That was epic!  What followed was not so epic…

    NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  Not my Jon!!  And how many times do I have to tell you Stark kids not to leave your direwolves behind?  Ugh.  Littlefinger was right about you lot in that regard.

    Season 1 of HBO’s A Game of Thrones

    God bless HBO and their penchant for gratuitous nudity.

    Director Tim Van Patten’s brother makes my cat’s food.

    Robb Stark.  I’d hit that.

    Renly’s gay???  That was made up for the show right? Cause I don’t remember getting that impression in the books.  But I guess I just missed it.

    From now on, whenever I hear the Johnny Cash song “Ring of Fire” I will have a very distinct picture of Dany in my head.

    I probably would have avoided this little experiment

    Theon, you don’t look like how I imagined you in the books but I didn’t want to punch your face in right away so you’re a good actor at least.

    Jon Snow.  I’d hit that.

    That’s a whole lotta penis and vajayjay.  Most were cool but I’m pretty sure I saw Pycelle’s and that was just totally unnecessary.

    When you play the game of thrones, either you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

    And that wraps up my Game of Thrones wrap up.  Sorry if this gives you an epileptic seizure but I thought it was really cool.

  • Daredevil Podcast (World’s Best Podcast)

    Having a picture of yourself in a miscellaneous superhero costume comes in handy more than you’d think

    About a month ago I got an email from Isaac over at World’s Best Podcast asking me if I’d like to participate in the occasional podcast session.  I’ve never done a podcast before so I said I would be delighted!  After a meet and greet via Skype it was decided that my first guest appearance would be for the Dardevil movie discussion.

    I’ve gotta say, I had a lot of fun participating in this.  Isaac and Adam are fantastic and it’s extremely refreshing to geek out with other nerds.  Usually when I start talking about this stuff with virtual strangers they either look at me like they think I’m insane or like they want to pat me on the head and shoo me out of the room before I embarrass either them or myself. Except at Conventions aka My Happy Place.

    Two things I learned from my first podcasting experience:

    1. I need to get a better mic.  I’ll do that at some point.

    2. I need to not play with the microphone cord.  Ever.  I did that a lot and, totally unbeknownst to me, it resulted in some lovely I Am T-Pain vocal sound effects.  Luckily the podcast gods were looking out for me and I did it mostly when I was listening so Auto Tune Tracy only pops up at the very beginning of the podcast.

    So, without further ado, here’s Isaac, Adam and yours truly discussing the movie Daredevil starring Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Michael Clarke Duncan, Colin Farrell and Jon Favreau.  Hope you like it!

    Oh, and sometimes the above player takes it’s sweet time buffering and I can’t figure out how to fix that. SO, if you have that problem just click on the website link.  Here it is:

  • Thirsty Games – The Hunger Games Drinking Game

    Note from HNG: Hey Nerds and Nerdettes, your favorite virtual drinking buddy is back!  You may remember Vivian’s fantastic Firefly Drinking Game post (or not, depending on how drunk you got while playing it) and this time she’s created a Hunger Games Drinking Game that will make you Rue the day you didn’t drink while reading it (what? too soon?)  So without further ado, heeeeeeere’s Vivian!

    Hey there! Guest Nerd Girl Vivian again. Since you were all so incredibly supportive of my last admission of addiction, I thought I’d share another one with you. And that is… books. Books are great. Books are underappreciated. And books are sexy. There’s a vicious cycle that I’ve been caught in for many, many years. It goes something like this:

    Step 1: Fall in love with a book.

    Step 2: Find out a movie is being made based on said book, and get very excited.

    Step 3: Be disappointed with the movie.

    In case of sequels, repeat.

    And so it was with The Hunger Games. I was a little late to this party, and I didn’t start the first book until just a few months ago. But I made up for my tardiness with unabashed, obnoxiously vocal adoration. I was that person who worked “that’s like when Katniss…” into every conversation. If woman and young adult literature could wed, I would ask these books to be mine forever. And we would honeymoon in District 7.

    I was so devoted to the books that I resisted watching the movie trailers or clips, or looking at the casting choices, until I’d finished the series. (I had the same strategy for the Harry Potter movies, which only lasted through about four of them before I caved.) I just didn’t want anyone else’s images in my head, and I also didn’t want to be disappointed. But then, immediately after finishing the third book, I did watch the trailer, and… daaaaammmn. It was so beautiful. And thrilling. I don’t think I exhaled through the whole thing. And my expectations for the movie shot sky high. To be fair, I was not actually disappointed by the film. I loved it. I had issues with it, but when a movie focuses on a girl whose major personality trait is her inability to outwardly express her thoughts and feelings, a lot of the book’s magic will inevitably be lost, and I accept that. Overall, the movie served as a sort of Cliffs Notes companion to a book I can’t get enough of. So I enjoyed every minute of it. (Well, almost every minute. I found Cinna’s scenes maddeningly boring and those damn CGI mutts were doomed to suck. Also, “enjoyed” is a really strange word to use when describing a movie about kid killing.)

    So this one-trick capitol-engineered pony is back, with a new literary drinking game for all of you who love these books like I do, and for those who just want an excuse to drink alone. Cause why should drinking games be reserved for movies? Answer: they shouldn’t. I suppose that this could feasibly be played with the film, but as a friend of mine so harshly put it “the alcohol intake would be just as watered down as the emotional impact of the movie.” Zing. So, really, enjoy a book. And a beer. Let your young adult fiction flag fly. (Note: This game is specifically based on the first book. I don’t think it would carry over to the other two very well. Or prove me wrong.)

    Let the First Annual Thirsty Games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

    Drink when:

    Katniss fires an arrow. This seemed like the logical place to start. Drink twice if she misses her target.


    Anyone uses the words “Girl on Fire.”

    Anyone climbs a tree.

    There’s a lot of time spent hanging out in trees. Maybe next time, bring a book. And a beer.

    Katniss has a foodgasm. Suzanne Collins spends whole pages describing those meals, and it’s one of my favorite things about the book that really couldn’t be adequately conveyed in the film.

    Katniss expresses naïve statements about not understanding her feelings for Peeta or Gale. Oh, the wonderful romantic confusion of young love triangles… whilst trapped in an arena of death, broadcast to an entire nation. Sure, not an easy situation; but still, that girl is as dense as District 12 bread.

    She mentions her mother’s depression. Cause, ya know, just drink away those my-husband-was-killed-in-a-mining-accident-and-now-my-daughters-and-I-are-going-to-starve blues.

    Katniss (or anyone, if you’re going all out) incurs bodily injury (but doesn’t die).

    Drink twice for emotional injury described as physical pain. Katniss is so emotionally closed off that feeling feelings gives her chest pain and makes her throat close up. That’s my kind of girl.

    Drink when Haymitch drinks. Drink twice when he vomits.

    Here’s the big one: Drink for each tribute projected in the sky. That first night is a doozy!

    And, just for funsies, some themed drinks!

    The Capitol

    1 part Goldschlager

    2 parts Sprite

    1 dash grenadine

    serve in a highball or martini glass, rimmed with pink/green/some unnaturally artificially colored sugar

    Girl on Fire

    3/4 shot of Amaretto (almond liqueur)

    Top off with Barcardi 151.

    Light the shot on fire. (Yes, light it on fire. Be careful, please.)

    Drop the shot in a half-filled pint glass of beer, and down the whole thing.

    The Haymitch



  • Hungry for some Hunger Games (movie edition)

    Chelsea and I definitely agreed it was worth a Sci-Five!

    Ok seriously, I don’t know wtf was up with the audience in my theatre but I couldn’t tell if I was there to watch a movie or at a meeting of the World’s Smallest Bladder Club.  I think the four people in our group were the only people in the entire theatre that didn’t get up to pee at some point.  And don’t even get me started on the couple who brought the newborn baby.

    Aaaaaand my bitch session has officially ended, on to the review of Hunger Games!

    *The usual warning: I actually do a pretty good job of not spoiling things but if you’re nervous about it, you may want to wait until after you’ve seen the movie to read my review.

    Oh, Katniss Everdeen.  I love you so much.  We have a lot in common, you and I. We are both tougher than we look, don’t make friends easily but are fiercely loyal when we do, would do anything for our younger siblings, and are totally clueless when someone has a crush on us.  That is, until they flat out say it…and maybe clap their hands in front of your face and set off a foghorn in your ear.

    Oh, Jennifer Lawrence.  I love you so much.  You’re the actress I would have picked to play Katniss and I’m very happy that the powers that be agreed with me.  You bring strength and vulnerability to a role that could easily have been botched by lesser actresses.  Plus your perty.

    Oh, Peeta Mellark.  You’re such a sweetheart.  You represent all the guys who are in love with the girls who say “you’re just like my brother!”  You’re quietly supportive and then completely awestruck when the girl finally starts to see you in a different light.  I’ve been that girl who has dated that boy and I root for you.

    Oh, Josh Hutcherson.  I feel like I’ve watched you grow up.  You were pretty good in Bridge to Terabithia and even better in The Kids Are All Right.  You’ve turned into quite the charmer.  Your smile is totally adorkable.  I heard about you introducing Liam to White Castle, then playing basketball so hard you both threw up all those hamburgers.  That’s really gross but really funny.  Male bonding is weird.

    Oh, Gale Hawthorne.  You’re the guy that the girls who don’t realize how awesome they are feel like they can never get.  You’re a stud but you don’t even know it.  You’re a great friend and you think of that dorky girl as a cute little sister until the day someone else starts to pursue her and then you realize that you’ve loved her all along. I’ve been that girl who has dated that guy too and I root for you as well.

    Oh, Liam Hemsworth.  You’re dating Miley Cyrus and I’m not gonna lie, that kind of turns me off.  BUT, you’re Thor’s little brother and you seem really down to earth in all your interviews so I’m willing to look past the Miley Factor.  You’re also kind of ridiculously cute.  Not as cute as your older brother, but you can hold your own.

    Other District 12 peeps:

    You might recognize Mrs. Everdeen if you watched the Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica where Paula Malcolmson played Amanda Graystone. I think she was a good choice to play the mom-with-no-first-name.  She’s excellent at staring blankly and crying.  Primrose Everdeen is a character I totally love and I think that Willow Shields did a fine job portraying her.  She’s got some heavy stuff coming up in the next two films and I hope she’s up to the task.  Woody Harrelson was an inspired choice to play Haymitch, the only Victor that District 12 has ever had.  He provided comic relief but also some very tender moments that I found very endearing.  He came to SFSU when I was a Freshman to talk about SOL (Simple Organic Living) and legalizing marijuana and while Miss Mary Jane is not my thing, I really enjoyed watching him speak.  He struck me as the kind of guy I’d like to chill out and have a beer with (or, in my case, a shot of Jager).

    Capital peeps:

    Lenny Kravitz was lovely as Cinna, Katniss’s stylist and Capital BFF.  In real life Jennifer Lawrence and his daughter Zoe are best friends (they starred in X-Men: First Class together) so they already had a relationship that could be expanded upon.  I’ve really grown to like Elizabeth Banks.  I didn’t pay too much attention to her early in her career.  I thought she was cute as Betty Brant in Spider-Man but that was about it.  Then one day something clicked and I’ve been keeping an eye on her ever since.  She made for a great Effie Trinket, though I always imagined Effie being even perkier than Banks’ portrayal.  Seneca Crane is a pretty minor character in the books.  They definitely expanded his role for the movie to take full advantage of Wes Bentley and his epic swirly beard.  I love Donald Sutherland.  When I was a kid a TV movie came out called The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All and I don’t know why (probably because I’m a huge history nerd), but that movie has always stuck with me.  It stars Sutherland as an aging Confederate Captain who takes Diane Lane as a child bride.  In it he has a cold, calm demeanor with a vicious temper lying just below the surface. Much like President Snow.  President Coriolanus Snow is scary because of all the ways he isn’t scary.  He’s small with slightly snake-like features, he zealously tends his gardens, and he doesn’t raise his voice.  Quiet and calculating, the man literally has blood breath that he masks with the genetically engineered super roses he wears on his lapel.  But the Capitalist of the Year Award has to go to Stanley Tucci as Caesar Flickerman.  Brilliant.

    I wrote a post after reading The Hunger Games for the first time in June 2011.  Normally I would reread the book before going to see the movie but I’m right in the middle of A Dance with Dragons and I didn’t want to interrupt so I’m purely going off memory here.  From what I remember the movie follows the book extremely well.  A great film adaptation that I can’t help but feel is owed to Suzanne Collins helping to write the screenplay.  Two things that were different and that I really missed were:

    1. The omission of Madge Undersee, the Mayor’s daughter who gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin in the book.  The ties that bind them are eventually revealed in Book 2, Catching Fire and take the story to an even deeper, more emotional level.

    2. The dogs at the end of the Hunger Games.  In the movie they are pitbull-type and identical but in the book they are mutts with the mutated faces of the kids who have already died in the Games.  The mutt dogs are meant to be a total mindfuck for the remaining Tributes, as opposed to just being giant scary dogs.

    Respect yo

    I think that the filmmakers are relying on the fact that you’ve read the book and already know about some of the characters and situations.  Having read the books and not finding it a problem, I know this only because one of the people I was with hadn’t read the books and was very confused by certain parts, like the three-fingered salute.  He wanted to know where the heck that came from and what it meant.  I’m hoping the DVD has deleted scenes like the dubbing of the redhead as “Foxface” so that I know they at least tried to get it in there but just had to cut it for time.  Also, I cried twice within the first 50 pages of the book and probably a dozen times over the course of all three.  There is a true sense of hopelessness and despair that just can’t be captured onscreen.  I got a little verklempt during Rue’s final scene but it didn’t deliver the emotional wallop I was expecting it to and that kind of bummed me out.

    Stylistically I thought that the movie was gorgeous.  District 12 was appropriately bleak and made the surrounding woods that Katniss and Gale escape to all the more beautiful.  The Capital was gaudy, though not as much as I expected it to be.  I was expecting to see people with green skin and implanted cat whiskers and whatnot but found that I didn’t really miss them.  The flame effect was nicely done.  For some reason I always pictured their whole bodies being on fire, as opposed to just the head and shoulders.  But that didn’t really bother me.

    I really liked the Hunger Games Control Room with its sterile interior and white uniforms.  It kind of made me feel like zombies were going to break out of a holding cell down the hall.  But that’s a good thing (for once) because it means that it was creepy and the idea of people sitting around and calmly deciding how best to kill innocent children is a really creepy idea.

    If I have one complaint it’s the shaky cam.  I seriously hate shaky cam.  I saw the movie twice, once closer to the screen and once further back.  Being further back I didn’t notice the shakiness that much and I enjoyed the movie much more.  When I was closer to the screen it gave me a bad headache a la Cloverfield (a movie that I will never watch again despite my love for JJ Abrams and Lizzy Caplan).  So if the filmmakers ever read this (haha yeah right) I implore you, please ditch the shaky cam unless you deem it absolutely necessary for very small parts of the film.

    Most of all, this movie got me really, really, REALLY excited for the next two films, Catching Fire and Mockingjay.  I can’t wait to see how they handle the Quarter Quell and District 13, etc etc.  Gah! I’m trying really hard not to give anything away for anyone who hasn’t read the books yet.  If you haven’t, you really should.  They are technically YA novels but that’s kind of like saying the last few Harry Potter books are for children.  They’re really not.

    4.5 out of 5 Sci-Fives!

  • 7 Guys Worth Nerdgasaming Over

    Just replace the Tribble with one of these 7 delicious men and I’ll be a happy camper

    My sister-in-law and I were at WonderCon on Friday and somehow we got on the topic of “Cheat Sheets.”

    And no, I’m not talking about the school variety.

    The “Cheat Sheet” I’m referring to is a list of people you’re allowed to get it on with and your significant other can’t hold it against you.  You both get one and the list is full of people you don’t even remotely stand a chance with.  For example, Robert Downey Jr. and Christian Bale are on my SIL’s list.  Isla Fisher and Gretchen Mole are on my brother’s list.  They are only allowed 5 each.

    Now, I’ve written a number of articles about sexy women, the 2 most popular being 10 Hottest Babes of Sci-Fi and Maxim’s Hot 100 Lucky 13 but I have yet to write a post about nerd-worthy sexy men.  This kind of blows my mind. It also got me thinking about my own list and who would be on it.  I certainly know it when I see it if I’d hit it…but can I narrow it down to a list?

    It’s was a difficult challenge but one that I was willing to accept.

    Yeesh my job really sucks sometimes 😉

    After much thought, meditation and Google image searching, I’ve put together my Cheat Sheet. I couldn’t narrow it down to 5 so I get 7.  Because I’m HNG and I say so.  So there.  Naturally everyone on my list fits nicely into the nerd ‘verse….cause that’s all I ever pay attention to anyways…ahem.  Sorry if you don’t bat for this team and it’s not your kind of list.  I’m an equal opportunity sexy list maker and I can’t (nay won’t!) neglect the fans who will appreciate this.

    So without further ado, here’s my list in alphabetical order:

    Orlando Bloom

    I studied for my college finals every December for 3 years in a row while waiting in the 5+ hour line for opening day of the latest Lord of the Rings movie.  I graduated Cum Laude so I must have been doing something right.  The first time I saw Legolas on screen I was 100% convinced that I was going to marry him one day.  Then all the teeny boppers jumped on that bandwagon (especially once Pirates of the Caribbean came out) and it turned me off big time.  But still, I can’t help it.  I think he’s adorable.  Thankfully most of those teeny boppers have moved on to RPatz.  I used to see Orlando outside my work sometimes, once with Dominic Monaghan (and cue borderline creepy stalker pic) and my heart would still leap into my throat.  So he stays on the list.

    Nathan Fillion

    Does this one really need an explanation?  I didn’t think so.  But I’ll give one anyway.  Actually, I wrote a whole blog about it back when HNG was brand spankin’ new and I stand by it.  But aside from the fact that he’s Malcolm Reynolds, Captain Hammer, Richard Castle, The Holy Avenger, etc etc etc…Nathan himself has an amazing sense of humor.  I don’t pay much attention to my Twitter account (although I probably should) but every once in a while I go on and just read back through his tweets for fun.  I’m often told that I look like Stana Katic, Nathan’s source of sexual tension on Castle.  I disagree about the physical similarities but I would gladly trade places with her and experience some of that sexual tension for myself. ….please….?

    Tom Hardy

    Five of the men on this list are foreigners with deliciously sexy foreign accents.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m as proud an American as they come, but GD I love a good accent.  There’s a scene in This Means War when Reese Witherspoon meets Tom Hardy for the first time and she asks him to say something again because it sounds so awesome.  I could not have said it better myself.  Tom Hardy first came to my attention as the Captain Picard clone in Star Trek: Nemesis.  I went to see it on opening day with about ten guy friends.  About five minutes into the movie I started crying (because I’m a movie psychic and I’d already figured out what would happen to Data) much to the horror of every guy I was with.   I will never forget the moment when the friend next to me asked me if I was ok and I looked over and saw ten grown men staring at me like I had tentacles sprouting from my face.  It was HI-larious.  But I digress.  The other thing that stood out was Tom.  He’s been charming me ever since, crooked teeth and all. Seriously, he was my very favorite character in Inception. I think I’m the only person on the planet that isn’t looking forward to seeing him as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.  I know he’s going to be brilliant but the thought of him like that just makes me cringe.  But I’ll still watch it.  Over and over and over again.

    Chris Hemsworth

    If you’ve been following the blog for a while this will come as no surprise.  If you are a newbie, allow me to explain.  I’m a big Thor fan. 1. He’s my favorite comic book character and 2. I’m a ridiculously proud Scandinavian who grew up listening to stories about Odin and Asgard while we made lefse and sauerkraut.  The first time I remember seeing Thor on a movie screen was when Vincent D’Onofrio reluctantly accepted the title in Adventures in Babysitting, one of my very favorite movies of all time. So I had very high hopes for whoever Kenneth Branaugh cast in his Avengers set up.  I wasn’t sure what to think about Chris Hemsworth at first.  I remembered him being Kirk’s daddy in the latest Star Trek and I thought he was mighty cute but not big enough to be the God of Thunder.  Then he took his shirt off and I had a conniption fit.  OMFG.  Seriously Chris, you just have to say the word and it is on like Donkey Kong.

    James McAvoy

    I think my attraction to James mostly has to do with his Scottish accent.  And his eyes.  And the fact that he’s a brilliant actor.  And his eyes.  And his accent.  All of which I discussed in my review of X-Men: First Class. But aside from all that, he’s uber talented.  Mr. Tumnus is one of those literary characters that is beloved by fans of The Chronicles of Narnia and James did good by our favorite faun.  Plus, he rocks the Jane Austin-type stuff and you know us girls eat that shit right up.

    David Tennant

    Another choice that needs no explanation.  Easily the sexiest of all the Doctor incarnations, his 3 series and 8 specials are the most popular and well-loved of the long running Doctor Who BBC show.  Then he had to go and seal the deal with Harry Potter and Fright Night, forcing me to adore him forever.  His face is so malleable, he can twist and turn it in countless ways.  But when he just stop and smiles, your heart melts.  David, I am so sorry (see what I did there?), but I just can’t quit you.

    Michael Trucco

    Now, my brother’s name is Michael and normally I’m totally weirded out by the thought of banging someone with the same name as someone I’m related to but in this case I will totally make an exception.  I fell head over heels in love with Anders the second he showed up on Battlestar Galactica.  Lee who?  Seriously, I wanted to punch Starbuck in the face for the way she treated him.  Even the fact that he was a Cylon could not diminish my love.  It sucked when he went all vegetable and yet I would still probably hit that.  I’m a little grossed out by myself right now but damn, that is a fine ass man.  He also had memorable guest spots on Big Bang Theory and Castle (where my celebrity look alike got to have a nice little love triangle with TWO of the people on my list.  Bitch.)

    Runners Up:

    Richard Madden – Game of Thrones

    Kit Harington – Game of Thrones

    Chris O’Donnell – Batman Forever (but never ever ever Batman & Robin *shudder*)

    Patrick Stewart – Star Trek: The Next Generation, X-Men

    Henry Cavill – The Tudors, Immortals, Man of Steel

    Jamie Dornan – Once Upon A Time

    Jason Mamoa – Conan the Barbarian, Game of Thrones, Stargate: Atlantis

    Ben Browder – Farscape, Stargate SG1, upcoming Doctor Who episode

    Alexander Skarsgard – True Blood

    Ryan Kwanten – True Blood

    Joe Manganiello – True Blood

    Tristan MacManus – Dancing with the Stars (I know, totally random, right? But I’m a theatre/dance nerd too and he’s frakking adorable)

  • WonderCon 2012

    The WonderCrew: Troi, Geek Outlaw, HNG, Mama Jedi

    The first time I went to WonderCon was way back in 2002 while I was in college in San Francisco.  I was the only girl in the group and was rocking my Batman Underoos and a very ill-fitting SFSU sweatshirt.

    A Spider-Man sticker on top of a Batman logo…I’m trying to remember if we had some sort of Marvel vs. DC thing going on that day….

    Since moving to Southern California I wasn’t sure I’d ever go to a WonderCon again but fate had other plans (namely construction) and planted WonderCon in Anaheim this year.  I had to go.  Now, normally I like to spend at least two days at a comic book convention; however, WonderCon inconveniently fell on St. Patrick’s Day weekend and the Irish blood in me refused to give up the St. Patty’s Day festivities.  Therefore, I settled for going to WonderCon on Friday only.

    This was the first Comic Book Convention for my Mom, my sister-in-law Troi and my friend Hayden (aka Geek Outlaw).  We’re all going to San Diego Comic Con this Summer so it was good practice for them.  My Mom wore the HNG t-shirt I had made for Long Beach Comic Con and guys were flirting with her all day.  What can I say?  I have a hot mama.  Hayden wore his Geek Outlaw outfit which was so weighed down by his geeky accoutrements that he literally had to mosey.


    First things first.  Star Trek.  Star Trek actors are the only celebrities I get star struck by.  I’m not sure why that is other than the fact that I heart Star Trek sosososososososo much.  Seriously, Harrison Ford could walk up to me and I’d be like “yo, what’s up dude?” but if Patrick Stewart did that I would freak the fuck out.  So it should come as no surprise that when I saw Anthony Montgomery (aka Ensign Travis Mayweather) I freaked the fuck out.

    See that look on my face? That’s pure joy right there.

    I was in the process of purchasing a comic book and getting my face sketched on the back of it (more on that later) when Hayden and I realized that Anthony was in the booth right next door.  I couldn’t move yet because of the sketching so Hayden went over and warned Anthony that a Super Trekkie was in his midst.  I tend to be a very shy person but as soon as I got the go ahead from the sketch artist that I could move I practically mauled the poor man.

    I swear I don’t normally do this type of thing!

    He now holds the distinction of being the only Star Trek actor that I’ve hugged.  Twice.  Seriously though, super super super nice guy.  I even told him my Connor Trinneer story and he got a laugh out of that (short version: I had just arrived at Whole Foods in Hollywood and saw a guy holding a baby and trying to get a grocery cart.  I got the grocery cart for him and when he turned around and thanked me I realized it was Connor Trinneer and I almost had a heart attack right on the spot).

    Anthony was there promoting his new graphic novel Miles Away.  Y’all should check it out because it looks really good and because I heart him.  A lot.

    Back to the comic book I was purchasing before I saw Anthony….

    Artist: J caught my eye because she’s a fellow HNG who wrote a comic book. Seriously, she’s badass.  She combines the comic with music to create a whole experience for the reader.  I love and support my fellow HNG’s and you should too.  So check her out.

    And she makes a darn sexy Wonder Woman too

    One of her artists, Will Olmo, did a quick sketch of me on the back of the book.

    While looking for an artist I saw at LBCC (alas, I never found him and I can’t remember his name) I ran into two other artists that I will be paying close attention to from now on.  The first one is Mike McKone who happens to live just a few miles away from me.  I’m going to try and hit him up for an interview.  The second is Gerimi Burleigh creator of Eye of the Gods and Morningstar.  We first noticed Gerimi because Hayden is a fan of the country western genre and Morningstar has a cowboy twist to it.  After talking to him, you can’t help but like him.  Super talented and super nice.  Plus, he has an awesome name.

    Geek Outlaw and Gerimi Burleigh

    DC is fighting hunger in Africa with their We Can Be Heroes campaign.  To bring attention to the cause they had a photobooth set up wherein you could get your picture taken with shadowy images of the Justice League.

    They printed a picture for you (or in Hayden’s case, a crapload of pictures…the printer went nuts over his sexy photo and wouldn’t stop printing them). The photos will be accessible online and on the DC facebook page at some point.

    My scanner doesn’t like this picture for some reason so I’ll replace it when they get the digital versions up

    We went to an Amazing Spider-Man panel where I saw and got super excited about this:

    It’s Punisher! In space!

    But the best panel was Nerdist Industries Live! I really hope that no one reading this is too young to remember MTV’s Singled Out.  It was back when MTV still played music videos and there were only a handful of reality shows, namely Real World, Singled Out and Love Line (though LL may have come later…I can’t remember, I haven’t watched MTV in years). Anyhooters, people mostly remember Singled Out because it introduced the world to Jenny McCarthy.  I remember it because it introduced me to Chris Hardwick.  My love for him has only increased over the years what with The Nerdist, Talking Dead, and various hilarious commentaries on E! pop culture shows.

    He introduced several people who will be participating in the new Nerdist youtube channel.

    Those of us in Ballroom 3 had to pay dearly to see this panel.  Warner Brothers decided that right beforehand they would force everyone waiting for The Nerdist to watch an episode of The Secret Circle.  It was worse than Chinese water torture.  And this is coming from someone who enjoys Twilight (I know, I know). It did give Chris the opportunity to tell jokes about sexy witch scissor sex (that’s how you complete the circle, right?) which almost made it worth it.  Almost.

    Other Chris Hardwick gems:

    Nerds make the shiny things that distract the mouth breathers.

    A nerd’s true superpower is to try to understand something and try to live it more than any other living creature.

    At the end of the panel Chris had two Angry Bird stuffed animals.  The first he threw right to a kid in the front row who made them all feel horribly guilty for cussing.  The second he decided to throw as far as he could.  The guy next to me was crazy still during the whole panel but he wanted that GD Angry Bird.  I’ve never seen a man that size move so fast.  It was pretty epic.  And the guy was STOKED.  Of course I captured it on video.


    On to cosplay photos!

    We got to take pictures in front of an Avengers poster while holding Cap’s shield.

    Somehow I ended up being the buttkicker in both photos

    And then with Captain America himself.

    There was Batman.

    And Rogue.

    Hulk…at least the top half of him…

    And Spidey (who was insanely flexible).

    And then there was whatever the frak this guy is.

    That’s a nice leg and dangly-thing you got there Mister

    To represent the gamers we had some Halo.

    And some Halo Barbies.

    Scorpion had some crazy white contacts lenses that gave me a really great mental picture of what Roose Bolton’s eyes must look like.

    Abraham Lincoln was in attendance just in case any vampires showed up.

    Battlestar Galactica was represented.

    This is the best Doctor #10 I’ve ever seen at a Con.  He was spot on.

    These fellow HNG’s made their Tardis dresses themselves.  As a very non-domestic lady I was extremely impressed.

    It takes this artist 8 hours to put this Firefly display together every time he goes to a convention.


    My favorite shirt of day.

    I heart Transformers.  Haha, j/k, it’s a Gundam.

    And, of course, there was plenty of the Force.

    Last but not least, Hayden’s favorite, the Ghostbusters.

    That was a really hard pose to hold.

    ….and all the times Troi and I decided to photobomb Hayden’s pictures… 🙂

    Our souvenirs, including an R2D2 for my nephew.

    WonderCon turned out to be a good time had by all.  The newbies are sufficiently stoked for SD Comic Con and I got an 8-bit Starfleet communicator. What more could a girl ask for?

  • My Star Wars Leap Day Night Thing at Disneyland

    The Lovely Ladies of Leap Day – Jessica, HNG, Troi

    At first I didn’t that think our little Leap Day trip to Disneyland was nerdy enough to write about. Then I thought about the fact that I stayed up all night for a history-making 24 hour Disney marathon and I realized that this is about as nerdy as it gets.

    Our little group chose a Star Wars theme for our little adventure. We were planning to ride Star Tours multiple times like I had on my birthday. Also, we all love Star Wars. We wore our t-shirts. Jessica had her Darth Vader backpack. Troi had her Darth Vader sweatshirt. I had my Darth Vader watch. Then, of course, it turned out to be über cold and we had to cover up our sweet t-shirts. Then Jessica had to head out and she took her sweet backpack with her. In the end the only proof of our Star Wars love was Troi’s sweet Vader sweatshirt. Which got a ton of compliments in the Star Tours line the ONE time we were able to ride it.

    But this guy kind of made up for it with his sweet Viking beard beanie

    We also had our mini lightsabers. I snagged them the second I saw them at Target because they, well, look like mini lightsabers. Only after I brought them home did I realize that they could also be used as location devices. At that point I didn’t think the park would be very busy in the middle of the night. I was very very wrong about that. So these bad boys came in handy on multiple occasions. Plenty of people had glow sticks and light up Mickey ears but these outshined them all. I’m never going to any nighttime event without one ever again. A stroke of genius on my part.  And did I mention that it doubles as a lightsaber?

    Mini lightsabers FTW!

    I got to introduce Troi to the awesomeness that is Captain Eo. Usually she has my 3 year old nephew with her and he’s not quite old enough to sit still or appreciate he epicness that is Michael Jackson throwing rays of light that turn the Borg into 80’s workout video dancers. And they gave us a special pin for watching it on Leap Day. Double win.

    We had to fight for this picture with Darth Vader. Seriously, people, you just don’t mess with my sister-in-law. She’s married to a marine so she has badassery via osmosis. She plays roller derby so she has badassery in her own right. She’s all tatted up (including a skull that looks like it should be Klingon, that one is my favorite) so basically she’s just badass all around. Here’s what happened…

    Don’t come between a fangirl and her Vader

    We were hanging out by the totally random rave party for about 5 minutes while Troi said hi to a friend of hers.  As we were leaving we saw Darth Vader and two stormtroopers walk by.  Game Over for Troi, the girl is borderline obsessed with Vader.  So we follow them and see a line to take a picture with them. It’s kind of long, but shit, so are all the other lines so we get in it.  They say that Vader and friends are going to be there for half an hour.  The way the line is moving we’ll totally get to the front in time.  Ten minutes later one of the girls working the line…don’t know her name so we’ll just call her Evil Whore….starts shouting that Vader is only going to be there for 5 more minutes.  The person behind us in line has a schedule of his appearances and says not to worry, he’ll be back at midnight (in about 20 minutes or so).  We have nothing better to do because, at this point, we’re still under the delusion that people will clear out of the park after the parade at 1am, so we decide to wait.  About 5 minutes later the stormtroopers come back sans Vader (so they’re obviously following this so-called schedule they’ve given out).  Troi gets a little anxious and goes up to EW and asks when Vader is coming back. EW says it won’t be for about another half an hour.  Troi very nicely says that she would like to wait for Vader and that other people can go in front of us in the line if they want a picture with just the stormtroopers.  EW flips the fuck out.  She says that we have to take pictures with just the stormtroopers or we can’t have pictures at all.  Troi comes back to the line fuming.  Everyone around us wants to know what’s going on and why Vader isn’t there.  Troi fills them in on what EW said and states that she’s not moving.  She’s waiting for Vader and EW can suck it.  Everyone else decides that they are going to do the same.  We get to the front of the line and refuse to move.  EW starts yelling at us.  We start calmly explaining our position.  EW starts threatening us.  We start not so calmly explaining our position and all the ways in which she’s failing at her job and how she’s a lying liar who lies.  A grandma behind us points to her crying grandson and totally uses him as a pawn against EW.  It was epic.  EW threatens to call over security or management.  We tell her to please do.  The Manager comes over and wants to know what’s going on.  Troi is our unofficial spokeswoman and she very nicely tells him the whole story. EW is standing next to him with her arms crossed and a smug look on her face.  The Manager….don’t know his name so I’ll just call him Awesome Manager Dude….TOTALLY AGREES WITH US.  The smug look very quickly evaporates from EW’s face, only to be replaced with a look of pure, unadulterated hatred.  AMD quickly forms a second line for those who don’t mind having a picture with only stromtroopers…mostly made up of people who happened to be walking by (I felt bad for the poor troopers, they had no idea what was going on and we wanted to tell them that it had nothing to do with them).  EW walked up and down the line saying that there was a second, faster line for the troopers and NO ONE MOVED.  Seriously, it was like some crazy, instantaneous brotherhood of nerds that was as mad as hell and they weren’t gonna take it anymore (bonus points if you know what movie I stole that line from).  Darth Vader came back out about 5 minutes later and we got our GD picture.  Justiccccce!!!  I’m not gonna lie, the experience restored my faith in humanity a little.

    After that we said screw it and got in the long ass line for Star Tours.  We quickly formed “fleeting line friendship #1” with a guy named Chris who had come to the park (han) solo.  He explained to us how they had a giant X-Wing in the room we were waiting in during the previews of the revamped ride.  He was kind enough to email me a picture of it.

    Tada! Thanks Chris, it was nice to meet you!

    The good thing was that this was the best scenario combo I’d seen yet for the ride. The bad thing was the 10 drunken idiots behind us that were shouting the whole time.  Made soooo much worse by the fact that one of them was chosen to be the rebel spy. (I might be just a little bit bitter that I’ve never been chosen as the rebel spy…ahem)

    In line for Pirates and eagerly anticipating being able to sit down in the boat

    After a quick jaunt over to Pirates of Caribbean (in which the girl we’d been talking to in the seat behind us fell asleep and had to be shoved off the ride), it was 4am and our last chance to ride Space Mountain.  We had been hopeful that the line would die down, but nope, there was a 140 minute wait.  We quickly formed “fleeting line friendship #2” with a lady about my mom’s age who had flown in from Arizona that morning on the 7am flight, taken a Super Shuttle to Disneyland, ridden rides all day/night by herself, then was going to take the shuttle to the Disneyland hotel, the hotel shuttle to the airport and catch a 8:30am flight back to Arizona.  The woman was a frakking rockstar.

    I was on my 3rd Redbull by this time

    By the time we got off Space Mountain it was 6am and the park was closing for 4 hours before they opened again at 10am.

    Yes, I took a picture of the clock saying that it was 6am

    We walked down Main Street with the rest of the crazies…surprisingly few people considering how crowded it was all night.  We found a drunk guy in a Ninja Turtle snuggie and had to stop and take a picture with him.

    I’m pretty sure he was passed out on the sidewalk just moments before

    We high-fived the Management team who were all lined up wearing Mickey hands and shouting “We did it!”

    High-fives bitches! Now get your drunk asses out of our park!

    We walked past the ticket booth where people were already lined up to buy tickets for the park that day.  I know it sounds weird, but it was sort of a spiritual experience walking through Disneyland while the sun came up.

    Dawn at Dland

    Maybe it was just the exhaustion, but that was the first and only point where I thought “dude! I was just a part of history!”

    It says: I took the leap and didn’t sleep. I pulled an all-nighter at Disneyland.

    I’m glad I did it but I will never, ever, ever do that again.



    We survived! Now lets get the fuck out of here.