Author: Hot Nerd Girl

  • 2014 Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards


    Hanging out on the red carpet – is it weird to see Geek Outlaw out of uniform?

    First let’s address the giant oliphant in the room. Yes, this is called the L. Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards. Yes, this made me very nervous when I first got the invitation to cover it. If you are unaware, L. Ron Hubbard was the founder of the Church of Scientology, a church that has seen its share of controversy. Then again, I’m half Catholic (in theory, not in practice), so who am I to talk about religious controversy? I was quick to ask if the Awards had anything to do with the Church and was given a quick, but polite response that L. Ron Hubbard was also a prolific science fiction writer and the Awards had nothing to do with Scientology. I did a little research and it seemed that they do try and keep the two quite separate. After talking it over with my NerdBFF, Geek Outlaw, our curiosity got the better of us and we decided to go and see what it was all about for ourselves. I will say that there was no indication that it was a Scientology event aside from that it was an L. Ron Hubbard love fest. A large portrait of him hung from the stage the entire time except during the music and dance performances, there was a rather lengthy video montage honoring him, and his name was mentioned every few minutes, at minimum.

    Hanging out before the awards

    Now, that being said, if there is one thing that I took away from the Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards, it’s that it was a very positive experience and a very big deal for the winners. They were obviously well taken care of by Author Services and enormously grateful for the week of classes and activities that were organized for them, including workshops with talented and established authors and artists, trips to museums, etc. They also receive cash prizes that are much higher than other contests, are given opportunities that they wouldn’t otherwise have, and many of them go on to become highly successful authors and illustrators in their own right. Regardless of whether or not there is any religious affiliation, I think that there is a place for this competition.

    Some of the winners on the red carpet

    For me personally, the highlight of the evening was having the opportunity to chat with the winners and presenters on the red carpet beforehand. The winners were nervous and excited, the presenters approachable and proud of the honorees. Geek Outlaw and I had the pleasure of interviewing the evening’s keynote speaker Astronaut Leland Melvin:

    Astronaut Leland Melvin

    – June Scobee Rodgers, widow of Challenger Astronaut Dick Scobee:

    June Scobee Rodgers

    – Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Orson Scott Card, author of the Ender’s Game series of sci-fi novels:

    Orson Scott Card

    – Robert J. Sawyer, author of Flash Forward:

    Robert J. Sawyer

    – And Kevin J. Anderson, author of Dune and X-Files fiction:

    Kevin J. Anderson

    – The winners were announced alternating between the writers and the illustrators who created the original artwork for that particular story. The winners were from every conceivable walk of life. From high school teachers to high school students, computer scientists to real estate agents, Veterinarians to former military. And from every corner of the planet including South Korea, Jamaica, Canada, Finland, East Siberia, England, Portugal, Germany, Australia and, of course, all over the United States. Some of the awards were interspersed with circus performers, Indian dancers, BMX cyclists and musical performers.The grand prize is the Golden Pen Award and the Golden Brush Award. These two gentlemen received $5000 and had previously delivered two of the most emotional speeches of the night. Both were enormously grateful and humbled by the fact that they had won. Golden Pen Award: Memories Bleed Beneath the Mask by Randy HendersonGolden Brush Award: Trevor SmithThe evening wrapped up with a reception and a chance to have our copies of the Anthology signed by all of the winners. I tried to get as many signatures as I could but the crowds because ridiculous and I reluctantly gave up since I had to drive back to San Diego that night. There and back in one day was a doozy, let me tell you! We did get a chance to hang out with writer Tim Powers for a bit before we left. His 1988 novel On Stranger Tides was optioned for Disney’s fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film.All in all it was a delightful evening and anything that helps writers get their foot in the door is a good thing.

  • HNG Podcast #15 – Game of Thrones and Agents of SHIELD

    Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 7.54.02 PM

    In this week’s podcast, Darcy and I spend the whole half hour talking about the first four episodes of Game of Thrones and last week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD. Enjoy!

    Listen here:


    Side note: the first run of HNG calendars sold out (yay!) and I need to order some more for an upcoming event. If anyone would like to get one, now’s the time to order! The calendar features all of the nerdy holidays (and the regular ones too) and a convention calendar. Order one today!

  • WonderCon 2014 – Part 2 (Costumes and Cosplay and Characters – oh my!)

    Hot Nerd Girl Geek Outlaw WonderCon 2014

    Geek Outlaw and Hot Nerd Girl on the loose

    If you missed Part 1 of my 2014 WonderCon wrap up (Panels, Floor, and Shenanigans), be sure to check it out HERE! I attended the Con with my NerdBFF Hayden aka Geek Outlaw and Mama Jedi.

    Mama Jedi and I dressed up as Sherlock and Dr. John Watson on Saturday!

    Hot Nerd Girl Mama Jedi WonderCon 2014

    Part 2 is all about the costumes so, without further ado…

    Let’s start off with Video Game Cosplay!

    We’ve got a couple of Portal fans.


    Some Mario Kart fans.

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    And then some friends of friends who are also Super Mario Bros. fans.


    It’s a Mario Bunny!


    Speaking of games….hey! I found Waldo!


    Monsters like to play games, let’s move on to Horror.

    Freddy Krueger was trying to be all intimidating.

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    Sherlock was not impressed with him or his friends.

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    They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky…

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    Hats don’t kill people, people in hats kill people.

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    You know what’s kind of scary? Decepticons.

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    Luckily Michelangelo and Rafael were just a few feet away.




    So many Homers…

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    Mo and HNG were not impressed by them.

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    But Woody was! I yelled out “Andy’s coming!” but he shook his head and kept walking :(

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    Ariel out of the sea.

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    Ariel in the sea…with her friends…wait a minute…

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    Hey, nice crab!

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    Let’s finish up Disney with some Maleficent.


    From one bad ass woman to another…Xena!

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    Hey, that’s not Daenerys!

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    I was seriously tempted to stage a rescue for this poor little Hobbit.


    There was some great Steampunk costumes.

    This is our recently acquired friend, Capt. Seekerman, who we met at ConDor in San Diego.


    And here is the back of his costume showing off his steam-powered (yes, actually steam-powered) wings that fold up and down.

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    Just like I have a NerdBFF in Geek Outlaw, Capt. Seekerman‘s NerdBFF is Andrea.

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    This guy is part of Vocademy, a group that helps and teaches others how to make elaborate costume pieces like this hat that he keeps adding pieces to including an old school Mickey Mouse watch he’s had since he was a kid.

    I swear I know that guy with the goatee from somewhere but I cannot for the life of me remember where. He said it was his very first convention so it’s not that. It’s seriously going to bug me until I remember.

    Steampunk to Sci-Fi is a natural transition, let’s go there next!

    Steampunk Boba Fett recognized me and remembered that there was a price on my head.

    I snuck past him and then spotted this little Droid wandering the Floor…

    Obviously trying to escape from Darth Vader who had already taken an Ewok hostage.

    I managed to escape only because this guy warned me it was a trap.

    This Stormtrooper tried to take me to Darth Vader anyways.

    Luckily Darth Vader was distracted by Dark Helmet.

    I was (barely) aided in my escape by these guys.

    Only to discover General Grievous coming after me.

    Lando thinks he helped, but he didn’t.

    It was this lovely Ewok 

    Party time! Because Bith Happens.

    Wait, is that George Lucas?? Nope, it was just a random guy who happened to be walking by and we literally shoved him into our picture.

    This guy is 6’4″ and Mama Jedi is 5’0″. I love taking pictures of her next to tall people. It makes me happy. I don’t know why.

    Let’s crossover into Star Trek with this lovely crossover. Awww, free face hugs! That’s sweet.

    This guy made up his own alien species. Clever boy. (Ignore The Comedian in the background, she’ll get her turn later).

    His made up alien kind of reminds me of a Vinvocci so let’s segue into Doctor Who.

    This lovely 10th Doctor caught me just as I was entering the Con on Saturday morning.

    I ran into another 10th Doctor and 4th Doctor hanging out together, obviously John Mulhall’s nearby Geddy’s Moon booth provided the necessary paradox for a time crash.

    They must have resolved it because I ran into the 4th Doctor again later in the day. It’s always a good day when I get two Jelly Babies.

    The 11th Doctor was a little spacey that day.

    I think he missed his “Sexy.”  Don’t worry, I found her.

    This annoying lady kept asking me to moisturize her. It was super creepy.

    With Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart‘s help…

    …I found a treasure trove of Doctor Who characters.

    Hey! It’s the 11th Doctor again!

    Who ya gonna call?


    We run into these guys at so many Cons, they decided to give Hayden an honorary patch. I don’t know who was more excited, Geek Outlaw or Stay Puft.

    I asked where Vera was and he pointed at me. I think he’s had a bit too much Mudder’s Milk.

    Please excuse me while I scold Dr. Horrible.

    What’s Illyria doing hanging out with Harley Quinn?

    I don’t know but I’m going to use it to switch over to Comic cosplay!

    My 5-year-old nephew is a huge fan of this Riddler (and here’s another one). So much so that, when Zeke wouldn’t eat his vegetables, Riddler intervened and Zeke is still eating his vegetables to this day!

    As a result, I am not known as “Hot Nerd Girl” to this group, but instead as “Zeke’s Aunt” which suits me just fine  This talented group of Cosplayers go by the names Smile-X Villain Co. and Pieced Together Cosplay and they have several different versions of their Gotham Villain costumes. Here’s a more traditional…

    And a seriously kick ass punk rock take. I’ve also seen them in PJ’s.

    Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy.

    Hayden was scared of Harley Quinn.

    But I correctly deduced that her weapon could not harm me.

    It’s OK, Robin’s here to deal with all of these villains. But where’s Batman?

    You have a choice between Comfy Pajama Batman…

    …or Sparkly Disco Batman.

    OMG! It’s Tracy AND Dick Tracy!

    Iron Man and Doctor Doom had a crowd of people around them taking pictures so Mama Jedi decided to photobomb them.

    Here’s what everyone else’s pictures look like. Muah hahahahaha!

    Oh wait, except ours 

    Black Widow in the hizzouse!

    Don’t get any ideas Geek Outlaw!

    Uh oh.

    Thor will take care of that.

    Unless Loki gets in the way.

    Sue Storm and Silver Surfer will help.

    What up, Spidey?

    Nevermind, I can see you’re busy.

    The Rocketeer, one of my all-time faves.

    Sexy Comedian finally gets her turn.

    Colonel Stars and Stripes!

    Rick Grimes pre-Walker Apocalypse.

    And don’t forget, kids….


    Thanks for checking out the 2014 WonderCon coverage, hope you enjoyed all of the fabulous costumes! Huge thanks to the Cosplayers who let us take their pictures!


    Side note: the first run of HNG calendars sold out (yay!) and I need to order some more for an upcoming event. If anyone would like to get one, now’s the time to order! The calendar features all of the nerdy holidays (and the regular ones too) and a convention calendar. Order one today!


  • WonderCon 2014 – Part 1 (Panels, Floor, and Shenanigans)

    IMG_0129WonderCon is a trip for me because it’s grown so much since I first started going to it up in Oakland back in 2002. Just in the few years it’s been in Anaheim it’s gotten a lot bigger. It’s a great balance between the little conventions and Juggernaut that Comic Con has become.

    Mama Jedi and I got a 3-Day pass and headed up to WonderCon in Anaheim from San Diego after working a half day on Friday so we were there for the latter half of Friday, all-day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. Saturday is the day I crossplayed as BBC Sherlock and I got Mama Jedi to Crossplay as Dr. John Watson. It’s the first time Mama Jedi has dressed up for a Convention and no one had any idea who she was dressed as even when she stood right next to me. Unless we told them. Oh well, it IS a pretty subtle costume, I guess.

    We even ran in to a few friends and acquaintances while we were there. Shout outs!

    Top row, left to right: my sister-in-law, Reba’s friend Cat (Mario) ran into us over by John Mulhall’s booth, my High School friend Rich (who did this amazing HNG Delilah art) and I spent 10 minutes trying to find each other near the food court, where I then randomly ran into Paige (red hair) who is the best friend of my friend Cris.

    Bottom row, left to right: Geek Outlaw and I met Daniel at Comic Con in 2012 and seem to run into him at every Con we go to, we met Capt. Seekerman at ConDor last month and have since hung out with him sans amazing Steampunk Costume at the LRH Writer’s of the Future Awards (coverage of that coming soon), and through Capt. Seekerman we met Andrea.

    And these don’t even include what we call our “ConFam” – the writers, artists, and cosplayers we see at most of the conventions we go to and have gradually developed friendships with. You’ll see some of them later. This year, I even ran in to someone who might turn out to be ActualFam. This illustrator and concept artist’s name caught my eye while I was making my way towards my friend Brett’s booth in the Small Press section. I zeroed in on it because I am also a Doering and it’s not a surname you see very often in the US. Matt Doering was incredibly nice (and uber talented) and I think we even kind of look alike (Maybe? A little?). Who knows if we’re actually related but, either way, he’s officially one of my new favorite artists.

    Watch out, there’s two Doering’s in the hizzouse

    Speaking of Brett (the guy who’s booth I was looking for when I ran into long-lost-maybe-family), he’s been a good friend of mine since High School and he was there representing his hilarious online web comic, Orky the Porky Orca. It’s possible we love Orky a little too much.

    Brett also wrote and illustrated a book about 101 Random Conversations with Strangers (most of which are true) that is turning out to be very popular thanks, in part, to it’s extreme hilarity. Mama Jedi bought one and I caught her laughing out loud for real in her hotel room while reading it.

    Artist Mike Hicks is a recent addition to our ConFam. We met him at (I think) Long Beach Comic Con and were immediately drawn (heehee) to his unique style. He creates beautiful drawings using one continuous line that never crosses or touches. (Want to follow the line and see for yourself? Click HERE). The first time we met he offered to do a piece based on one of my Batgirl poses. When Hayden found out, he naturally wanted a Geek Outlaw one as well. We finally met up with Mike again at WonderCon and were able to pick up the originals. Thanks, Mike!

    I was already a fan of Patrick Ballesteros‘ art when he sent me an email about his latest piece a couple of years ago. I was only too happy to share it! Since then we’ve connected at several conventions and he’s one of the friendliest guys you’ll ever meet. See that adorable Firefly picture behind him? I’ve got it hanging on the wall in my office 

    Another member of the ConFam, we met author John Mulhall at a convention a couple of years ago (we had a whole conversation trying to remember exactly which one and couldn’t decide) and started hanging out with him more and more at each subsequent con. Even though I bought it a looooong time ago, I only recently read his book Geddy’s Moon and, to be honest, it’s fantastic. I wish I’d read it sooner. And I’m not just saying that because he’s now my friend. I’ll write up a review of it and fill you in on exactly why you need to read it. Because you do. John also participated in a panel which I’ll get to later.

    Side note: John Mulhall, Blayne Alexander of the band Idiot Stare, Geek Outlaw, and I recently started recording podcasts for a geek round-table idea that John had, the first of which should be coming out any time now. So stay tuned for that!

    Hayden and I met Georges Jeanty when we had our very first booth at the LA Comic Book and Sci-Fi Convention where he broke a piece off of my Mal Reynolds pistol (yes, I forgave him). Georges is one of the cover artists for Dark Horse’s new Serenity comic book series that takes place immediately following the events of the movie. We even found a girl dressed as Illyria from Angel who was really excited to get Georges signature on her costume.

    Geremi Burleigh is another artist we look out for and visit at Conventions. His comics Morningstar and Eye of the Gods are great reads and Geremi is a ridiculously nice guy. He’s starting to do Cons all over the US (I think his next one is in Minnesota) so keep an eye out for him at your local con!

    Mama Jedi and I first ran into this lovely Oregonian couple while we were walking back to our hotel room and got distracted by a giant blue Furrie (REALLY wish I’d gotten a picture of that) and then Guinan speedwalking past us. Together the four of us wandered over to a room labeled “Ten Forward” (this Trekkie could NOT pass up seeing that) which turned out to be the flotsam and jetsam of what I’m sure was once tables teeming with beverages and snacks but was now merely an exhausted volunteer and some leftover cans of pop. Once the disappointment receded, we chatted them up about the pink stuffed critters attached to them. It turns out that John is the brains behind the adorably terrifying and very aptly named, Tentacle Kitty. Why would school girls run away from such a cute little critter?! John has a web comic that includes a ninja kitty, a pirate kitty, and a rat tailed unicorn. I checked it out and it’s delightful! Welcome to the ConFam 

    I love my new posters! Ninja Kitty and Doctor Who crossover ftw

    Hey, Mjolnir! I’ve got one of those too!

    The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D bridge restoration project folks were there but instead of the bridge they had a transporter room on display. We took full advantage of the Transporter Room.

    A – B – C. As easy as 1 – 2 – 3!

    I even took a stab at Chief O’Brien’s old job.

    I would like for Chris Hardwick to become a member of our ConFam but I wasn’t about to wait in the crazy long line just to meet him or his Lego alter-ego. I only wait for Star Trek actors and Stan Lee.

    And rounding out Part 1 of the WonderCon 2014 coverage, we’ve got the Panels! I only made it to four of them this year but they were good ones!

    Falling Skies

    Panelists: Seychelle Gabriel, Moon Bloodgood, Sarah Carter, Doug Jones

    I went to the Falling Skies panel last year and enjoyed it so much that I really wanted to make it again this year and I was definitely not disappointed. They started off with an amazing trailer for Season 4 (which starts Sunday, June 22nd at 10:00pm) before they introduced Seychelle Gabriel (Lourdes), Moon Bloodgood (Anne), Sarah Carter (Maggie), and (YAY!!!) Doug Jones (Cochise). It was worth it for Doug Jones alone.

    They revealed a surprising amount of details about Season 4. I don’t want to give too much away but everyone gets split up after a very intense opening battle scene (which they showed us and which looked REEEEALLY good), we get to see Lexi all grown up, Anne become a badass, Lourdes overcompensating for her Season 3 bug, and Pope meet his match in Mira Sorvino. The general consensus was that the show is really nuts this year. One fun tidbit we learned is that Seychelle and Moon once snuck into an ER and pretended to be medical students in order to see how a real ER looked and felt and had to fend off the teaching Doctors when they were asked to perform tasks like change a catheter.

    Psychology of Cult TV Shows

    Panelists: Dr. Janina Scarlet, Josue Cardona, Dr. Travis Langley, Elizabeth Ann

    We sought out this panel mostly because we’d seen Dr. Travis Langley (Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight) on a writing panel at a previous WonderCon and it was one of our favorite panels of all time. They basically said that it was OK to be obsessed with TV hows like Doctor WhoSherlock, and Firefly as long as it doesn’t prevent you from living a fulfilling “real” life. There was a really long line for this panel so we only caught the last third of it but it was fascinating!

    Afterward we stayed and chatted with Dr. Langley and Alan Sizzler Kistler who was also on that previous writing panel and who had stayed and answered all of our questions last time we saw him. Awesome guys!

    Game On!

    Panelists: David Buckley, Inon Zur, Woody Jackson, Charles Deenen, Gwen Riley
    Moderator: Thomas Mikusz 

    This panel was about the sound and music of video games and started off with a video montage of Video Games, Live! in which a live (no, really, they’re live) orchestra performs the theme songs from your favorite video games while scenes from those games play on giant screens in the background. It actually look really rad. Video game music is tough in that the player is going to be stuck with it for several hours so it better be good. Because of that, the developers now really understand how important the music is. The original World of Warcraft had approximately 2.5 hours of music. The latest one has approximately 52 hours.

    After this panel, Hayden and I had the opportunity to interview Batman: Arkham Knight Composer David Buckley!

    Check out the interview here:

    Surviving Well

    Panelists: Markorie Liu, Cecil Castellucci, Genese Davis, Gretchen McNeil, John Mulhall
    Moderator: LeAnna Herrera

    We attended this panel because our writer friend and Podthingy co-star John Mulhall was a panelist and I’m glad we did. It was about how saving the world isn’t enough if the world isn’t worth living in after you’ve saved it.

    As the lone male on the panel, John was able to offer a different and unique perspective from the ladies. At one point the conversation veered off into a commentary about what it means to be a “strong female character” and how that term really isn’t very appropriate.

    At this point Hayden lost the hand from his Rick Grimes action figure which we found HILARIOUS.

    Stay tuned for the cosplay pictures tomorrow!


    Side note: the first run of HNG calendars sold out (yay!) and I need to order some more for an upcoming event. If anyone would like to get one, now’s the time to order! The calendar features all of the nerdy holidays (and the regular ones too) and a convention calendar. Order one today!

  • HNG Podcast #12 – The Walking Dead, part 1

    HNG podcast 12.

    Darcy and I just had to talk about what’s been going on the last couple of weeks on AMC’s The Walking Dead leading up to this Sunday’s season finale. Topics discussed: the creepiness that is Bob and the potential conspiracy theory about him, why Lizzy had to go, and fog vs. dark tunnel: which is worse? At one point we got into a pretty heated exchange about Daryl’s morgue scene a few weeks ago.

    We also talked about my experience at ConDor Con in San Diego this past Saturday and mentioned a couple of projects that you might be interested in, including I Am a Ghost and Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse.

    Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed talking about it!

    Listen to the podcast here:

  • ConDor 2014


    First off, my apologies for severely neglecting my blog. I couldn’t believe it when I looked back and realized that my last post was *GASP* January 31st. Almost two months without a fresh post is entirely unacceptable no matter how crazy and hectic my life may be.

    You stay on your side of the booth Geek Outlaw!

    Since January 31st my NerdBFF Hayden aka Geek Outlaw and I had our first booth at a Convention.

    The 2014 LA Comic Book and Sci-Fi Convention ended up being a great place to pop our convention booth cherries.

    He wrote a spectacular post about it that you should read HERE.


    Usually I’m the one having to drive back and forth to Los Angeles for Conventions that are closer to Hayden than they are to me but this past weekend Hayden had to drive to my neck of the woods for San Diego’s longest-running science fiction and fantasy convention, ConDor. Despite spending much of my youth A) in San Diego and, B) attending sci-fi conventions (mostly Star Trek), I had never been to ConDor.

    Due to our schedules Hayden and I only attended the convention on Saturday and we mostly stuck to the panels and floor, although I saw rooms where they were playing table top games and it looked REALLY fun. There were also several classes that I wish I’d had time to take and a couple of dances/parties.

    The overall feel of the convention was very steampunk as you can see from the photos taken by the official photographer Jerry Abuan. Check them out HERE. In fact, the floor was comprised almost entirely of steampunk vendors/artists…

    with the exception of a cardboard TARDIS…

    Guess I shouldn’t have taken that pill o.0

    and an art exhibit…

    ConDor is pretty small as far as Conventions go but fantastic in that there is something for everyone. The program was 51 pages thick and we didn’t even get to see a lot of the action.

    Hayden and I attended four panels: Broad Appeal vs. the Personal Touch (a writing panel), The Enduring Popularity of Doctor Who, Alien Invasions and Human Responses, and Big Bang Theory: Love it or Hate it? Many of the panelists were the same people who simply went from one panel to the next. I think most of them are long-time members and friends and are listed in the beginning of the program as “ConDor Veterans.” It was pretty neat in that it was a little round table of four or five geeks geeking it up. I could have sat through another hour of the Doctor Who panel, easy. It was a bit of a bummer in that, with the exception of the writing panel, they really didn’t invite much audience interaction. They were kind of lost in their own little worlds having these great conversations and we may as well have been sitting on the other side of a two-way mirror. They just didn’t take much notice of us and I felt as though I could have contributed some insight on a couple of occasions that would have added to the conversation. Ah well!

    Broad Appeal vs. the Personal Touch (a writing panel)

    Panelists: Kelly Dunn, Stephen Woodworth (Moderator), Dani Kollin, Sherwood Smith

    This was supposed to be a panel about how too much broad appeal can make a story overly generic while too much of a personal touch can make a story impenetrable and irrelevant; however, there was some confusion in the beginning over what exactly “genre fiction” was that took up quite a bit of time. Hayden got in a good question during the Q&A in which he asked the panelists to name one thing that would keep a story from being too generic and one thing that would keep it from being too personal. The advise ranged from writing from a “gods eye view” to basing characters off of people you know in real life. Stephen had the best quote in response to Hayden’s question, he said that “every story is a delicate balance between universality and individuality, it’s the details that make the story unique.” (example: Romeo & Juliet vs. West Side Story)

    The Enduring Popularity of Doctor Who

    Panelists: Ron Oakes (Moderator), Janet Tait, Robert Evans, Lynn Maudlin

    This panel was comprised mostly of Doctor Who superfans, all of whom started watching the show at very different points in their lives, nerding out about the show. This is the panel I could have sat through another hour of, I just wish their had been more audience interaction. More times than I can count I leaned over to whisper something to Hayden (a non-Whovian) only to have one of the panelists say what I just said a moment later. I would have kicked ass on that panel.

    Alien Invasions and Human Responses

    Panelists: Cody Goodfellow (Moderator), Sheila Finch, Vernor Vinge, Lynn Maudlin, Eytan Kollin

    This panel was about how humanity would react to an alien invasion and the different possible types of invasion (physical, viral/bacterial, invasive species, informational, etc.) It kind of turned into a bit of a history lesson about Nazi Germany but that’s mostly because Eytan is a history teacher by day.

    Big Bang Theory: Love it or Hate it?

    Panelists: Chris Weber, James Hay (Moderator), Roberts Evans, David Ross

    This panel was kind of hilarious in that it was an idea James Hay had but then he admitted that he didn’t know anyone personally who hated The Big Bang Theory. He was hoping for a healthy debate about the show but it was mostly a love fest and any criticisms of it were quickly shot down by the panelists who were, I think, a little too defensive of the show. At one point it morphed into a very awkward conversation about sex on TV. Still, it was a fun panel, although my criticism about needing more audience interaction still stands, these guys did a slightly better job of engaging the attendees. And yes, that is a woman knitting in the front row during the panel.

    As I mentioned before, almost all of the costumes were steampunk but they were AMAZING steampunk and a lot of care and craft went into their creation. I wish I’d taken more pictures of the costumes but seriously, if you’re into steampunk fashion, check out the official photos HERE.

    Steampunker Capt. Seekerman is an amazing web designer. Check out his work here.

    I posted this picture on the HNG Facebook page along with the caption “May the Force live long and prosper.” and one clever follower came back with “I’d rather reverse that meme, so that I can ‘live long and be with you’  ” Clever boy.

    Hanging out with the 11th Doctor

    I naturally gravitate towards TARDIS’s.

    I photobombed Hayden’s picture of the Stargate Coverstone.

    A Coat of Arms from Germany in the Exhibit Room.

    Jerry Abuan, the official photographer of the Con spotted Hayden and wanted a picture of him in his Geek Outlaw getup.

    (Please note that full credit goes to Jerry Abuan for the next three photos and I totally nabbed them from his site and don’t have the rights to them)

    Photo credit: Jerry Abuan

    Since it’s my job to keep Hayden humble, I often photobomb his pictures. It’s what friends do for each other.

    Photo credit: Jerry Abuan

    This time I was actually asked to stay for a shot!

    Photo credit: Jerry Abuan

    Too bad for Hayden, I found a new NerdBFF before the end of the Convention.

    A huge thanks to Pearl and the lovely organizers and helpers at ConDor for the press passes and the hospitality. They are good people and I look forward to hanging out with them again next year at ConDor 2015!

  • Pirate Photo Shoot & Contest

    HNG Pirate teaser

    My birthday is on Sunday (that’s right, I’m a Groundhog baby) and for the past two years I’ve posted a photo shoot to mark the occasion. In 2012 it was Batgirl. Last year it was a superhero character I created named Delilah. This year I decided to whip out my pistol and dress up like a pirate.

    Because, let’s face it, Pirates are awesome. Plus, I’m the descendant of Vikings so acting like a Pirate for a day isn’t that far of a stretch. Also, Pirates are awesome.

    I always have a lot of fun writing the little stories that go along with the pictures and folks seem to like them so I’ll just keep doing it 

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.

    Well, ahoy there Matey, my name is Captain Tracy.

    Some folks don’t like me being the Captain on account of my being a member of the fairer sex.

    But I don’t really give a damn what they think. Just don’t call me a “wench.”

    No really, you do NOT want to call me a wench.

    I know my way around a sword and I will cut you.

    I’ve been in my share of fights.

    And sent more than a few men to Davy Jones’ locker. 

    Let’s just say that I can hold my own with the boys.

    How else do you think I got to be Captain?

    It certainly wasn’t from hitting the bottle.

    And I don’t take shit lying down.

    I’ve got a great sense of humor and can be a bit of a flirt.

    OK, maybe more than a bit at times.

    But when shit gets real…

    I’m all business.

    So don’t let me catch you going after my treasure.

    Because I will not be a happy Captain.

    Now where were we?

    Oh yeah…wanna see my ship? It’s right over there.

    You can come aboard if you promise to behave.

    We can sail off into the sunset in search of adventure!

    Big thanks, as always, to my friend and photographer, Jon Upson. I’m always in awe of what he manages to capture with that camera of his because, trust me, I am NOT a model. Far from it. To Mama Jedi for assisting on yet another photo shoot and for being my biggest cheerleader. To my friend and HNG Podcast co-host Darcy for almost 4 years of constant motivation and support. Seriously, I couldn’t do this without him. To Reba for the lovely watermarks and all of her hard work on the calendars. And to my friend Erika for letting me borrow her “pirate wench hooker boots.” I don’t know how she walks in those, I could barely stand and almost fell over more times than I can count.

    Quick announcement: my NerdBFF Geek Outlaw and I are going to have our first booth at a convention! So if you’re in the LA area on February 9th, please come by and say hi. Since we’ve never done this before, we’re testing the waters at a smaller convention, the Los Angeles Comic Book & Science Fiction Convention. I don’t know our booth number yet but I’ll announce it on the facebook page when I find out.


    If you want a chance to win a signed print of your choice from this photo shoot, leave a comment below by Tuesday, February 4th at midnight PST. I’ll pull five names out of a hat and contact you directly if you’re a winner!

    AND, since it’s my birthday, one lucky winner will get a signed copy of Forging Freedom, an anthology I was asked to contribute a sci-fi story to. See my author profile HERE. If you don’t win it but want to check it out you can get it in paperback or on your Kindle HERE.

    Want to get me a birthday present? Buy a 2014 calendar! They are a labor of love and any money I make goes right back into making next year’s calendar. This 11″ x 11″ 12-month calendar includes every nerdy holiday you can possibly imagine and a convention calendar featuring dates and locations for hundreds of sci-fi, fantasy, comic book, anime, and horror conventions all around the world.

    Thanks to everyone who participates!

  • HNG Podcast #11 – 2014 Movie Preview

    HNG Darcy podcast 11

    Happy New Year!

    I know it’s a little late in the month to be saying that but I’m just now starting to get my energy back after two months of being sick in one way or another.

    A few days ago Darcy found this i09 article about the 65 Science Fiction and Fantasy movies to watch out for in 2014 and we thought we’d discuss the movies we’re most looking forward to in (what I think) is our best and funnest podcast to date. Also, I may have had an impromptu rapping session.




    After many delays (including a medical emergency and having to find a new printer in the 11th hour), the 2014 HNG calendar is finally here! It’s 11″x11″ this year instead of 12″x12″ but, just like last year, it’s got all of the nerdy holidays (including some new ones that weren’t on last year’s), a 2014 convention calendar in the back, and lots of costumes including new, never-before-seen themes like Firefly, Doctor Who, Mario Bros, and more! Plus, I’ll sign the first 250 ordered so be sure to order one today!

  • HNG Podcast #10 – Have yourself a nerdy little Christmas

    HNG santa

    I’ll keep this short and sweet. In today’s podcast, Darcy and I discuss nerd-worthy Christmas-themed movies and TV episodes to watch on Christmas.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 🙂

  • HNG Podcast #9 – These Are the Voyages

    John DF Black promoting the book with Balok

    John DF Black promoting These Are the Voyages with Balok

    I’m a HUGE Trekker. If you don’t know this about me than you’re probably new around here. It was my introduction to nerdom and I’ve literally been watching it since the day I was born. So when I saw a booth at Comikaze advertising a Star Trek book called These are the Voyages: TOS, Season One I was intrigued and I had to buy one of the signed copies.

    About a month ago at Comikaze

    Written and assembled by Marc Cushman, it was being hailed (pun intended) by many as the best Star Trek book ever written. Now, I’ve read many, many Star Trek books on topics ranging from physics to gagh, including reading each edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia cover to cover and most of the continuing universe sagas. I’ve loved every one of them but this claim was something I had to experience for myself.

    Author Marc Cushman

    I was not disappointed. If anything, I was enthralled. Quite simply, if you’re a Trekkie or a Trekker or a Trekken, you have to read this book. The forward is written by John D.F. Black, the last surviving Producer of Star Trek, and Mary Black, his lovely wife who was his secretary and who read every script and note that landed on John’s desk.

    While at Comikaze I exchanged business cards with the lovely folks running the booth and when the opportunity arose to interview Marc, John and Mary on the podcast, Darcy and I jumped on it. What follows is one of the greatest moments that has happened to me since I started HNG back in 2010. The chance to discuss Star Trek with people who were there and with someone who is, in mine and I’m sure many other people’s opinions, one of the foremost authorities on the subject.

    I really hope that you enjoy this podcast because I had soooo much fun recording it!

    Enjoy 🙂

    And be sure to purchase These are the Voyages: TOS, Season One HERE.

    These are the Voyages: TOS, Season Two will be out in February!