Author: Hot Nerd Girl

  • HNG Photo Giveaway!

    DianiandDevineMeettheApocalypsePoster Ok, so here’s the deal. I have these two friends, Gabe Diani and Etta Devine, and they are making a movie called Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse. They’ve done it before with The Selling which was brilliant and won rave reviews. They’ve got some big, highly nerd-worthy stars lined up to be in it (like Armin…

  • Ender’s Game – Double Review

    enders-game-movie-poster Since I’ve read the book and Geek Outlaw hasn’t, we decided that it would be fun to do a joint review of the movie Ender’s Game from both perspectives. That being said, this seems to be a particularly busy and hectic time for both of us so it’s just now all coming together. We’ll start with Geek Outlaw…

  • Gravity reviewed

    gravity_poster2 It’s been a while since I’ve written a movie review. Mostly because it’s been a while since I’ve been to the movies….sad robot 🙁 Anyhooters, I saw the panel for Gravity at Comic Con and listened to Sandra Bullock describe the process of making the movie and the hours she spent locked in a 9 foot square box…

  • HNG Podcast #7

    HNG podcast 7 We make faces. It’s what we do. Yay! It’s time for another exciting HNG podcast! This week Darcy and I discuss the new TV show Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Darcy finishing up season 3 of Game of Thrones, and the upcoming movie Diani & Devine Meet The Apocalypse and the “apocatip” I did as a promotional…

  • HNG Podcast #6

    HNG podcast Sept 2013 What up, y’all! Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA. I seem to have very little free time these days. Soooooooper lame. I’ve got a few posts in the works though so expect some more activity very soon. In the meantime, Darcy and I managed to find some time for a podcast…

  • HNG Podcast: Doctor Who Edition

    IMG_1919 Its official, we have a 12th Doctor! Peter Capaldi will be taking over the reigns from Matt Smith this Christmas and, while I’ll be so sad to see Matt go, I’m unbelievably excited to see what Peter will bring to the fish finger and custard-laden table. Darcy and I ended up talking about the Doctor Who ‘verse almost…

  • HNG Podcast – 2013 Comic Con Part 2

    DSC01033 In Part 2 of our San Diego Comic Con podcast we discuss the Friday, Saturday and Sunday Hall H panels: The Walking Dead; Game of Thrones; The Seventh Son; Godzilla; Warcraft; 300: Rise of an Empire; Gravity; Superman vs. Batman; I, Frankenstein; The Hunger Games: Catching Fire; The Wolverine; X-Men: Days of Future Past, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy,…

  • HNG Podcast – 2013 Comic Con Part 1

    DSC01033 I’ve been recovering from a gnarly Comic Con cold (stoopid germs) all week so I’m running a bit behind on my Comic Con wrap-up posts. Stay tuned for a post that’ll include pictures and more details on the panels, but in the meantime, Darcy and I recorded a podcast where I go through my…

  • San Diego Comic Con 2013 Thursday Shenanigans

    It’s Day One of San Diego Comic Con 2013 and somehow I always manage to forget just HOW insane it is. So. Many. People. It’s always super stressful but it’s also so much fun. I decided to dress like Han Solo and my nephew just happened to wear his Jedi costume so we were pretty…

  • HNG Podcast: Pre-Comic Con Confab Conversation…thing.

    hot-nerd-girl-batgirl-10 Welcome to the 3rd HNG podcast! In this Pre-Com Con Con Con, Darcy and I discuss my plans for San Diego Comic Con including what costumes I’ll be wearing, what panels I’ll be camping out for, and what artists/booths I’ll be visiting. It’s a much briefer podcast, clocking in at approximately 24 minutes. We’ll do a…