By Hot Nerd Girl and Nathan Turner
Category: Celebrity
2014 Geekie Awards
Author John Mulhall + Rock Star Blayne Alexander + Hot Nerd Girl + Geek Outlaw = Podthingy
Author John Mulhall + Rock Star Blayne Alexander + Hot Nerd Girl + Geek Outlaw = Podthingy!
I just had the pleasure of attending the 2nd annual Geekie Awards, an awards show for geeks by geeks founded by Kristen Nedopak and hosted by Khail Anonymous. The purpose of The Geekie Awards is to honor the nerdier parts of pop culture that are often ignored by other larger and more mainstream award shows. The categories include: Lifetime Achievement, Geek of the Year, Geek Cred, Indie Video Game, Art & Craft, Comics & Graphic Novels, Cosplay, Podcasts & Vlogs, Short Films, Websites & Blogs, Trailers & Videos, Fashion & Armor, Tabletop Games, Personality, and the big award of the night, Web Series.
Aside from an uncomfortably hot two hours on the black carpet (seriously, despite drinking water I started seeing stars at one point and had to sit down for a few minutes before I passed out in Manu Bennett’s arms – which, in hind sight, I probably should have just rolled with) and a few technical issues with the mics, the entire experience was a joyous voyage to my happy place. I love nothing more than to talk nerd with fellow geeks and it was an entire evening of doing just that. Nerdvana indeed. I also spotted and chatted with many of the same people I see at all of the local Cons so it was a blast seeing them in a different venue. Many of them were cosplayers there to bring out the statues during the show so they were in full costume making it easy for me to identify them. They, on the other hand, often took a second before they recognized me thanks to the fact that I was decked out in a dress and high heels. VERY different from my usual attire of jeans, t-shirt, and Chucks.
Let’s start with the aforementioned black carpet, shall we? For this I teamed up with my NerdBFF, Geek Outlaw, to tackle and talk to the various celebrities, presenters, and nominees. To watch all of the black carpet interviews and shenanigans (gods, I love that word), check out the video here:
Some photo highlights from the black carpet!
Eric Won (Writer, Director, Producer) and Trip Hope (Executive Producer) of The Division, nominated for Best Web Series.
Kaj-Erik Eriksen (See No Evil 2; The 4400) Presenter, Best Art or Craft
Vic Mignogna (Executive Producer and star) of Star Trek Continues, nominated for Best Web Series. I had a BLAST geeking out about Star Trek with him!
Vic Holtreman (Owner) of Screen Rant, nominated for Best Website or Blog. We had a more in-depth conversation with him at the after party about how he started the site.
Jason Ritter (Parenthood; Gravity Falls) Presenter to LeVar Burton
Robert Carradine (Revenge of the Nerds; King of the Nerds) Presenter, Best Website or Blog
Randy Couture (The Expendables 2 & 3) and Mindy Robinson (King of the Nerds) Presenters, Best Trailer or Video
Greg Grunberg (Alias, Heroes, Masters of Sex, SocialTronLive) Presenter, Best Tabletop Game
Amy Dallen (Host) and Jenni Powell (Producer) of Talkin’ Comics Weekly, nominated for Best Podcast or Vlog
Lauren Bregman of Castle Corsetry, nominated for Best Fashion or Armor
Jenny Lorenzo (Host) Aggressive Comix Presents: Geekgasm, nominated for Best Personality
Tony Swatton (Star, Master Blacksmith) for Man at Arms, nominated for Best Web Series
Curtis Armstrong (Revenge of the Nerds; King of the Nerds) Presenter, Best Website or Blog
Manu Bennett (Arrow, The Hobbit trilogy, Spartacus) Presenter, Best Personality
Bonnie Gordon and Lina Carollo (The Quest)
Brian Bielawski, Co-Founder and Chairman of Gam3rCon
Doug Jones (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy trilogy, Falling Skies) Presenter, Best Cosplay
LeVar Burton (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Reading Rainbow) Geek of the Year Honoree. His super cute daughter and I bonded over our mutual love of Thor and my Mjolnir earrings while her Dad was being interviewed further down the line.
And, of course, the real star of the black carpet: The Batmobile
Once the black carpet portion was over we were whisked inside to the press area in the mezzanine. Luckily, John and Blayne had already secured seats for us so we were right up next to the railing with a great view of the stage.
Lifetime Achievement
Presenter: Stan Lee
Recipient: Gale Anne Hurd
First up was a pre-recorded video of Stan Lee (his health seems to be a bit precarious lately but he looked great in the clip!) presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award (last year he was the first recipient) to Gale Anne Hurd (The Walking Dead, Terminator).
Gale gave a rather lengthy but charming acceptance speak that included walking us through the definition and the history of the word “geek” and describing her childhood as a nerd before being a nerd was cool.
Geek of the Year
Presenter: Jason Ritter
Recipient: LeVar Burton
Next was the Geek of the Year presented by Jason Ritter to LeVar Burton. As a bonus, Greg Grunberg and someone from Gibson guitars, came out to present Burton with a guitar of his very own. A major highlight? When he busted out the theme song to Reading Rainbow.
Geek Cred
Presenter: Malik Forte
Recipient: Oculus VR (accepted via a pre-taped video message)
In between the categories and during what was technically the commercial breaks of the show, we were treated to some trailers and funny filmed comedy bits. One of the most entertaining of which was Barry Dragonman. A dragon who found early success on The Munsters, then got sucked into the world of partying, alcohol, and drugs, eventually going broke. He later found success again appearing in “Lizardnado” and Game of Thrones. It was a feel good story. Turns out the guy who played Barry was sitting right next to us.
Best Video Game
Presenters: Alison Haislip & Maude Garrett
Octodad: The Dadliest Catch
Don’t Starve
The Banner SagaWinner: The Banner Saga
Best Art or Craft
Presenter: Kaj-Erik Eriksen & Anthony C. Ferrante
House of Darkly
Sienna Morris
Art of Kudaman
Kindra Nikole Photography
The Work of J.W. Kinsey’s ArtificeWinner: The Work of J.W. Kinsey’s Artifice
Best Comic or Graphic Novel
Presenters: Jason Charles Miller & Wendy Pini
Oh, Hell
Boston Metaphysical Society
The Man of Many Shades
RuinWinner: Oh, Hell
Best Cosplay
Presenter: Doug Jones
Trolloc Fist (The Wheel of Time)
Big Daddy Bouncer(Bioshock)
Totoro Ball Gown
Steampunk Rowena Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)
Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)Winner: Big Daddy Bouncer (Bioshock)
This is the part where a baby T-Rex came out and Doug Jones had to awkwardly inform him that he’d already gotten the part in Jurassic World. Check out the clip and hilarious baby T-Rex impression HERE:
Some stills:
Best Podcast or Vlog
Presenter: Lucky Yates & Rob Paulsen
Talkin’ Comics Weekly
We’re Alive – A Story of Survival
AMC Movie Talk
Sword and LaserWinner: Talkin’ Comics Weekly
Best Short Film
Presenters: Mark Ordesky & Jane Fleming
The Hitchhiker
Future Hero
Splinter Cell Extraction
Kepler X-47
The Field of VisionWinner: The Hitchhiker
At this point the Founder of The Geekie Awards, Kristen Nedopak, came out to give her spiel.
Best Website or Blog
Presenters: Curtis Armstrong & Robert “Bobby” Carradine
The Escapist
International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club
Set to Stunning
Screen Rant
Geek Girl AuthorityWinner: Screen Rant
To watch Curtis and Bobby talk about being the oldest nerds there and other funniness, check out a snippet of their interaction (including a hilarious in-character laugh from Bobby) HERE:
Best Trailer or Video
Presenter: Randy Couture & Mindy Robinson
Nothing to Prove – Geek Girls & The Doubleclicks
Wonder Woman
Brielle and the Horror: The Graphic Novel Trailer
The Doctor Games (Parody Trailer)
Legends of the KnightWinner: Legends of the Knight
For some reason this segued into a rather awkward bit in which the host brought Catwoman onto the stage and asked for a volunteer from the audience who would like to be whipped. I have a feeling that this looked a lot better on paper. But, hey, we’re geeks and we’re awkward, so I guess it was kind of perfect in a way.
Best Fashion or Armor
Presenter: Jessica Merizan & HipHop Stormtrooper
Kayla Stojek / Zombie Peepshow
Lauren Bregman / Castle Corsetry
John McGovern / Sharp Mountain Weather
Catherine Kim / IAMKNIGHT
Donna Ricci / Clockwork CoutureWinner: Lauren Bregman / Castle Corsetry
Best Tabletop Game
Presenters: Greg Grunberg & Brea Grant
Little Wizards
Forbidden Desert
Dread Curse
Council of Verona
BelfortWinner: Belfort
(They were a no-show so the award was accepted by Greg Grunberg, who also helpfully reminded us that this year marks the 40th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons)Best Personality
Presenters: Manu Bennett (who took it upon himself to moon us…not that I’m complaining) & Olga Kay
Kim Horcher
Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox
Jenny Lorenzo
Jenna Busch
Danni DangerWinner: Jenny Lorenzo
Best Web Series
Presenters: Mychal Thompson & Meghan Camarena
Star Trek Continues
The Record Keeper
The Division
AWEme “Man at Arms”Winner: Star Trek Continues
We were then treated to a performance by Songhammer before spending a few minutes hanging out at the after party where we chatted some more with Doug Jones and a few of the winners.
All in all, a delightful experience that I very much hope to repeat next year!
For more information about The Geekie Awards go HERE!
San Diego Comic-Con 2014 (Part 3) – Joss Whedon Nerd HQ and Outlander Premier
Hot Nerd Girl Outlander
Welcome to Part 3 of my San Diego Comic-Con wrap-up! This section is all about the Joss Whedon Nerd HQ panel-turned-last-minute-Mystery-Guest-panel and the Outlander premier.
If you missed Part 1 go HERE. If you missed Part 2 go HERE.
Hayden (Geek Outlaw), Podthingy cohost John Mulhall, HNG Podcast cohost Darcy Villere, and I were all really excited to nab tickets to the Joss Whedon Nerd HQ panel. Nerd HQ panels are quickly becoming the hottest ticket in town during SDCC and the tickets sell out, literally, in the blink of an eye. I’m not joking. I blinked and the tickets for The Walking Dead and Nathan Fillion panels were GONE. Joss had been our first choice though so we were happy just to walk away with tickets to his “Conversation for a Cause” benefiting Operation Smile. Then, the day before the panel, a rumor started circulating that Joss had been laid up with a sudden knee surgery and wouldn’t be able to make it. We had no idea if they would cancel the panel or Skype Joss in or try to make it up to us by bringing in someone else. It turned into the ultimate Mystery Panel (though my bet was always on Nathan Fillion). We had no idea right up until the moment we took our seats and the show started.
It turned out that I was right and out walked Nathan Fillion, quickly followed by Liam McIntyre (Spartacus), Chloe Bennet (Agents of SHIELD), Seth Green, and Alan Tudyk.
During the very first audience question my phone buzzed with a text message from Darcy who was sitting on the other side of the theater with John. Turns out Hayden and I were on camera the entire time the girl was asking her question and Darcy snapped a picture of it.
One of the audience members got more than she bargained for when she tried to ask a question. First Liam showed that he was paying rapt attention.
Then everyone else decided to join him. With the exception of Seth who decided it was more important to take pictures for posterity.
Then, about halfway through – tada!- Joss Whedon turned up via Skype from his bed in London where they were just finishing up filming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
And proved that he is, indeed, the Puppet Master.
Watch the entire Nerd HQ Conversation with Joss Whedon and Mystery Panel here (keep an eye out for me and Geek Outlaw at 10:52):
Yes, I’m dressed like Captain Malcolm Reynolds. We came straight from Comic-Con, mmmkay?
I’ve been a voracious reader for as long as I can remember and, as a result, I quickly got tired of books meant for my age group and was always on the lookout for books that would challenge me. This is why, when I was around the age of 14 or so, my Dad handed me a book that my Stepmom had recommended to him and said “here, read this, I think you’ll like it.” That book was Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and I was smitten. It took several more years but I eventually convinced Mama Jedi to give it a try and she quickly became as enraptured by the story of Jamie and Claire as I was. Outlander is one of those books that I’ve recommended to more people than I can count. Whenever someone asked me what book I would want to make into a movie, I never hesitated to say Outlander. So it was quite fitting that two Star Trek alums (I’m a Trekkie in case you’re new here), Ronald D. Moore and Ira Steven Behr, made it happen in a way that honors the spirit and vision of the world Gabaldon created.
First we waited in a rather lengthy line and completely skipped Hall H in order to check out the SDCC panel. Panelists: Ronald D. Moore (Producer), Diana Gabaldon (Writer), Caitriona Balfe (Claire Randall), Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser), Tobias Menzies (Frank Randall/Black Jack Randall), Graham McTavish (Dougal MacKenzie), Lotte Verbeek (Geillis Duncan)
Turns out, in Scotland, Gaelic is pronounced “Gall-ick” not “Gay-lick.” I learn something new every day. We also learned that they thought it would be most difficult to cast the part of Jamie but it turns out they found Heughan pretty quickly and ended up having the hardest time casting Claire. Like me, Gabaldon was not initially impressed with Heughan’s look and couldn’t picture him as Jamie (I believe she initially called him “hideous” – ha!), but then she saw him in the part and he grew on her (me too). Moore has included Gabaldon pretty much every step of the way, resulting in a TV series that Gabaldon is both excited about and proud of. Gabaldon and George RR Martin are good friends and will often commiserate with and try to one-up each other. For example, it seems that Martin is quite jealous that Outlander has 16 episodes instead of just ten. We even got a highly amusing kilt twirl from Ron Moore.
Mama Jedi and I also visited the Outlander booth in the Exhibitor Hall a few times. Which had everything to do with checking out the period props and nothing at all to do with the handsome men in kilts *ahem*
Thanks to a little help from Geek Outlaw, we managed to nab a couple of passes to the Starz World Premier at the Spreckels Theatre just a few blocks down from the Convention Center.
The crowd was impressive, as was the plaid carpet.
Once inside, we were forced, forced I tell you, to walk through the lobby between two rows of even more handsome men in kilts standing on logs and boulders looking all tall and manly. Mama Jedi was a bit twitterpated, methinks. I almost tripped and fell flat on my face at one point because I was too busy looking at all of the studliness surrounding me and not even remotely paying attention to where I was going. I have no idea if anyone saw that. I’m really hoping that nobody saw that.
Luckily our seats were on the aisle…
… so we had a great view of the theatre and the screen with its bevy of Scottish Highlander historical FAQ.
The women behind and to the right of us seemed to be in a group together and they were pretty much obsessed with getting pictures of the actors. Every time I looked over my shoulder all I saw was a sea of glowing smart phone screens.
When the actors finally did walk in, every woman (and some of the men) jumped to their feet and surged forward. I was slightly concerned for the actor’s safety, but the fans ended up behaving themselves. Can you tell how amused I was by all of this by the fact that I took pictures of the people as opposed to pictures of the actors?
The one exception I made was Tobias Menzies who walked by right next to me and was so close that this was the picture I got and my camera wasn’t even zoomed in.
The show started with some intro music by three lovely and talented female bagpipe players.
The first episode did not disappoint. It is available to watch HERE for those who are interested (trust me, be interested).
We were then treated to a Q&A with the same folks we saw on the Comic-Con panel…
… and an almost flash from Graham McTavish.
After which we got a proverbial cherry topper to our Outlander ice cream in the form of a musical performance from none other than composer Bear McCreary himself.
All in all, a fabulous experience well worth skipping dinner for.
And that wraps up my 2014 San Diego Comic-Con wrap-up! Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you at the next Con!
Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 in case you missed them.
HNG Podcast #9 – These Are the Voyages
John DF Black promoting the book with Balok
John DF Black promoting These Are the Voyages with Balok
I’m a HUGE Trekker. If you don’t know this about me than you’re probably new around here. It was my introduction to nerdom and I’ve literally been watching it since the day I was born. So when I saw a booth at Comikaze advertising a Star Trek book called These are the Voyages: TOS, Season One I was intrigued and I had to buy one of the signed copies.
About a month ago at Comikaze
Written and assembled by Marc Cushman, it was being hailed (pun intended) by many as the best Star Trek book ever written. Now, I’ve read many, many Star Trek books on topics ranging from physics to gagh, including reading each edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia cover to cover and most of the continuing universe sagas. I’ve loved every one of them but this claim was something I had to experience for myself.
Author Marc Cushman
I was not disappointed. If anything, I was enthralled. Quite simply, if you’re a Trekkie or a Trekker or a Trekken, you have to read this book. The forward is written by John D.F. Black, the last surviving Producer of Star Trek, and Mary Black, his lovely wife who was his secretary and who read every script and note that landed on John’s desk.
While at Comikaze I exchanged business cards with the lovely folks running the booth and when the opportunity arose to interview Marc, John and Mary on the podcast, Darcy and I jumped on it. What follows is one of the greatest moments that has happened to me since I started HNG back in 2010. The chance to discuss Star Trek with people who were there and with someone who is, in mine and I’m sure many other people’s opinions, one of the foremost authorities on the subject.
I really hope that you enjoy this podcast because I had soooo much fun recording it!
Enjoy 🙂
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed
And be sure to purchase These are the Voyages: TOS, Season One HERE.
These are the Voyages: TOS, Season Two will be out in February!
HNG Podcast – 2013 Comic Con Part 2
In Part 2 of our San Diego Comic Con podcast we discuss the Friday, Saturday and Sunday Hall H panels: The Walking Dead; Game of Thrones; The Seventh Son; Godzilla; Warcraft; 300: Rise of an Empire; Gravity; Superman vs. Batman; I, Frankenstein; The Hunger Games: Catching Fire; The Wolverine; X-Men: Days of Future Past, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Supernatural, Breaking Bad, and Doctor Who. We also talked about how I felt when Nathan Fillion was momentarily 2 inches away from me, photo bombing a Doctor Who time crash, getting recognized by some followers, HNG and social media.
For Part 1 of the Podcast, go HERE.
Stay tuned for a post with tons of pictures from 2013 San Diego Comic Con!
HNG Podcast – 2013 Comic Con Part 1
I’ve been recovering from a gnarly Comic Con cold (stoopid germs) all week so I’m running a bit behind on my Comic Con wrap-up posts. Stay tuned for a post that’ll include pictures and more details on the panels, but in the meantime, Darcy and I recorded a podcast where I go through my entire Comic Con experience very, very quickly. Talking about 4 days worth of awesomeness in an hour is apparently too much for the blog to handle so we had to split it up into two posts.
In Part 1 we discuss meeting Brent Spiner again, Thursday’s Sherlock, X-Files, and Brave New Warriors panels in Ballroom 20, and Friday’s The World’s End, Veronica Mars, and Kick-Ass 2/Riddick panels in Hall H.
Check out Part 2 of the podcast coming right atcha!
San Diego Comic Con 2013 Thursday Shenanigans
It’s Day One of San Diego Comic Con 2013 and somehow I always manage to forget just HOW insane it is. So. Many. People. It’s always super stressful but it’s also so much fun.
I decided to dress like Han Solo and my nephew just happened to wear his Jedi costume so we were pretty much perfect together. It’s like we’re not just related but we’re psychically linked as well.
After sitting into a crapload of traffic (thank God I picked up my badge on Wednesday night), I finally pulled into the hotel that will be my home for the next few days. I got there too late to join Geek Outlaw in the Ballroom 20 line but I managed to get into the Sherlock, X-Files 20th Anniversary, and Brave New Warriors panels. I spent the rest of the morning hanging out with my friend Brett at his booth (L-07) and my brother, sister-in-law and nephew. We also visited artists Lord Mesa and Patrick Ballesteros in row DD of Artists Alley.
I’ll do a more in-depth wrap-up later but in the meantime, here are some of today’s highlights…
Demented Dreams (Booth L-07) where you can buy an HNG calendar
Patrick Ballesteros
Sherlock panel
X-Files panel
Brave New Warriors panel
I’m off to camp out in the Hall H line! Stay tuned for more highlights tomorrow.
Lucky 13: Maxim’s Hot Nerd Women of 2013
MAXIM_HOT_100_Nerd Girl 13
Every year I assign myself an extremely strenuous assignment…go through Maxim’s Hot 100 List and pick out the 13 nerd-worthiest ladies (is nerd-worthiest even a word? Did I just coin that?) It’s a tough job but someone has to do it and I suppose that someone might as well be me.
The things I do for you all… 😉
I never repeat the same ladies two years in a row so this year I’m sad to say that Rebecca Mader, Kat Dennings, Stana Katic, Yvonne Strahovski, Adrianne Palicki, Kaley Cuoco, Charlize Theron, Kate Beckinsale, and Jennifer Lawrence from 2012’s list will have to sit this one out. However, I never said I wouldn’t repeat from past years so some of the hotties featured in 2011’s list are making a comeback.
My first run-through narrowed the list down to 39. The second attempt got me down to 18. Third time was the charm and I settled on the 13 you see below.
Just like in years past, I did not choose the women on this list, I just narrowed them down. Had I chosen, Felicia Day, Rose Leslie, Hayley Atwell, Natalie Dormer, and Natalie Portman (amongst others) would all be on here. I’ll be rooting for them next year.
Note: the order in which they are presented is the order Maxim put them in. So don’t go blaming me if the ones you like are further down the totem pole.
My #13 – Their #97. Daniella Alonso
This sexy rebel knows how to blow your mind and blow you up. She also has an impressive list of horror films under her belt.
My #12 – Their #95. Zooey Deschanel
This New Girl is the ultimate dork and I love her so much for it. She’s awkward and silly and is completely unapologetic about it. And she was Jovie, Trillian, AND Ms. Edmunds so, you know, she’s got that going for her.
My #11 – Their #84. Alice Eve
Dr. Carol Marcus just got a whole lot hotter. She’s in Star Trek. Nothing else matters.
My #10 – Their #77. Janina Gavankar
This sultry shapeshifter gets to roll around in the dirt with Sam Merlotte. I’m a tid bit jealous about that.
My #9 – Their #65. Emilia Clarke
This dragon mama should be way higher up the list IMHO. I mean seriously, look at her, she’s beyond gorgeous. And she’s a brunette who can pull off a platinum blonde wig. As a fellow brunette, I know exactly how hard that is.
My #8 – Their #48. Nina Dobrev
A vampire vixen sandwiched between two hottie brothers who are constantly fighting for her sweet lady kisses. Can you blame them?
My #7 – Their #38. Zoe Saldana
I personally think that Miss Saldana is one of the pertiest people on the planet. I’m a former dancer so she first caught my eye as the bitchy (in a good way) ballerina in Center Stage. Then she went and got herself cast as Uhura and sealed the deal.
My #6 – Their #29. Olivia Munn
I don’t know what it is about Miss Munn but I’ve always liked her. Maybe it’s because she says it like it is and she’s not afraid to be herself even though she seems to be afraid all the time. I can relate to her. Also, her recent guest turn on New Girl was amazing.
My #5 – Their #21. Emma Stone
I love funny women and Emma has comedic timing to spare. She’s making out with Spider-Man both on screen and in real-life and that just seems like way too much good fortune for one little lady. Also, I want her on my Zombie Apocalypse Annihilation Team (ZAAT). I can think of no greater honor.
My #4 – Their #19. Emma Watson
This little witch is all grown up and showing us that it’s ok to be a wallflower. Super smart in real life, she’s proving to be a great role model to girls who would otherwise idolize actresses with far less class.
My #3 – Their #17. Jessica Alba
I wasn’t always a fan of Miss Alba but she’s grown on me over the years and I’m sure her role as a stripper in Sin City had absolutely nothing to do with it… *ahem*… Plus, I’ve almost forgiven everyone who was involved in the Fantastic Four movies. Almost.
My #2 – Their #15. Scarlett Johansson
One of the things I love about ScarJo is that she’s got curves and she knows how to use them. She’s not a twig like some other Hollywood starlets and she seems to be just fine with that. Her confidence is infectious. She shines as Black Widow, the lone (so far) female team member in the movie version of The Avengers, and will be reprising her role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier next year.
My #1 – Their #4. Mila Kunis
This supposedly “wicked witch” graciously accepted a date to the Marine Corps Ball when asked (in a stunning display of balls by Sgt. Scott Moore). A move that made this funny lady even hotter, something I didn’t even know was possible.
That’s it for this list. Until next year, this is HNG signing off.
Don’t forget to buy a calendar! It’s got every nerdy holiday you can imagine, plus a super handy convention calendar, and some never-before-seen pictures that will never, ever be seen anywhere else. I know it’s May but it’s worth it to get the 2013 calendar. Besides, if I don’t sell these, then there probably won’t be one next year so, ya know…buy one Since it’s May, they’re super discounted (I promise you I’m not making a fortune off of them) and the price includes taxes and shipping within the US (if you live outside of the US than email me at AND I’ll sign it if you want.
The Nerdy Nine – In Memoriam 2012
Every year I write an In Memoriam post in which I pay tribute to those who had a deep impact on the nerd ‘verse before they passed away. These are the people who aren’t necessarily famous in a main stream sense but they deserve to be remembered.
Every year is a little different. Some years there are more actors or comic book artists or directors. This year has leaned more heavily towards science. They say that deaths come in threes and we lost three astronauts this year. I desperately wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up and I’ve always been obsessed with space; therefore, I included all three in this year’s tribute.
1. Neil Armstrong – NASA Astronaut
Neil Armstrong could fly a plane before he could drive a car. He was more than just the first man to walk on the moon, he was the very definition of a Real American Hero, in part because he was so reluctant to bear the title. An Eagle Scout and decorated Navy pilot, he flew more than 200 different models of aircraft over the course of his career. Known for being an intensely private and humble man, he retired to Cincinnati and became a professor after his mission to space was complete. Still, his sense of adventure never left him and he offered to command a mission to Mars in 2010 at the age of 80. He passed away during coronary artery bypass surgery on August 25th.
2. Ray Bradbury – Author, Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles
Ray Bradbury started writing when he was 11 years old during the Great Depression. His daily writing regimen started after two events in his childhood. First, he saw Lon Chaney in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, then he went to a carnival and was brought before a performer named “Mr. Electrico” who touched Bradbury’s nose with an electrified sword and shouted “live forever!” Young Ray’s hair stood on end and his imagination ignited. He was never the same after that and almost became a magician. Instead of going to college, which he couldn’t afford because of the Depression, he went to the library three days a week for ten years. He was an avid supporter and defender of libraries his entire life. He insisted that he was a fantasy writer and that Fahrenheit 451 was the only sci-fi book he ever wrote declaring that, “science fiction is the art of the possible.” Despite living most of his life in Los Angeles he never got a driver’s license. He was 91 years young when he died on June 5th after a lengthy illness.
3. Jean Giraud – Comic Book Artist
Under the pseudonyms Mœbius and Gir, Jean Giraud became a well-known and highly influential comic book and storyboard artist. Best known for his Blueberry series, he was revered by Stan Lee and worked with him on a two-issue Silver Surfer miniseries called Parable. Raised in the suburbs of France by his grandparents, he only attended art school for one year before moving to Mexico for 8 months and later serving in the military and working for the army magazine. His work was the inspiration behind The Fifth Element and the Imperial Probe Droid in Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back. He worked on many films including Alien, Willow and The Abyss. Giraud passed away on March 10th of cancer at the age of 73.
4. Svetozar Gligorić – Chess Grandmaster
Svetozar Gligorić and I have something in common, we’re both Groundhog babies. But that’s where the similarities end. But because of our shared birthday, I’ve known about this Serbian-Yugoslavian chess grandmaster for as long as I can remember. So I was saddened to learn that he’d passed away. His father died when he was young and to make ends meet his mother rented rooms to boarders. It was one of these boarders who taught an 11 year old Svetozar how to play chess. Lacking the funds to buy a set, he created his own by carving the chess pieces out of the corks of wine bottles. He went on to become the greatest chess player ever to come out of Serbia, a career that was interrupted only by WWII. He later became a renowned chess commentator. Svetozar died of a stroke on August 14th at 89 years old.
5. Bill Hinzman – Actor, Night of the Living Dead
Hinzman was working as an Assistant Cameraman when George Romero spotted him and changed his life forever by casting him as the first zombie seen in Night of the Living Dead. When Producer Gary Streiner’s arm caught fire during an effects mishap on the set, he began running in terror, and Hinzman (in full zombie makeup) tackled him to the ground and helped extinguish the flames. Hinzman and Romero went on to work together many times over the years, helping Hinzman to become a cult figure and fan favorite at conventions. He was 75 when he passed away of cancer on February 5th.
6. Sir Bernard Lovell – Physicist & Astronomer
Born in Bristol, England in 1913, Lovell was a physicist and radio astronomer who studied cosmic rays and constructed the largest steerable radio telescope in the world at that time. The telescope would later be named the Lovell Telescope and is still in use today. He established the Jodrell Bank Observatory and was its Director for 35 years. For his contribution to science, Lovell received an OBE in 1946 and was knighted in 1961. The first name of the fictional scientist Bernard Quatermass, the hero of several BBC Television science-fiction serials of the 1960s, was chosen in honor of Lovell. He was 98 years old when he passed away at home on August 6th.
7. Alan G. Poindexter – NASA Astronaut
A born daredevil, it was only natural that Poindexter would become a Navy test pilot and NASA astronaut. In his career as a pilot he logged over 4000 flight hours on 30+ types of aircraft. His first trip to space was derailed by the Columbia disaster in 2002. It would be four more years before he finally flew to the International Space Station in 2008. He served on two missions to space before retiring from NASA and returning to the US Navy as Dean of Students at the Naval Postgraduate School. The youngest person on this list, he was only 50 years old when he died from injuries received during a personal watercraft accident in Little Sabine Bay off Pensacola Beach, Florida, being the daredevil he always was.
8. Sally Ride – NASA Astronaut
As a young girl who was obsessed with all things space-related, Sally Ride was a huge idol of mine. Ride was a Physicist who answered an ad in the newspaper along with 8000 other people and became the youngest American astronaut to be launched into space as well as the first American woman to enter into low Earth orbit. She retired from NASA and went on to teach physics at UCSD, become the only person to serve on the panels for both the Challenger and Columbia accidents, found Sally Ride Science, and write several children’s books along with her partner of 27 years, Tam O’Shaughnessy. Fiercely private, she revealed more in her obituary than she had in 30 years of public life. She died on July 23rd of pancreatic cancer at age 61.
9. Maurice Sendak – Children’s Book Author, Where the Wild Things Are
The child of Polish Jewish immigrants, Sendak’s childhood was marred by the passing of most of his extended family in the holocaust. Young Maurice escaped by reading and decided to become an illustrator after watching Disney’s Fantasia when he was 12 years old. He would go on to become one of the most famous children’s book authors and illustrators in the world with the massive success of Where the Wild Things Are. In May 2008 he quietly revealed that he was gay and had hidden his 50 year relationship with psychoanalyst Dr. Eugene Glynn from his parents. An atheist, he was quoted as saying “My gods are Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson, Mozart. I believe in them with all my heart.” Maurice died on May 8th from complications of a stroke. He was 83 years old.
Then there are the regular Joes. The nerds and geeks we know and love who aren’t famous. They don’t get recognized during awards shows or in magazines but their loss is just as devastating and much more personal for us. The nerd world lost two wonderful souls this past year who deserve to be recognized for the incredible people they were. They were both life-long nerds and meant a great deal to me.
Grandma Kay
Her R2D2 outfit
My Grandma Kay was one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. She was warm and kind and accepting of everyone. I never once heard her say a negative word about anyone. She was always chuckling. I could pick out that chuckle in a noisy room and if I close my eyes I can still hear it. She took me to Kennedy Space Center see my first space shuttle launch (Endeavor) and introduced me to gators and herons in the blueways of central Florida. She was a life-long nature lover and one of the first computer wiz’s I ever knew. She wanted to see and learn everything she possibly could. She always said that people don’t die, they graduate. I miss everything about her. I miss her stories and blowing and catching kisses over the phone. I miss the way that she ate her half a danish every morning because she was half Danish. I even miss her terrible cooking which I totally inherited from her. When I was with her, everything was magical. She graduated in early July at 96 years young.
Papa Nick
Papa Nick was not my biological grandfather, but much like my parental units, I’ve picked up a lot of grandparents through marriage, chance and circumstance along the journey of my life. Papa Nick was one of those. Together with his lovely wife Grace, I was one of the many indirectly related kids who was adopted into their brood of grandchildren. I took to Papa the instant I met him. His thick accent, Greek Fisherman’s cap, and ever-present pipe combined with his sharp wit and a steady stream of one-liners resulted in a man who you couldn’t help but love. He was one of the smartest people I’ve ever known. His love of science and education was infectious. Papa passed away in early October at the age of 90.
Do you know a nerd who Graduated in 2012 who deserves to be recognized? Please leave a comment and let me know or post a picture and comment on the Hot Nerd Girl facebook page.
Honorable Mentions:
Renato Dulbecco – Virologist, 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Michael Clarke Duncan – Actor, The Green Mile, Daredevil, Green Lantern, Sin City
Jonathon Frid – Actor, Dark Shadows
Harry Harrison – Sci-Fi Author, Make Room! Make Room!, etc.
Lars Hörmander – Mathematician, 1962 Fields Medal
Sir Andrew Huxley – Physiologist, 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Kathryn Joosten – Actress, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files
William Standish Knowles – Chemist, 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Rita Levi-Montalcini – Neurologist, 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Patrick Moore – Amateur astronomer, writer, researcher, radio commentator, television presenter, co-founder of the Society for Popular Astronomy
Frank Sherwood Rowland – Chemist, Nobel laureate
Tony Scott – Director and Producer, Top Gun, Man on Fire, Unstoppable
Boris Strugatsky – Sci-Fi Author, The World of Noon series, etc.
William Thurston – Mathematician, 1982 Fields Medal
Mike Wallace – Journalist, 60 Minutes
William Windom – Actor, The Twilight Zone, Star Trek
Richard Zanuck – Producer/Director, Jaws, Planet of the Apes, Dark Shadows, Big Fish, From the Earth to the Moon
“Every life comes to an end when time demands it. Loss of life is to be mourned, but only if the life was wasted.”
- – Spock (TAS: “Yesteryear“)
Operation Gratitude – 900k and the March to a Million
There are a few places on this planet where I feel absolutely comfortable. One of them is the National Guard Armory in Van Nuys, CA. I don’t know what it is about that wonderful place, but my shyness and social awkwardness don’t seem to exist there. It must be all the love. It’s literally bursting from the seams in there.
If you’re a regular on the blog then you know about my love for Operation Gratitude. If you’re a newbie then let me explain what Operation Gratitude is really quick. It’s an organization started by Carolyn Blashek in the wake of 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan When she tried to join the military and was told that she was above the age limit, she couldn’t stand by and do nothing so she started putting together care packages in her home. Those humble beginnings have grown into an Operation that has now sent more than 900,000 care packages to troops deployed around the world. We have officially started our March to a Million.
Now a little background as to how I got involved. I’m a proud Navy Brat and sister of a Marine and several years back I decided that I wanted to do something to support the military and their families. I collected a ton of unused Christmas cards and got everyone I know to write letters and notes in them. I collected more than a hundred and then realized that I had no idea where to send them. I started calling Army-Navy Recruiting Offices and finally a Soldier answered and told me about Operation Gratitude. I called the phone number he gave me and Carolyn answered. Turns out he had given me her home phone number. Carolyn was so warm and kind and told me where to drop the letters off. I asked her what else I could do and she told me about their upcoming Package Assembly Day. I never looked back. The 2nd time I volunteered I was lucky enough to pack the 350,000th package, a moment that I will never forget for as long as I live. I told my Nerd BFF Geek Outlaw about it and he began joining me about a year after I started. I’ve volunteered many times since then, collected hundreds more Christmas cards, and learned to crochet so that I could make scarves for the Winter Drive. It brings me more joy than I could ever express. Now that I’m in San Diego and my schedule is insane, it’s much harder to get up to Van Nuys but I drove up this past weekend for the last packing day of the year.
Photo by HNG fan Shaun
I have a bad wrist so I like to get to the Armory early so that I can get a spot putting the items into the boxes. It also gives me a chance to talk to all of the people who walk around the assembly line and arrange the contents as we fill them. And I get to dance to the music which is not only fun, but makes it easier on my back. After saying hello and giving Carolyn a big hug, I settled into my spot along with Geek Outlaw and his Dad. For the morning shift I was put in charge of the Oxy products and was dubbed the “zit girl.” For the afternoon shift I was moved to another area of hygiene, toothpaste and dental floss.
Picture posted on facebook
Right before we started for the day I posted a picture on the facebook page and invited anyone in the area to join us. Shaun saw that picture and, still reeling from the tragedy in Connecticut and his personal connection to it, decided that volunteering was exactly what he needed. That, and wearing a red shirt under his sweatshirt. He joined Geek Outlaw and I for the afternoon shift. It was awesome to hang out and chat with him, he now knows more about me than any other fan!
HNG and Shaun
There are always a few celebrities that show up and this year was no different. The first one who came by was Michael Reagan, oldest son of President Ronald Reagan, along with his wife and daughter. I didn’t recognize him at first, but Geek Outlaw’s Dad did and when I heard his name I perked right up. I asked him “Michael, do you know Dean Minnerly?” He looked surprised and said “Yes!!” I told him that Dean was my step-dad and he couldn’t believe it. Each time he came around we chatted a little more. As I mentioned in my interview with him, Dean was a Karate instructor prior to becoming a Foley Artist. Michael’s son was one of his students and he used to hang out with the Reagan’s and go out on their boat with them. They haven’t been in contact for a number of years though. So I told Michael I was going to take his picture and text it to Dean. This is that picture.
Michael Reagan
Dean was flabbergasted and asked if I could get Michael’s contact info but by the time I got that message we were in the middle of the ceremony and Michael was speaking to the crowd. He left right after and I didn’t see him again. So Michael, if you ever read this, Dean wants to reconnect with you.
The next celebrity to come by was Erik Estrada of CHiPs fame along with at least ten Playboy Bunnies.
HNG waiting for Erik and the Bunnies to catch up with the rest of the line
He was so incredibly nice. You could tell that he really wanted to be there and was genuinely excited to meet and hang out with the Soldiers who were present.
HNG and Erik Estrada
Joe Mantegna was there along with at least fifteen other crew and production people from Criminal Minds. Dean works on the Law & Order shows so we exchanged a few joking jabs back and forth each time they made the rounds.
Geek Outlaw, Joe Mantegna, and HNG
After lunch, Geek Outlaw, Shaun, and I reclaimed our spots on the Assembly Line.
“My spot!” says Geek Outlaw
A few minutes later Carolyn came up with a little boy named Charlie (that’s him behind Geek Outlaw) and asked Geek Outlaw and I to watch him and show him the ropes. We’re responsible adults so we said no problem! After chatting with him for a few minutes (seriously, he was so cute and sweet), Carolyn came back and told me “By the way, he’s Jon Cryer’s son.” You probably know Jon Cryer best from Two and a Half Men. I’ve never seen that show so I know him as Duckie from Pretty in Pink. Jon was a client of my previous boss in LA so I had spoken to his wife before on the phone. The line started back up and the next thing I know, here comes Jon. I said “Hey Jon, we were put in charge of your kid, he’s really cute.” He smiled and said “Well I certainly think so! I think I’ll join you guys.”
HNG and Jon Cryer
He took a place on the Line and was put in charge of the 5 Hour Energy’s. Having had that job before, I know how filthy your hands get, so I told him I had a hand wipe with his name on it once we stopped for the day. He was also really nice and even danced with me when “Stayin’ Alive” came on over the speakers. I told him who my old boss was and he got a big smile on his face and told me to tell him that he said hi, which I did. Tada! Two sets of old friends reconnected by me and Operation Gratitude. I was kind of on a roll that day.
Then, of course, there was Santa (Santa’s a celebrity! 😉 )aka Supervisor Jack, the nicest man you will ever meet and a fantastic singer…
…and Captain Freedom…
…but the real celebrity that day was Spc. Samuel M. He was the recipient of the 800,000th care package; recently back from his latest deployment in Afghanistan. The recipients of the milestone care packages always get a few extras. On Saturday Spc. M. was presented with a custom motorcycle made by Torque and Orange County Choppers. I know absolutely nothing about motorcycles but even I knew that it was a special bike. It was really gorgeous.
Regardless of how you may feel about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the brave men and women of our military are the reason we have the freedoms that we do and they need to be supported by those of us back home who take advantage of those freedoms. You don’t know their names but they are sacrificing and sometimes dying for you. The least we can do is send them a little piece of home. I’m proud to have contributed to that effort in my own very small way.
Thanks again to Carolyn and the Blue Shirts for all that you do and for making Operation Gratitude feel like a home away from home.
To learn more and find out how you can help, visit the Operation Gratitude website HERE.