Category: Photoshoot

  • Harry Potter Photo Shoot & Contest


    Today is my birthday (that’s right, I’m a Groundhog baby) and for the past three years I’ve posted a photo shoot to mark the occasion. In 2012 it was Batgirl. In 2013 it was a superhero character I created named Delilah. Last year it was the Dread Pirate Tracy.

    This year I FINALLY got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (thank YOU Professor McGonagall) so I grabbed my robes, my broom and my handmade wand (I totally whittled and painted it myself thankyouverymuch) and snuck into the Forbidden Forest for some practice.

    In case you were wondering, I got sorted into Gryffindor. The socks may have given that away.

    I always have a lot of fun writing the silly little stories that go along with the pictures (yes, I know exactly how silly they are) and folks seem to like them so I’ll just keep doing it 

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics. BUT WAIT! This time there’s actually TWO contests!

    My name is Tracy and I just got accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy! 

    I wonder why they chose me, I’m a bit old for a First Year…

    Oh well, don’t care! I love practicing spells with my wand.

    Sometimes I even get a spell to work!

    Flying on my broomstick is also pretty wicked.

    Wait – full stop – what is THAT??

    The Dark Lord is back! Better race back to Hogwarts and warn everyone!

    I got this guys!

    Take THAT Lord Voldemort!

    All in day’s work.

    Big thanks, as always, to my friend and photographer, Jon Upson. The Harry Potter pictures were supposed to be a few quick ones for the calendars and thanks to his wonderful talent, we ended up shooting a ton! To Mama Jedi for assisting on yet another photo shoot and for being my biggest cheerleader. To my friend and HNG Podcast co-host Darcy for over 4 years of constant motivation and support. Seriously, I couldn’t do this without him. To Reba for the lovely, and very last-minute, watermarks. And to my talented artist friend, Ben Risbeck, for fabulous, and also last-minute, photo shopping of the spell effects.

    Quick announcement! Me and the Podthingy boys (John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw) will have a booth at Long Beach Comic Expo February 28th-March 1st! Come say “Hi!” and check out the entire first season of the podcast HERE.


    Part 1: If you want a chance to win a signed print of your choice from this photo shoot, leave a comment below by Thursday, February 5th at Midnight PST. I’ll pull five names out of a hat and contact you directly if you’re a winner!

    Part 2: I love, love, love all of the photo shopped photos that people have sent me over the years. So much so that I have a facebook photo album dedicated to them! Photo shop a spell or a Dementor or anything Harry Potter-related that you’d like into one of the 5 photos below and myself and an expert panel of judges will choose a winner. The winner will get a customized package full of HNG swag and will be featured on the HNG Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest pages! Photo shopped image must be submitted by the Thursday, February 5th at Midnight PST deadline! Send to:

    Option 1:

    Option 2:

    Option 3:

    Option 4:

    Option 5:

    Thanks to everyone who participates!

  • Pirate Photo Shoot & Contest

    HNG Pirate teaser

    My birthday is on Sunday (that’s right, I’m a Groundhog baby) and for the past two years I’ve posted a photo shoot to mark the occasion. In 2012 it was Batgirl. Last year it was a superhero character I created named Delilah. This year I decided to whip out my pistol and dress up like a pirate.

    Because, let’s face it, Pirates are awesome. Plus, I’m the descendant of Vikings so acting like a Pirate for a day isn’t that far of a stretch. Also, Pirates are awesome.

    I always have a lot of fun writing the little stories that go along with the pictures and folks seem to like them so I’ll just keep doing it 

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.

    Well, ahoy there Matey, my name is Captain Tracy.

    Some folks don’t like me being the Captain on account of my being a member of the fairer sex.

    But I don’t really give a damn what they think. Just don’t call me a “wench.”

    No really, you do NOT want to call me a wench.

    I know my way around a sword and I will cut you.

    I’ve been in my share of fights.

    And sent more than a few men to Davy Jones’ locker. 

    Let’s just say that I can hold my own with the boys.

    How else do you think I got to be Captain?

    It certainly wasn’t from hitting the bottle.

    And I don’t take shit lying down.

    I’ve got a great sense of humor and can be a bit of a flirt.

    OK, maybe more than a bit at times.

    But when shit gets real…

    I’m all business.

    So don’t let me catch you going after my treasure.

    Because I will not be a happy Captain.

    Now where were we?

    Oh yeah…wanna see my ship? It’s right over there.

    You can come aboard if you promise to behave.

    We can sail off into the sunset in search of adventure!

    Big thanks, as always, to my friend and photographer, Jon Upson. I’m always in awe of what he manages to capture with that camera of his because, trust me, I am NOT a model. Far from it. To Mama Jedi for assisting on yet another photo shoot and for being my biggest cheerleader. To my friend and HNG Podcast co-host Darcy for almost 4 years of constant motivation and support. Seriously, I couldn’t do this without him. To Reba for the lovely watermarks and all of her hard work on the calendars. And to my friend Erika for letting me borrow her “pirate wench hooker boots.” I don’t know how she walks in those, I could barely stand and almost fell over more times than I can count.

    Quick announcement: my NerdBFF Geek Outlaw and I are going to have our first booth at a convention! So if you’re in the LA area on February 9th, please come by and say hi. Since we’ve never done this before, we’re testing the waters at a smaller convention, the Los Angeles Comic Book & Science Fiction Convention. I don’t know our booth number yet but I’ll announce it on the facebook page when I find out.


    If you want a chance to win a signed print of your choice from this photo shoot, leave a comment below by Tuesday, February 4th at midnight PST. I’ll pull five names out of a hat and contact you directly if you’re a winner!

    AND, since it’s my birthday, one lucky winner will get a signed copy of Forging Freedom, an anthology I was asked to contribute a sci-fi story to. See my author profile HERE. If you don’t win it but want to check it out you can get it in paperback or on your Kindle HERE.

    Want to get me a birthday present? Buy a 2014 calendar! They are a labor of love and any money I make goes right back into making next year’s calendar. This 11″ x 11″ 12-month calendar includes every nerdy holiday you can possibly imagine and a convention calendar featuring dates and locations for hundreds of sci-fi, fantasy, comic book, anime, and horror conventions all around the world.

    Thanks to everyone who participates!

  • Delilah Photo Shoot & Contest

    My birthday was on Saturday. I don’t even remember the last time it was on a Saturday. To celebrate I had a little last minute party which involved dancing, roasting s’mores, and a party necessity in my circle, Jäger shots.

    nom nom nom…

    Last year I thought I’d thank all you loyal HNG readers with a birthday Batgirl photo shoot. It was a ton of fun so I thought I’d make it a tradition. This year I debated what costume to use. I’ve been working on a prototype “HNG Superhero” costume for about 7 months and I finally figured out exactly what I wanted and completed the outfit.

    Meet “Delilah.”

    Why the name Delilah? I honestly can’t give you one reason. I’ve always liked the name and I even named a pet mouse Delilah about 8 years ago. Also, I like the idea that a badass superhero chick would have a super girly name. But mostly, it came to me in my sleep. I had a dream about the character and everyone in the dream kept calling her Delilah. I started using the name to refer to the costume and it stuck. So there.

    By the by, I have a lot of fun writing the little stories that go along with my pictures. So thank you for indulging me when it comes to them 🙂

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.

    Hey there bitches, my name’s Delilah.

    I’m a bit of a badass.

    No really, I am. See?

    I patrol the streets at night looking for trouble. Or maybe the trouble comes looking for me.

    It’s hard to tell the difference sometimes.

    So I always have to be on my guard.

    You never know what you’re going to find when you walk around a corner.

    It’s best to be prepared.

    …with attitude!

    Did someone order awesome…

    …with a side of whoop ass?

    Hey, check out my fierce battle cry! AHHHHH!!!!

    A true crime fighter never rests. But she can sit on a skanky old tire and take a breather for a minute, mmmkay?

    When the sun rises and dawn sheds her harsh light on this foul city it’s time for me to go home.

    But never fear, Delilah will be back again tomorrow night, defending the streets against the scum and villainy.

    Many, many thanks to photographer extraordinaire Jon Upson for taking such amazing pictures and for sweet talking the lady cop who thought I was underage (ha!).  To Mama Jedi for helping out and also being mistaken for underage (ha!).  And to my friend Darcy for staying up past his bedtime on a school night to help me out and for all the constant support.

    Now about that contest part…

    Since the Babe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter contest was such a success, I decided to try it again. So if you want a chance to win a signed 8”x12” print from this photo shoot, leave a comment below by Friday, February 8th at midnight PST. I’ll pull five names out of a hat and contact you directly if you’re a winner!

  • Babe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Photoshoot & Contest

    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is one of my very favorite books. I love it so much that I read it twice in a row in two days. The movie….alas, notsomuch 

    I’ve always been a tomboy and I’ve always liked dressing up as the female version of male characters (e.g. Thor and Batgirl) so a while back I decided that I was going to dress up as Babe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter for Halloween. I was way overdue for an HNG photo shoot and after talking it over with a few friends and my fabulous photog buddy Jonny Ups over the biggest frappuccino I’d ever seen (next time I’m buying Jon) we agreed that it would be crazy fun to do a Babe Lincoln shoot. I’m very fortunate to have some hot, nerdy friends so I enlisted the help of my friend Meghan who agreed to be the sexy vampire Henrietta Sturges to my Babe Lincoln.

    Yes, I know that I’ve got a fake axe and not a real one. Before you give me a hard time about it there are 3 reasons for this. 1) I couldn’t find a real one that had a wooden handle and not a plastic/rubber/epoxy one and none of my friends had any. 2) Real axes are heavy. Great and fine for chopping wood. Not so great for running and leaping while swinging them over your head. 3) (and most importantly) I was not about to swing a real axe at a good friend of mine. Sorry. Her safety is 10 million times more important to me than holding a real axe is. I’m a theatre person. Safety is paramount. Would I have liked a real one for the times when I’m just standing there? Yes. I refer you back to reason #1. If any of you photoshop pros want to take a stab at photoshopping a real axe in there, have at it!

    Hope you enjoy the pictures and that you have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 

    What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.

    My name is Lincoln. Babe Lincoln.

    I’m a Vampire Hunter.

    This is my bff Henrietta Sturges. She’s a vampire.

    Sometimes we get together for tea and training.

    It turns out Henrietta doesn’t like tea.

    But she does like training.

    We practice a lot.

    My frustration amuses Henrietta.

    Until I get mad and chase after her with my axe.

    Sometimes she gets the upper hand.

    But I always fight back.

    It’s all fun and games. Right, Henrietta?

    Training is exhausting.

    Afterwards we head back to my house.

    To, you know, hang out and stuff.

    I like to sit on my porch and admire the scenery.

    What? You don’t like scenery?

    Henrietta often joins me.

    And we share a laugh or two.

    She’s an awesome vampire bff.

    When she’s not fucking with me.

    Until next time, Babe Lincoln out.

    A huge thanks to Jonny Ups for taking such smashing pictures again, to Meghan for being up for anything and making it the funnest HNG photo shoot yet, to Mama Jedi for assisting with everything from shoe changes to stovepipe hat holding to lighting gear stabilizing, and to Darcy for being my constant partner in crime.

    Now for a little fun.

    Leave a comment below and I’ll throw your name into my stovepipe hat for a chance to win one of five autographed 8″x10″ prints from this photo shoot. I’ll pull the names on Halloween night so make sure you leave a comment by then. This is my first ever contest/giveaway type-thing so here’s hoping I’m doing this right.

  • My birthday present to you…a Batgirl photoshoot!

    Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh – BATGIRL!

    Tomorrow is my birthday (don’t even bother asking, I’m not going to tell you how old I am) so I decided to give YOU, my awesome readers, a gift for sticking with me for the past year and a half.

    I wrote a little story to go along with the pictures…sort of a pseudo-comic if you will.  I hope you enjoy it.

    Oh, and please feel free to thank me for putting my friend into my Slave Leia costume.  I figured that if I have to rescue a damsel in distress, she might as well be scantily clad and amazingly hot.  Just looking out for you my friends.

    Anyhooters, here goes:

    The night is dark. Dark and dangerous. A lone heroine stalks the night keeping an eye out for trouble.

    She climbs over the rooftops, lithe and agile. She watches and waits.

    A scream tears through the silence.  Someone is in trouble!

    Oh no! A thug has a helpless damsel in distress in his grips!

    The thug eyes her skeptically. He doesn’t see her as a threat. He has made a horrible mistake.

    She shows him her mean right hook!

    The thug is stunned and doesn’t see it coming when she plants her totally practical stiletto boot square in his chest!

    HNG prevails. 

    The streets are safe once again.  At least for now…

    Don’t worry fair maiden, HNG will always be here to keep you safe.

    To the victor goes the spoils…wait…I mean, allow me to escort you home fair maiden…

    HNG takes to the rooftops once more.

    A Superhero’s work is never done.

    Bad guys beware: she’ll be watching. And waiting. And looking hot while doing it so don’t get any ideas buster.

    A HUGE thank you to Jon Upson for taking such amazing pictures (check out his website here) and to Darcy and Joy for joining in on the HNG shenanigans (as Jon would say).

  • Xena: Warrior Princess Photoshoot

    Soooo, it doesn’t typically take me 6 months to complete a project but this also wasn’t your typical Summer.  I undertook a huge move and a lot of changes to my life in the past 6 months.  So what started with this resulted in this.  The donations came in pretty quick (thanks to those who donated!) but life was still crazy so I updated in August when the blog turned One.

    Now, 2 months later it’s finally here!  Sorry for the delay, crazy life = crazy timeline.

    epic win

    I was lucky enough to work with professional photographer, Jonny Ups. He’s a high school friend of mine who I haven’t seen since graduation but, thanks to the wonders of facebook, have kept in touch with.  Since high school he’s become a seriously ah-mazing photog.  I take pictures of people walking away, he takes pictures of rock star’s shoes.  What can I say?  We’re both full of quirky goodness.  Also, he wore this shirt to picture day.  It’s quite possibly the greatest t-shirt ever created. Anyhooters, a HUGE thanks to Jonny Ups for taking the time to photogrograph the Xena pics!  I look forward to working with him in future photo shoots!

    So here you go, the costume y’all voted for – Xena!

    Another big thanks to my friends Darcy and Joy for helping out on picture day.  You guys rock my socks 🙂

  • Costume Contest Winner and Dr. Horrible Live!

    Costume Contest (FINALLY)

    About 2 months ago (holy crap time flies!) I decided it was high time for another HNG photo shoot.  As a bit of a change up I focused on fantasy-related costumes and threw out these options.  Since then I’ve been insanely busy but I finally got around to tallying the votes and Xena was the overwhelming winner.  Sooo, just like with the Slave Leia costume, I’ll wear it and be photographed in it provided that enough donations come in to buy the $50 costume.

    That said, a lot of you wanted Xena but didn’t like the costume I found.  So if you know of a better one, let me know.  I’m open to suggestions.  And sorry, but I don’t have the time or talent to make and sew a leather costume.  I am gifted in many areas, sewing together strips of leather is not one of them.

    So donate today! 😀

    Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog – Live!

    Nathan Turner, Jane Lui and Michael Minto

    I’m still amazed that anyone gives a hoot about what I think so imagine my surprise when I was invited to attend the premier of Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog – Live in San Diego this weekend.  It sounded like fun (and I’m a huge theatre nerd) so I’m heading down (and braving Carmaggedon I might add) to check it out.  You should too.  If you go on Sunday the 17th I will be there geeking out.  You can find more information about it here and here.

    HNG is relocating!

    Live Long and Prosper Los Angeles!

    Speaking of sunny San Diego…I’m moving there at the end of July. Los Angeles certainly has its perks but I’m over it so I’m leaving.  The good news is that a relatively quick drive up the freeway will take me right back to Hollyweird so I can still take advantage of those perks without having to inhale smog and deal with hellacious traffic all day every day.  It’s a good thing.  I mention this because I’ll be packing, moving and unpacking over the course of the next few weeks and my posts may be a bit sporadic and all over the place.  I apologize for this ahead of time.  I may even have a couple of guest bloggers come in to pick up the slack a bit.  We’ll see how it goes.

  • Lucky 13: Maxim’s Hot Nerd Women of 2011

    We’ve pretty much established that I appreciate hotness, be it male or female, human or alien.  I only bat for one team but that doesn’t mean I can’t understand the other team’s perspective.

    My 10 Hottest Babes of Sci-Fi post is by far the most read HNG entry I’ve ever written and it’s not exactly a mystery as to why that is.

    Everyone loves hot chicks.


    Maxim just came out with their annual list of the 100 hottest women in the world.  Talk about a tough job.  In the name of research (research I tell you!) I painstakingly went through the entire list.  Three times.  Of the 100 I found 26 that were nerd worthy.  From that 26 I managed to narrow down the list to 13.  At that point I just couldn’t in good conscience narrow it down any further.

    Therefore, I present to you, oh worthy reader, the Lucky 13.

    As a bonus, today happens to be Friday the 13th.  I swear to Gods this was meant to be.

    Note: the order they are presented in was Maxim’s decision, not mine.  So don’t go blaming me if the ones you like are further down the totem pole.

    That is all.

    My #13 – Their #89. Lyndsy Fonseca

    I loved Kick Ass way more than any sane person should.  Like, seriously, I LOVE that movie.  Now she gets to kick some ass of her own on Nikita and it’s about damn time.

    My #12 – Their #80. Danica McKellar

    The definition of smart and sexy.  I hate math but I could watch her do Bertrand’s postulate all night long.

    My #11 – Their #69. Emma Watson

    Another smart and sexy one.  Turns out she’s a lot like Hermione in real life.  Ridikulus!

    My #10 – Their #68. Anna Paquin

    I’m pretty sure she screws vampires for a living.  I can think of worse ways to spend my time.

    My #9 – Their #59. Grace Park

    Can you imagine being surrounded by multiple copies of this woman?  You’d probably die of joygasm.

    My #8 – Their #56. Christina Hendricks

    Saffron, Bridget, Yolanda – it doesn’t matter what you call her, she’s still gonna kick your ass and knock you out with her sweet lady kisses. Somehow I don’t think you’d mind.

    My #7 – Their #53. Ashley Greene

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the hottest vampire of them all?  (Hint: Alice is)

    My #6 – Their #42. Emma Stone

    She kills zombies.  That alone warrants a spot on this list.  Soon she’ll be making out with Spider-Man…I’m a little jealous about that one.

    My #5 – Their #37. Zoe Saldana

    Seriously, how many women could look sexy as a 8 ft tall blue alien with a tail?  (Even if that tail does give you awesome orgasms)  Plus, she’s in Star Trek, the greatest sci-fi franchise ever.

    My #4 – Their #15. Olivia Wilde

    Do I sense a naked scene in Cowboys & Aliens?  Dear God, I hope so.

    My #3 – Their #14. Scarlett Johansson

    Two words: Black Widow.  The only good thing to come out of the USSR.

    My #2 – Their #8. Natalie Portman

    She’s an elected Queen and her lover is a god.  It takes one hell of a woman to accomplish all that.

    My #1 – Their #2. Olivia Munn

    She speaks nerd and gets plastered on morning television.  I’m pretty sure she should be my BFF.

    And now for that something special I promised yesterday on Facebook. I took these photos a little while ago but was hesitant to post them. Do you think I should have been? Tell me in the comments.

  • What Should I Wear?

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and I’ve decided it’s time for another photoshoot. Last time, we went with the classic Princess Leia Gold Bikini cause how could you not? It’s, like I said, a classic. But this time I figured I should get you all into the mix. The first step is to figure out which costume you want to see me in, then we’ll do the whole fundraising shtick like we did last time.

    Now, I’ve culled through my mind all the different options and picked out the five I’d be most comfortable wearing this time around. Take a look, tell me what you think in the comments here or on my Facebook page. Bear in mind though, I will be asking for monetary based support on this as I am not made of money honeys. And please also remember, with my size boobs I’ll probably have to get the larger size. 🙂 I’ll let you know which one I’ve picked next week.

    Happy voting!

    XENA: Warrior Princess – $40 to $80

    Hermoine – $50

    Agito Girl (Final Fantasy) – $30 to $90

    Wonder Woman – $50

    Emma Frost (X-Men) – $80

  • May The Fourth Be With You!

    Happy Star Wars Day everybody!