Category: Podcasts

  • Hall H Podcast – International Mobil Film Festival

    Guess who guest starred on this week’s Hall H Show podcast? This girl!

    Listen to the podcast about The International Mobil Film Festival and featuring the festival’s founder, Susy Botello, one of the Directors, Anthony de la Cruz, and yours truly, as interviewed by Aaron Nabus and Alex Benedicto.

    Check it out HERE!

  • Jack of all Nerds Podcast

    Guess who guest starred on this week’s Jack of All Nerds Show podcast? This girl!

    Listen as I join Michael Maxwell, Derrick Murray, and Blaine Humbles to talk about podcasting, blogging, Indiana Jones 5, the Emoji Movie, Star Trek, and the sexiness that is Patrick Stewart’s action figure.

    Check it out HERE!

    of here:


  • Gratuitous Nerdity – “Gotham”

    What’s that you say? It’s been months since a “Hot Nerd Girl Podcast” and almost a year since a “Gratuitous Nerdity” post and you just can’t live without the glowing banter that is Tracy and Darcy? Well wait no longer! Tonight we had the opportunity to Instant Message about last nights Gotham premier. Premie? Premiere.

    Thanks for letting me write the intro, Trace. You most likely won’t regret it! – Darcy


    Darcy: Ugh… Gotham… pilot…. so bad… 80’s B-movie bad….

    Tracy: Really?? I liked it!

    Darcy: Ah, Tracy…. the eternal optimist… I’m going to keep watching, buuuutttt….

    Tracy: It’s gonna be great, I have faith 

    Darcy: You should do a blog post about new shows called “Keep the Faith”

    Tracy: Hahaha! I watch so few new shows though. Only got to watch Gotham because I had to make buttons for Long Beach Comic Con this weekend.

    Darcy: It’s a fast show too.

    Tracy: Yeah it is. seems like a lot of the focus will be on Cobblepot which is interesting. I wish that we had seen more of Selena.

    Darcy: They intro’d a loooot of main villains in an hour. Too many, in my book. And honestly, I don’t think they had to kick off the series with the Wayne’s deaths. That could have been a midseason thing. or like, episode 3. I don’t know, I’m just not seeing a ton of creativity with it yet.

    Tracy: Is Fish Mooney a new character? I’m a Marvel girl but I used to read some Batman and I don’t remember her from the comics. I thought they were introduced pretty organically though. We barely saw Riddler, for example.

    Darcy: Yeah, barely. And Ivy, barely. And Selena too. I just think they were rushed. And wanted to get enough hooks in because, I suppose, Gordon isn’t enough of a hook?

    Tracy: Well, I feel like it’s a cop show that just happens to be set in Gotham. The Boy Scout cop and the “is he or isn’t he crooked” cop partner. They don’t like each other but they start to grow on each other by the end. All cop shows start off with the case, this case just happens to be the Wayne’s murder.

    Darcy: Yeah, that’s what it’s supposed to be. I just think starting with the Wayne’s is too easy, I guess.

    Tracy: I think they did that because we all know what happens, why not get it out of the way?

    Darcy: To me, that’s midseason or finale time. After your attached to Bruce and can feel his loss.

    Tracy: Is it a requirement that we HAVE to see Martha’s pearls bouncing around?

    Darcy: Yeah, but that’s my point. That’s a short hand assumption. That we all know what happens to the Wayne’s. That’s not good story telling. It’s why Man of Steel sucked.

    Tracy: Who doesn’t though?? Cave dwellers?? Man of Steel is a whole other bag of worms lol. We never get to know the Wayne’s though, either in the movies or the comics, they need to maintain that air of mystery, that we’ll never know exactly what Bruce lost. We experience his relationship with them through his pain and his vengence. He basically becomes a psychopath, if we get to know his parents then we’ll have opinions of them and that’s counterproductive to the story.

    Darcy: Isn’t that a fresher take though? Otherwise, why are we bothering? Gordon is getting changed because we have, through this show and other comics, his past. When he first showed up, he’s the Commissioner. Why bother going back? ‘Cause it’s unexplored territory. And if they’re going to keep retreading the same ground again and again, they have to find new stories to explore. Batman Begins did. At least somewhat.

    Tracy: They are mixing it up though. We’ve never seen Bruce as a kid except in flashbacks and the brief murder scene. They are taking inspiration from the comics, but for the most part, everything is different.

    Darcy: That’s not enough of a reason NOT to show his parents though. They probably will flashback; I just disagree with how they’re handling it right now.

    Tracy: The Wayne’s aren’t the focus of the show though, the aftermath of their murder is – why drag that out?

    Darcy: Depends on how much time they’re going to spend with Bruce. I don’t think you have to spend a TON of time, but I think assuming we give a crap about Bruce because we all already know the backstory is lazy writing. This is long, but if you ever get a chance, you should check it out:

    Tracy: See, I disagree. I think there were areas that were lazy writing (why does the mob ALWAYS have a meat locker, for example) but I don’t think starting the show off by killing the Wayne’s is lazy, I think it thrusts us right into the heart of the story and the whole reason why we’re there/watching it in the first place. I don’t need to see Martha be the perfect Mom and Thomas playing catch with his perfect son. I want to see the nitty gritty world of Gotham and see Alfred have to step up and be Bruce’s rock and Bruce have to grow up too quickly.

    Darcy: It’s all just choices. I’d like to see some slightly shady stuff on the Wayne’s part, perhaps, that he wasn’t the cleanest nicest guy in the world. Or at the very least, dialogue that doesn’t sound like it was written by a 10 year old in the 80’s.

    Tracy: Ok, well THAT sounds interesting to me. Like Bruce sees his parents as perfect, but there’s a reason why Thomas is the richest guy in town. The seedy side that we never know about and Bruce never knows about. The dialogue sounds very 1940’s gangster movie to me.

    Darcy: Yeah, it was pretty rough.

    Tracy: I think it was miles ahead of a CW show though. But this is FOX, so instead of 10 seasons of superhero origin story, it’ll probably get canceled halfway thru the first season.

    Darcy: Really? I like Arrow.

    Tracy: I like that not everyone is perfectly pretty. That differs from the CW.

    Darcy: Well, I didn’t like Arrow to start, but it’s gotten better.

    Tracy: I’ve been told I need to give Arrow another shot. I gave up after 2 episodes. I will say that DC is doing way better on TV than in the cinema ‘verse.

    Darcy: Yeah, I’m almost all the way through Arrow. I watch it while I run. Flash I’ve seen the pilot, which also moves at a break neck pace. I’m just a firm believer that most of the time you need two hours. Imagine if Star Trek: The Next Generation had a one hour pilot as opposed to a two hour pilot.

    Tracy: To establish the characters and the universe.

    Darcy: Yeah.

    Tracy: Well, the 2 hour pilot of Star Trek: The Next Generation was God awful sooooo…. lol

    Darcy: Yeah, it might improve it actually.

    Tracy: You should watch Flash while you run, might motivate you to run faster 

    Darcy: Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Tracy: So do you have hope for Gotham or do you think that it’s all downhill from here?

    Darcy: I have hope. Arrow has improved. If Parks and Recreation can overcome what I thought was a fairly flawed, shit copy of The Office from the first 1.5 seasons, then any show can do it.

    Tracy: I know that I’m the eternal optimist (most of the time) but I have hope too. I think compared to many pilots, it’s a pretty strong start and now they can get into the meat of the story. And hopefully FOX gives it a good shot before they up and cancel it if it doesn’t immediately get great ratings, but I think it’ll be ok in that regard, at least in the beginning. As always, thanks for nerding harder with me 

    Darcy: Always 

  • HNG Interviewed – The Christian Villere Show

    Christian, Tracy, and Darcy creeping in at the bottom

    Christian, Tracy, and Darcy creeping in at the bottom

    Just before San Diego Comic-Con I was interviewed by Christian Villere for his podcast “The Christian Villere Show” in which he highlights millennials making a difference in the world, as well as issues millennials are dealing with in an increasingly complicated environment.

    Christian is a great interviewer and my HNG Podcast cohost, Darcy, and I had a blast discussing the origin of “Hot Nerd Girl” as well and some personal details about yours truly and my favorite charity, Operation Gratitude. He even links to the music video I recently appeared in for Lydia’s Libido.

    The full story and interview:



    Thanks, Christian!

    I have no idea what I’m doing half the time

  • Podthingy! Episodes 6-13

    Podthingy Hot Nerd GirlPodthingy is a side project that I’ve been working on with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 6-13. Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook and please rate us on iTunes!

    (Listen to Episodes 1-5 HERE)

    Episode 6: “Good Time to Be a Geek” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. This week’s episode features our (belated) summer movie preview. We discuss Edge of Tomorrow, Transformers 4, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jupiter Ascending, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Interstellar, TMNT, Lucy, Sin City 2, Snowpiercer, and others. Plus Gotham, The Flash, Sherlock, and punching Hayden in the face.

    Episode 7: “Episode VII” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode: the failure of The Muppets Most Wanted, the Flash Gordon reboot, Clash of the Titans, our thoughts on Star Wars: Episode VII, the importance of fandom, the awesomeness of Drew Struzan, the dickishness of Harrison Ford, and the weirdness of Jeff Goldblum. Join us for a “very special episode” of Podthingy.

    Episode 8: “I Like Dinosaurs” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode, we talk about listener response to Episode 7, news on the Star Wars standalone films, Jurassic World, the Marvel universe on television, Netflix, Bryan Singer’s legal woes, an update on Ant-Man, rumors about the DC cinematic universe, the failure of Edge of Tomorrow at the box-office, and Hayden’s love of Dinosaurs. #fuckharrisonford

    Episode 9: “Speaking of Cocks” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode, we talk about the difference between nerds and geeks and dorks, Daredevil casting news, Mission:Impossible 5 rumors, Jupiter Ascending’s new release date, old Star Trek versus new Star Trek, the possibility of a new Star Trek television series, Icheb the Borg boy, Spider-Man’s erection, and Tracy’s Purple Hooters.

    Episode 10: “Gratuitous Nerdity” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters, including the merits of Ghostbusters II, The Real Ghostbusters, the status of Ghostbusters III, the graciousness of William Atherton, the magic of Bill Murray, and Ecto Cooler. Plus, we also discuss remakes and reboots, Zombieland, the 75th Anniversary Batman exhibit, Dave Coulier, and Blayne’s diapers.

    Episode 11: “Super H8” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode, we discuss Super 8, Peter Capaldi as Doctor Who, the alphabetical Star Wars edit, the difference between obsession and art, The Golden Girls, D-Box seats, and TARDIS underwear. along with our favorite movies featuring kid protagonists, including Goonies, Stand by Me, Flight of the Navigator, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, E.T., and the “L” Movies.

    Episode 12: “Way, Way Off the Rails” Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode, we review the latest immersive cinema technology 4DX and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (with no spoilers), plus we talk about Chris Columbus possibly directing the Gremlins and Goonies sequels, the new Harry Potter story on Pottermore, the Fantastical Beasts movie series, the danger of Hollywood hype meeting audience expectations, J.J. Abrams not directing Star Wars Episodes VIII and IX, why we’re not watching The Leftovers, why Lady Gaga needs to disappear for a while, and our not-so-secret love of Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

    Episode 13: “This is a F***ing Family Show!”

    Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. In this episode, we welcome special guest Ivan Van Norman from ’King of the Nerds‘ and talk to him about his experience on the show and his new RPG, Outbreak Undead. We also discuss the Podthingy gang’s experiences with role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, the future of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise, Brandon Routh being cast as the Atom, Supernatural, Hemlock Grove, American Gods, Netflix, Better Call Saul, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Kung Fu Panda, the power of editing, our favorite geek collectibles (including KISS condoms), and the startling secret reality behind the Animaniacs.

    Special guest Ivan Van Norman from ’King of the Nerds‘


    Just a heads up that the entire Podthingy crew will be down for San Diego Comic Con this week and we’ll be podcasting on Saturday night!

    Darcy, my fabulous HNG Podcast cohost will also be hanging out with me at SDCC!

    Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)

    Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing).

  • Podthingy! Episodes 1-5

    Me and the Boys always play nice

    Me and the Boys always play nice

    I haven’t had much free time lately and part of the reason why is a new project I’ve been working on called Podthingy with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 1-5. Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook!

    Episode 1: “That’s What She Said”

    Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: WonderCon, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bryan Singer and the future of X-Men, Jager Bombs, and more!

    Episode 2: “Do Not Fact Check This Podcast”

    Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: Batman vs Superman, Zack Snyder, Transcendence, Sippy Bras, and more!

    Episode 3: “Not His Exact Words”

    Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in pop culture. This week’s episode features: Fantastic Four, Gravity, Bird Man, unnecessary sequels (Goonies 2, Ghostbusters 3, etc), remakes vs reboots, and baby sharks.

    Episode 4: “Licking the Tip”

    Podthingy is where the geek meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. This week’s episode features: things nerds hate about nerds, The Hobbit movies, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, books vs movies, and casual geeks.

    Episode 5: “Same Sad Batman Time…”

    Podthingy is where the geeks meet over drinks to discuss the latest in nerd culture. This week’s episode features: a group review of X-Men-Days of Future Past, Godzilla 2014, the title of the newest Superman movie, Edgar Wright leaving Ant-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, sequels that ignore previous movies, and picklebacks


    Just a heads up that Geek Outlaw and I will have a booth at Long Beach Comic Expo this weekend so come visit us at Booth 4000!

    Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)

    Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing)

  • HNG Podcast #15 – Game of Thrones and Agents of SHIELD

    Screen Shot 2014-04-28 at 7.54.02 PM

    In this week’s podcast, Darcy and I spend the whole half hour talking about the first four episodes of Game of Thrones and last week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD. Enjoy!

    Listen here:


    Side note: the first run of HNG calendars sold out (yay!) and I need to order some more for an upcoming event. If anyone would like to get one, now’s the time to order! The calendar features all of the nerdy holidays (and the regular ones too) and a convention calendar. Order one today!

  • HNG Podcast #12 – The Walking Dead, part 1

    HNG podcast 12.

    Darcy and I just had to talk about what’s been going on the last couple of weeks on AMC’s The Walking Dead leading up to this Sunday’s season finale. Topics discussed: the creepiness that is Bob and the potential conspiracy theory about him, why Lizzy had to go, and fog vs. dark tunnel: which is worse? At one point we got into a pretty heated exchange about Daryl’s morgue scene a few weeks ago.

    We also talked about my experience at ConDor Con in San Diego this past Saturday and mentioned a couple of projects that you might be interested in, including I Am a Ghost and Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse.

    Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed talking about it!

    Listen to the podcast here:

  • HNG Podcast #11 – 2014 Movie Preview

    HNG Darcy podcast 11

    Happy New Year!

    I know it’s a little late in the month to be saying that but I’m just now starting to get my energy back after two months of being sick in one way or another.

    A few days ago Darcy found this i09 article about the 65 Science Fiction and Fantasy movies to watch out for in 2014 and we thought we’d discuss the movies we’re most looking forward to in (what I think) is our best and funnest podcast to date. Also, I may have had an impromptu rapping session.




    After many delays (including a medical emergency and having to find a new printer in the 11th hour), the 2014 HNG calendar is finally here! It’s 11″x11″ this year instead of 12″x12″ but, just like last year, it’s got all of the nerdy holidays (including some new ones that weren’t on last year’s), a 2014 convention calendar in the back, and lots of costumes including new, never-before-seen themes like Firefly, Doctor Who, Mario Bros, and more! Plus, I’ll sign the first 250 ordered so be sure to order one today!

  • HNG Podcast #10 – Have yourself a nerdy little Christmas

    HNG santa

    I’ll keep this short and sweet. In today’s podcast, Darcy and I discuss nerd-worthy Christmas-themed movies and TV episodes to watch on Christmas.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 🙂