Category: Sci-Fi

  • Icheb the Borg Boy asked me out…


    Sad emotocon…

    And then never called me.

    It was 06 APR 2002 at the Star Trek Convention in San Francisco.  I was attending with an ex-sort-of-boyfriend and fellow nerd.  Even though I have been an avid Star Trek fan since birth, this was my very first convention and I was uber excited.  I found my way downstairs to the celebrity and vendor floor and after buying a celtic ring (I know, way random) ended up at Manu Intiraymi’s table where he was having a spirited conversation with a fan in full uniform.  I had a question for him (can’t for the life of me remember what it was) so I sort of listened in on their conversation and looked through the photographs of him and Jeri Ryan spread out on the table.  He kept glancing at me.  I wasn’t in uniform; however, I was wearing my communicator and several Star Trek pins.

    Finally the uniformed fan stepped away and I turned to ask him my question.

    Borg Boy beat me to it.

    MI: “So, are you here with your boyfriend?”

    HNG: “Excuse me?”

    MI: “Girls like you only come with their boyfriends who are into this stuff.”

    HNG (looking incredulous): “No, I’m not here with a boyfriend.  I’m a Trekker.”

    MI (looking incredulous): “Are you serious?”

    HNG (getting pissed off): “Yes, I’m serious.”

    MI (looking stunned): “Huh.”

    Don’t let the hat fool you. He’s cute.

    I then proceeded to ask him my question and we spent about 5 minutes engaged (heeheehee) in a nerdy conversation regarding some aspect of playing a Borg on TV.  I asked if I could get a picture taken with him and he said yes so I ran back up to where my friend was waiting and grabbed my camera and headed back down.  I popped in a Listerine Pocket Pak because, well, one always wants fresh breath when confronting the Borg.  Uniformed Fan was back so we had him take the picture.

    MI: “What’s that great smell?  Is that gum?”

    HNG: “No, it’s a Listerine Pocket Pak, want one?”

    MI: “Sure.”

    I then proceeded to explain to Borg Boy and UF the virtues of Pocket Paks for those who can’t chew gum due to TMJ…Paks must have been relatively new to the market or something because they listened with rapt interest and declared that I could be a spokesperson for them.


    The conversation turned to Borg Boy’s upbringing by hippie parents and how his parents still live here so he comes to visit a lot.  He asked if I wanted to hang out sometime when he was in town.  I said, sure, why not?  He asked me for my phone number. (UF is watching this with his head moving back and forth like it’s a tennis match).  I wrote down my number and gave it to him.  He put it in his wallet with a promise to call me and take me out to dinner.

    Whatever.  I’m not holding my breath, fresh as it may be.

    I walked away and UF followed me, rambling on about how cool it is that I got asked out by a Borg.  Yeah, it’s cool I guess.  I finally ditched UF and headed back to my friend/ESOBF.  I tell him the whole story and he can’t even believe it.  WTF?  Why is it so hard to believe?  YOU asked me out.  Geez.

    Anyways, it’s a good thing I’m somewhat cynical because I never did get a call from Borg Boy…

  • Malcolm Reynolds…shiny…

    If only it were real…. *sigh*

    Malcolm Reynolds…

    Even the name is sexy.

    I’m a Star Trek fan, I know a sexy Captain when I see one.  As much as I heart Jean-Luc and his perfect bald head, he’s not exactly a “bad boy” and y’all know we girls love us a bad boy.

    Mal is someone you can love and hate simultaneously.  Smoldering in one instant and frightening the next.  He’s unpredictable, he’s sweet, he’s handsome, he’s loyal, he’s tortured.  He’s intelligent but he talks like an idiot.  He was rocking the quirky half-smile long before Edward entered the nerd lexicon.  He can take care of and protect you.  He’ll take a beating for you.  He has an amazing sense of humor.  He is bilingual (yeah, yeah, I know everyone speaks Mandarin in Firefly, but whatever).  He’s the kind of guy you want to fix.  But then you don’t because he wouldn’t be so sexy if he wasn’t so complicated.  He’s not uppity like Simon, not stupid like Jayne, and not married like Wash (God rest his soul)

    In short, he can throw me up against the wall anytime.

    I suppose I’m a little biased when it comes to Firefly.  I love sci-fi and I love Westerns and Joss Whedon was kind enough to combine the two.  But mostly it’s because I had a totally awesome experience in 2004.  My Popi is a Foley Artist for a major motion picture company and his sound stage just happens to be next to the largest stage on the lot.  When I didn’t feel up to exploring, and got bored of watching them fake walk and jostle clothes, I would peak in to see what they were doing next door.

    Do you like’m bald or brunette?… I can’t decide…

    The Summer of 2004 was a turning point for me.  I had just graduated from college and was trying to figure out what to do with my life and how to go about doing it.  It was decided that I would begin apprenticing Foley under Popi (it didn’t stick and I left to explore other avenues).  Me, and the granddaughter of Mr. Foley himself, would hang out at different parts of the studio and watch people work.  One day we struck up a conversation with the construction foreman in the studio next door and he invited us to come in and see what they were building.

    It was Serenity.

    Almost fully completed, getting the final paint touch ups.

    I walked up and down the main corridor.  I hung out on the bridge and talked about the construction with the people working on it.  I sat in Wash’s pilot seat.  I could have died and gone to nerd heaven right then and there.

    I wish I had a picture of it to share with you guys but, alas, it didn’t occur to me to ask and I doubt they would have permitted it even if I had.  Movie studios tend to be mighty anal about that sort of thing.

    While standing on Serenity, I could totally picture Kaylee shouting from the engine room, Jayne cleaning off his weapons in the mess hall, and Mal walking towards me with that brooding look on his face.

    Inara can just gorram butt out, dong le ma?

    “Uhhhhhh hi Burt. Didn’t expect to see you here.”