By Hot Nerd Girl
Category: Uncategorized
WonderCon 2016 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Silicon Valley Comic Con 2016 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Long Beach Comic Expo 2016 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Cos-Losseum 2016 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Big Bay Balloon Parade 2015 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Comikaze 2015 Shenanigans
By Hot Nerd Girl
Why I’ve been MIA – be back soon!
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I haven’t been around much these past few months and I apologize for that. Some major life changes, upheavals, and the loss of a dear, dear friend have consumed my time, my thoughts, and my heart. I’ve tried hard to stay active on the social media accounts during this time of sadness and uncertainty and I assure you that I will be back on the blog soon providing my silly perspective on all things nerd. In the meantime, may the Force be with you, live long and prosper, and be kind to your fellow human beings.
Twitter: @hot_nerd_girl
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens teaser trailer
star wars vii the force awakens poster
The most highly anticipated trailer of the year is that of Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens:
We now know that the deep resonating voice narrating the trailer is that of Andy Serkis aka Gollum aka King Kong aka Caesar and the lightsaber sound effect at the end is that of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.
Naturally, this brought out some creative spoofs and homages such as this Lego one:
And this one poking fun at Director J.J. Abrams‘ love of lens flares (which, for the record, I’m kind of a fan of):
It was only a matter of time before someone got a tattoo…
Podthingy! Episodes 27-29
Podthingy is a side project that I’ve been working on with John Mulhall, author of Geddy’s Moon; Blayne Alexander, lead singer of Idiot Stare; and Hayden Lawrence, NerdBFF and Geek Outlaw. Basically, we sit around and drink and talk about awesome nerdy stuff. Here are episodes 27-29 (the end of the first season!). Click the title to listen and be sure to “like” us on facebook and please rate us on iTunes!
(Listen to Episodes 1-5 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 6-13 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 14-16 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 17-20 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 21-23 HERE)
(Listen to Episodes 24-26 HERE)
Episode 27: “And Then We’ll Be Dead”
In our Halloween episode we discuss the latest rumors surrounding the Bourne franchise, how Alec Guiness got shafted for millions of dollars by Star Wars, the pros and cons of Kevin Smith as a filmmaker, Kevin Smith’s idea for a Jaws reboot, Universal’s new horror movie universe, our favorite scary movies, and the return of the Lightning Round! DRINK OF THE WEEK: Italian Chainsaw Massacre Shot In a large cup, add 4 oz sprite splash of cranberry splash of sweet and sour drop in a shot of Amaretto and drink
Episode 28: “Fist Bump Over Boners”
In this episode we’re joined by special guest Aron Eisenberg (best known as Nog from Deep Space Nine). We discuss Interstellar and Birdman (with no spoilers), the new title of Star Wars: Episode 7, the leaked Star Wars concept art, the Six Billion Dollar Man reboot with Mark Wahlberg, Toy Story 4, the possibility of a new Pee-Wee movie, Twin Peaks on Showtime, the status of the X-Files franchise, the mysteries of Bai Ling, and Mace Windu’s purple lightsaber. Also Tracy fangirls out over our first Star Trek guest. DRINK OF THE WEEK – Fiery Pie 1 oz Fireball 1/2 oz Whipped Cream Vodka Drop into a base of Angry Orchard Apple Cider and shoot
Episode 29: “Go Out In Spectacular Fashion”
In this episode, it’s all about the Marvel and DC cinematic universes, as we talk about the movie lineups through 2020, and discuss which movies we’re most and least looking forward to. On the DC side, we explore the rumors surrounding the new Wonder Woman movie, why Shazam isn’t part of DC continuity, the possibility of Jared Leto playing The Joker in Suicide Squad, the pros and cons of individual versus team movies, and the prospect of a Green Lantern reboot. On the Marvel side, we talk about our most anticipated films from Marvel’s recently announced Phase 3, Black Panther playing a large part in movies to come, the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer, Robert Downey Jr. returning as Tony Stark in Civil War, and our choices for Captain Marvel, plus we debate the idea that long term announcements spoil the surprise of what’s to come. On the TV front, we discuss The Flash, Gotham, Constantine, Supergirl, Krypton, Peggy Carter, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and more. DRINK OF THE WEEK – Jager Bombs
Special guest Aron Eisenberg from “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”!
Like our intro and outro music? Want to hear more? Blayne’s band Idiot Stare is participating in a “pay what you want” promo. Download the album for free or for what you feel you should pay here: (FYI, the song used on Podthingy is “Future Popped”)
Looking for a new book to read? Enjoy horror? Check out John’s book Geddy’s Moon (I’ve read it and it’s amazing).