Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is one of my very favorite books. I love it so much that I read it twice in a row in two days. The movie….alas, notsomuch
I’ve always been a tomboy and I’ve always liked dressing up as the female version of male characters (e.g. Thor and Batgirl) so a while back I decided that I was going to dress up as Babe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter for Halloween. I was way overdue for an HNG photo shoot and after talking it over with a few friends and my fabulous photog buddy Jonny Ups over the biggest frappuccino I’d ever seen (next time I’m buying Jon) we agreed that it would be crazy fun to do a Babe Lincoln shoot. I’m very fortunate to have some hot, nerdy friends so I enlisted the help of my friend Meghan who agreed to be the sexy vampire Henrietta Sturges to my Babe Lincoln.
Yes, I know that I’ve got a fake axe and not a real one. Before you give me a hard time about it there are 3 reasons for this. 1) I couldn’t find a real one that had a wooden handle and not a plastic/rubber/epoxy one and none of my friends had any. 2) Real axes are heavy. Great and fine for chopping wood. Not so great for running and leaping while swinging them over your head. 3) (and most importantly) I was not about to swing a real axe at a good friend of mine. Sorry. Her safety is 10 million times more important to me than holding a real axe is. I’m a theatre person. Safety is paramount. Would I have liked a real one for the times when I’m just standing there? Yes. I refer you back to reason #1. If any of you photoshop pros want to take a stab at photoshopping a real axe in there, have at it!
Hope you enjoy the pictures and that you have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
What’s that? You want to win a signed copy of one of these pictures? Ok, fine. There’s a contest after the pics.
My name is Lincoln. Babe Lincoln.
I’m a Vampire Hunter.
This is my bff Henrietta Sturges. She’s a vampire.
Sometimes we get together for tea and training.
It turns out Henrietta doesn’t like tea.
But she does like training.
We practice a lot.
My frustration amuses Henrietta.
Until I get mad and chase after her with my axe.
Sometimes she gets the upper hand.
But I always fight back.
It’s all fun and games. Right, Henrietta?
Training is exhausting.
Afterwards we head back to my house.
To, you know, hang out and stuff.
I like to sit on my porch and admire the scenery.
What? You don’t like scenery?
Henrietta often joins me.
And we share a laugh or two.
She’s an awesome vampire bff.
When she’s not fucking with me.
Until next time, Babe Lincoln out.
A huge thanks to Jonny Ups for taking such smashing pictures again, to Meghan for being up for anything and making it the funnest HNG photo shoot yet, to Mama Jedi for assisting with everything from shoe changes to stovepipe hat holding to lighting gear stabilizing, and to Darcy for being my constant partner in crime.
Now for a little fun.
Leave a comment below and I’ll throw your name into my stovepipe hat for a chance to win one of five autographed 8″x10″ prints from this photo shoot. I’ll pull the names on Halloween night so make sure you leave a comment by then. This is my first ever contest/giveaway type-thing so here’s hoping I’m doing this right.