Tag: matt smith

  • HNG Podcast: Doctor Who Edition


    Its official, we have a 12th Doctor! Peter Capaldi will be taking over the reigns from Matt Smith this Christmas and, while I’ll be so sad to see Matt go, I’m unbelievably excited to see what Peter will bring to the fish finger and custard-laden table. Darcy and I ended up talking about the Doctor Who ‘verse almost exclusively during this week’s podcast and we had A LOT of fun doing it. We also went into Torchwood quite a bit and speculated over the identity of the mysterious black actor who was offered and turned down (?!?!!) the role before it was offered to Peter Capaldi.


    And don’t forget to pre-order a copy of Forging Freedom, the anthology I contributed a sci-fi story to. The Anthology is being released in September and I’m taking pre-orders for anyone who is interested in getting it for the special pre-sale price of $15 which includes shipping. I’ll only be taking pre-orders until August 17th. I’ll get the copies by September 13th and I’ll ship it to you immediately following (I’ll also sign it unless you specify not to). In late September the book will be available on Amazon and in stores.

  • San Diego Comic Con, Part 1 – The Panels

    Hot Nerd Girl and Geek Outlaw at it again

    I promised detailed blogs about Comic Con and by golly, I aim to keep that promise. There’s just one problem. There’s waaaay too much for just one post. I tried. I’ve gone through approx. 1000 pictures (no joke) and narrowed them down to the best of the best and even then I was left with so many that I had to break it up.  So I’m splitting SDCC into 3 (or 4) blogs.  The first of which is the panels.

    FRIDAY (Community, Legend of Korra, Firefly):

    I’ve been to many conventions but this was my first time at the mothership aka Comic Con and boy, did I learn a lot about what to do/not to do (but that’s a whole ‘nuther post). I thought that because I live in San Diego County I could sleep at home and drive to SDCC each day.


    I’m ridiculous.

    Parking is a bitch so what you end up having to do is drive to a trolley station and take the trolley the rest of the way. They helpfully provide CC-specific trolleys to make it easy for you. One problem, the first one gets you to the Convention Center just after 7:00am. Waaaay too late if you want to get in line for one of the big panels *cough cough Firefly cough cough*

    Daniel to the rescue!

    Lucky for me and Geek Outlaw, our mutual fan (and now fave friend) Daniel, had planned to camp out and saved a spot for us in the Ballroom 20 line. I felt guilty about cutting in line for exactly 3 minutes at which point I saw everyone else doing the exact same thing and got over it.

    I’m not gonna lie, I was there for Firefly and Firefly alone. But you have to sit on all of the panels before Firefly in order to have a seat for Firefly (they seriously need to figure out a better system) so I ended up sitting through the panels fro Community and Legend of Korra as well.

    I wasn’t the only one.

    The first panel of the day was Community. I find Community highly entertaining so I was more than happy to sit in on their panel. They did not disappoint. The cast and crew were hilarious and the film clips they put together for Comic Con were chock full of funny shenanigans. Chevy Chase and Donald Glover were noticeably absent. Which is too bad because LeVar Burton was there and they could have had an epic Troy/LeVar moment.

    Cast and Crew of Community

    The second panel of the day was Legend of Korra (I’d like to know who they had to bang to get the lucky spot between Community and Firefly). This panel was like Chinese water torture for my sister-in-law. She looked like she was either going to explode or throw up. Maybe both. Simultaneously. I had an advantage because I’ve seen a bit of Avatar: The Last Airbender. So I actually enjoyed the panel. It was notable in that I recognized two of the voice actors. Bud (David Faustino) from Married with Children and Janet Varney from The Selling (which I reviewed a while back because it’s directed/produced/starring our mutual friends from SFSU). It was also fun because they recorded the audience doing crowd voice work for a future episode. I’ll admit, it got me intrigued about checking out an episode or two of the cartoon. For those who are Korra fans, they did a preview of an upcoming episode by reading the script live while showing concept sketches of the episode. They also showed off future costume and character designs.

    The cast and crew of The Legend of Korra Hey! It’s the chick from Falling Skies!

    Then came the panel we were there for, the 10 year Firefly reunion. It was epic. Truly epic. I felt like I was a part of history. The sheer volume of love being poured forth was incredibly intense. The actors and Joss all cried at some point. Most of the audience cried at some point. My mom cried through 90% of it. It was magical. I took video of parts of it but then I found this full length video and thought you would appreciate it more.


    Nathan Fillion was so overwhelmed that he totally missed a question that was directed at him and his costars had to answer for him.  They all said that Firefly was the best job they’d ever had. At one point they all blamed Summer Glau for something (which you’ll find hilarious if you’ve watched the extras on the DVD) and the look on her face was priceless. Gina Torres, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin, and Ron Glass were missing and their absence was felt deeply by everyone in the room. The most touching moment in an hour chock full of touching moments was when the last question was asked of Joss Whedon –  “what do the fans mean to you?”


    It was the most beautiful “thank you” I’ve ever witnessed and I feel truly honored to have been there for it.

    Tid bit excited!

    SATURDAY (Spotlight on J. Michael Straczynski, Roddenberry Presents):

    Saturday was the day I cosplayed as Thor. Which was awesome but awful at the same time. It was my first time cosplaying at a convention and I underestimated the amount of time it would take to get ready. As a result I got to Comic Con about…ohhhhh….5 hours later than I’d intended and missed a bunch of the morning panels I’d wanted to check out. I’m a little jealous that Geek Outlaw got to sit it on the Powerful Women, Simpsons, Futurama, Once Upon a Time, and Peter Cullen panels but meh, what are you gonna do?

    (Be sure to check out Geek Outlaw’s blog if you want to get the dish on those panels I just mentioned!)

    No matter, I had something uber awesome to look forward to. I was scheduled to interview Rod Roddenberry after his 3:00pm panel.

    As a result I caught the Joe Straczynski panel right beforehand. The best part of that panel? One guy complained that a Joe comic had kept him up on a school night so Joe reached into his wallet and gave the guy a $20 refund.  It was quite hilarious.

    The Roddenberry panel was a whole ‘nuther level of awesomesauce but I’m saving all of the Roddenberry stuff for its own post later this week. So stay tuned for that!

    SUNDAY (Fringe, Supernatural, Doctor Who):

    I was supposed to cosplay on Sunday as well but my experience on Saturday convinced me that it was a terrible idea so I reverted back to an HNG t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Comfort and timeliness will always, always win out for me. I am nothing if not practical.

    Morgan to the rescue!

    The one panel that I was determined to see was Doctor Who. I lurv me some Doctor. Again, thanks to the trolley schedule, we were pretty much screwed but miraculously, another HNG/GO fan came to our rescue. Morgan camped out and let us join him in line for Hall H. Seriously. Best. Fans. Ever. I’ve promised myself that I will plan this better and do my own camping out next year.

    Immediately upon walking into Hall H we were handed Fringe fedoras a la The Observers  (fun fact, while I was in New York I saw Evita on Broadway starring Michael Cerveris as Peron and he was AH-mazing)

    Fringe was the first panel of the day and after mentioning their brushes with cancellation, there was a very lovely moment when at least half the audience held up pictures of white tulips. I’ll admit that I got a little verklempt.

    Despite the best efforts of the audience (and some teasing from Joshua Jackson), the Fringe cast and crew revealed no secrets about the upcoming final season.

    It was kind of a kick to see the actors smile and laugh. There was one especially funny moment when Anna Torv said she “was coming…” and then paused in her sentence. The audience started laughing.

    Then Joshua Jackson got it and started laughing.

    Then the rest of the cast got it and started laughing.

    Then Anna got it and was completely mortified.

    It then became a running joke throughout the rest of the panel. I feel for you Anna, that is totally something that would happen to me. The mood quickly shifted when the cast were asked what their favorite scene was that they were not in. Cue the waterworks! Anna Torv,  Jasika Nicole, and Lance Reddick all teared up when describing memorable and beautiful scenes from the show.

    And then shifted back again just as quickly when the best audience questioners ever took the floor. I can’t even remember what their question was, I was too busy laughing at their deadpan Observer impression. Seriously, they never broke character once and the girl in the back right had the most amazingly creepy buggy-eyed thing going on..

    It was an all around awesome panel and made me want to run home and catch up on my Fringe episodes on Netflix.

    Next up was Supernatural, a show I’ve never had time to get into. Seriously, I wish that I didn’t have to sleep, I would be more than happy to fill 100% of my time watching every awesomely nerdy show there is. I have some friends that are obsessed with this show and have been trying to get me to watch it for years. They were very jealous that I got to see this panel. The running joke here was that “anything is possible” was used to answer at least half of the questions they were asked.

    I may not know much about the show but I do know about Mark Sheppard and I was SUPER excited to see him. I’m pretty sure that he’s contractually obligated to only appear in TV shows/movies that are nerd-worthy.

    I never really thought that Jared Padalecki was that cute but I must admit, he’s pretty damn good-looking in real life. He and Jensen Ackles win major brownie points for their gag reel antics.

    Then came the panel that I was really there for, Doctor Who. Or should I say “Doctor WHOOO???” Seeing these people in real life is kind of a surreal experience. I usually only get star struck by Star Trek actors but I was totally star struck by these guys. I literally sat on the edge on my seat the entire time. And that’s only partly because the girl in front of me was so tall she most likely plays in the WNBA.

    First of all, let me just say how incredibly gorgeous Karen Gillan is. Seriously. I didn’t think she could get any prettier than she is on TV but she can! I’ve seen it with my own two eyes! Just stunning.

    The moderator of the panel was one of my nerd crushes, Chris Hardwick (not Wil Wheaton as some mistakenly believed) and he was nerding out just as much as the rest of us. He even brought his sonic screwdriver.  There was a bit of good-natured ribbing between him and Matt Smith. Apparently they ran into each other the night before at a party and this happened:

    Oops! Chris blamed it on his pointy face.

    The best audience question came from a little girl dressed up as a Dalek. She wanted to know what button, screen or object on the TARDIS was their favorite. The cast took this question very seriously and even admitted to stealing a few of their favorites (a pair of binoculars for Karen). Matt’s favorite is the main lever he yanks all the time. The little girl walked away but Matt Smith called her back and asked her if she had a favorite button, screen or object on the TARDIS. She looked at him very pointedly, said “NO” and walked away again. The whole room was laughing so hard I think we all peed ourselves a little.

    They were also asked what they find annoying about each other. Matt said that Karen picks her lip, Karen said that Matt shakes his head and they both agreed that Arthur Darvill goes into “dad mode.”

    Having seen the Firefly and Doctor Who panels, I can now die a happy nerd.

    Stay tuned for more posts about Comic Con 2012 including the Roddenberry interview I mentioned and all of the awesome costumes!

  • Hello Sweetie! 25 Take Aways from Doctor Who

    A girl can dream…

    If you follow the facebook page then you know that I’ve been more than a little obsessed with Doctor Who lately.  I tend to do that.  Get obsessed with something and then turn around and get obsessed with something else.  Thankfully I have AMAZING taste in obsessions.

    Two months ago I was a Doctor Who virgin.  Sad, I know.  I wish I had the time to invest in all of the amazing science fiction and fantasy shows that are out there, but I don’t.  I have my shows that I follow religiously and for the rest I embark on epic television show marathons.  It actually works out pretty well for me.  Everything stays nice and fresh in my multiple-franchise-fact-packed little brain and I don’t have to wait a whole agonizing week for the next episode to come out.  It’s a pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself. 

    And I do.

    Anyhooters.  I got through Seasons 1-5 (aka Doctor’s 9, 10, and the first of Doctor 11) ridiculously fast.  Seriously…that whole unpacking and organizing my new house thing took a major productivity dive.  Then something horrific happened.  Netflix wouldn’t give me any more episodes. I wasn’t (and still am not – stupid broken computer 🙁 ) set up to BitTorrent them and I was really hoping to not have to buy them on Amazon Instant Video (just bought a house, remember?)  I went through Doctor withdrawals.  It was pathetic.  But I started organizing my house again which I GUESS was a good thing.  Pssh.

    Then the season finale came and BBCA did a whole marathon of season 6.  Thanks GODS!  Then I had to go out of town.  Gah!  How did I ever live without a DVR?  I have no idea.  Since I got back I’ve been watching episodes between cleaning, organizing, wedding attending, yadda yadda yadda and I am FINALLY all caught up.  Phew!

    I can officially proclaim myself a Whovian!

    So here are my thoughts on the Doctor, his companions, his enemies and all the rest. Watch out, because as River Song would say…SPOILERS!

    1. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I will spend an entire day talking like a Dalek?

    2. I brought this up on the facebook page but it warrants repeating:

    Does anyone else think it’s weird that the daughter of the guy who played the 5th Doctor went on to play the daughter of the 10th Doctor and gave birth to the daughter of the guy who played the 10th Doctor?

    3. Dear Doc #9…you’re cool in a goofy “wait, aren’t you supposed to be a villain?” kind of way.  Your smile could light up the room and was really adorable.  I feel for you because you got all of the cheesy special effects and that really sucked for you.  Plus, you only got one season which was sad but kind of awesome because it made way for Doc #10.  I feel bad for admitting that but it’s true.  Still, you’re the one who dragged me in and solidified my Doctor Who addiction and for that, I will always be in your debt.

    4. Wait, did I hear it right that the Doctor killed his entire race in order to defeat the Daleks??  That’s some fucked up shit right there.

    5. OMFG enough with the creepy dolls.  What is it with creepy dolls??? Ugh, I hate creepy dolls.

    6. I’m not gonna lie, when we first met Donna I wasn’t a huge fan. 

    Donna with Doctor #10

    When they ditched her in favor of Martha I thought, yup, right decision!  Then they ditched Martha and brought back Donna and I thought, wtf? didn’t we establish that Donna was annoying??  Then I started to crazy love Donna and I was hoping she’d stick around for a while.  When her storyline ended I cried.  Not just because it had ended but because of the way it ended and how they made her go back to being annoying Donna.  She had the worst fate of all the Companions and my heart still breaks for her.  

    7. Speaking of Martha…

    Martha with Doctor #10

    I love how the Producers had such a hard on for Freema Agyeman that they cast her as Martha RIGHT AFTER casting her as Adeola, the Torchwood minion who got all Cyberman’d in “Army of Ghosts.”  Did they think we wouldn’t notice that it was the same chick?  Not hardly.  I can see why they did it though.  Martha was fantastic.  I felt bad for her that she was the rebound chick but that’s the price you pay for being a Companion, you’re going to get hurt somehow.  At least she went all girl power and took off on her own and became a badass soldier.  Now she’s a lawyer on Law and Order UK with Lee Adama.  Girl gets around.

    8. Badger’s back!!  I heart you so much Mark Sheppard.  I mean, is there a sci-fi show that you won’t do??  Please say no.

    Frakking badass

    9. Aside from being a better title than “The Doctor” I never really got why the show was called “Doctor Who.”  I mean, sure, people ask “doctor who?” every once in a while, but not really enough to make it the title of the show.  Now, thanks to a fat blue man with no body, I expect to find out the answer to that question and holy fucking crap I can’t wait!

    10. Dear Doc #10…I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.  You had the best hair, the best clothes (sorry, Doc #11, but bow ties aren’t that cool), the best facial expressions.  You speak volumes with nothing but a raised eyebrow.  The whole daughter paradox thing creeps me out a little but I could get past that.  I get it Rose, I totally get it.  I would hit that too.

    11. The thought of fish fingers and custard makes me want to barf.  But that scene was fucking brilliant.

    12. I’m confused….is Rory still plastic?  Or did he get converted back to being human somewhere along the way and I just missed it?

    13. I will never look at angel statues the same way again.  Ever.


    Ok, fine. You can blink one eye at a time. Smart ass.

    14. STFU!  Jack is the Face of Boe?!?

    15. “Vincent and the Doctor” is one of the greatest episodes of television I have ever seen. Not so much because of the giant invisible chicken, but because of the last 10 minutes. I don’t think it’s possible to watch it without shedding a few tears.  Tragically beautiful.

    16. Will someone please sell me some hallucinogenic lipstick already?! 

    17. Rose is probably my favorite Companion. 

    Rose with Doctor #9 (I had to get him in here somehow)

    She’s adorable in her bucked-tooth, cockney accented way but mostly I think it’s because of her chemistry with Doctor #10.  I cried the ugly cry when he had to leave her in the alternate dimension.  Sorry, Mickey, but you simply can’t replace the Doctor. When she started popping up in the background of season 4 I think I screamed a few times.  I miss that combo.

    18. Amy is a very close second. 

    Amy with Doctor #11

    I like her spunky Scottish redhead attitude and her relationship with Rory is adorable.  I was ridiculously happy when Amy chose Rory over the Doctor after that weird sort-of-but-sort-of-not love triangle thing they had going on there.  If they had kept going in that direction it would have been seriously awkward when River started coming around more often.  Rory should wear that Last Centurian costume, like, all the time.  So cute.

    19. Is it just me or is everyone reminded of The Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer when they look at The Silents (aka The Silence)? 

    I swear, this is one of those situations where the DW writers know what the fuck is really going on and the rest of us are all oblivious.  Seriously, how many of these fuckers have I killed in my life and I can’t even remember doing it??

    20. Ok really? Giant green alien babies? Sorry Raxacoricofallapatorian’s, but you’re just not that scary.  Although, I suppose you’re better than the Adipose….

    21. Dear Doc #11…you’re cuter than #9 but not as cute as #10.  But I dig your fluttering randomness…I keep debating with myself whether or not you’ve got multiple personality disorder.  I’m still undecided.  I like that you’re angier than your predecessors.  You’ve got that whole “brooding tortured old soul” thing going on inside mixed with that “big goofy man-boy” exterior.  It’s a good time for all.  Ditch the Stetson but keep the Fez.  Fez’s are cool.  It’s weird how it looks so good on you. I wasn’t sure how you were going to get out of that whole death thing but I’m glad you did.  And well done on the wife front.  You’ve got good taste in women.

    22. Emperor Palpatine + Nazgul = Headless Monks.  Am I right??

    23. I’m conflicted.  Now I don’t know if I’d rather have a Starship or a TARDIS.  I used to be so sure that I wanted a Starship but a TARDIS isn’t restricted by the speed of light or timelines or the need for warp coils. *sigh*  I’m sorry Gene Roddenberry, but I think I need to go with the TARDIS.  Now excuse me while I go hang my Trekkie head in shame.

    Can't I just have both?

    24. The two-episode story arc where all of the former companions come together to help defeat the Daleks (“The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End”) is probably my favorite part of the whole series.  I love seeing the forces of good coming together to defeat evil and I was so happy to see Rose get her happy ending, even if it meant that Donna lost hers.  The part at the end when the Doctor tells Donna’s family that she was the most important person in the whole universe and that generations of alien worlds will tell stories about her was so poignant.  All of her dreams came true and she can never know about it.  Ugh.  Gutwrenching.  And the look on the Doctor’s face when he gave Rose to his weird hand clone, knowing that he would never see her again but that she could be finally have peace with part of him.  Ugh.  Gutwrenching.  The science fiction aspect is great but what separates Doctor Who from the rest of the sci-fi pack is the emotional wallop it deals you on a regular basis.  I lost count of how many times this show has broken my heart.

    25. And last but not least, my hero, the one and only River Song.  How does one go about explaining all the of epic awesomeness that is the Doctor’s wife/murderer?  Although…technically I guess she didn’t actually murder him…but you know what I mean.  The woman gave up any possibility of ever regenerating again in order to save the Doctor after the first time she tried to kill him (again with the fabulous lipsticks!!)  And she made the ultimate sacrifice to keep him alive from the Shadows.  It’s not just her loyalty that makes her so endearing.  It’s her spunk.  And maybe her hair.  The Doctor solves problems without violence whenever possible but he has no problem with letting River shoot people.  Honestly, would he be able to talk her out of it?  Probably not.  God I love a woman with a gun.  She’s just as clever, if not more so, than the Doctor.  The only woman in the universe that can match him.  The fact that their timelines are reversed just adds to the tragic beauty of their romance.  They can never truly be together.  All they have are stolen moments in time in which they never know how well they’ll know each other.  It’s practically Shakesperean!

    Goodbye Sweetie